Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 38 Trials Of Merlin Part Ix

38 Trials Of Merlin Part Ix

Crystal looked over several of the reading materials and said, "That's a lot of old languages."

MJ laughed and sat down next to the books and picked one up before saying, "Yeah this is my homework. Strange said something about learning multiple languages being important because many spells use them, and it helps expand the mind."

"So magic huh, I thought it was mostly a myth, and if it weren't for Atlantis's recent incursions than I still would have doubted." Crystal replied.

"Strange is my teacher right now, and I'm still learning, but he explained that every power, spell, in this universe all comes from various planes of existence. So if I want to use fire, I would have to connect to the plane of fire and use spellcraft like phrases, or hand motions to focus channeling its power."

"But I can't use magic, yet can still control the 4 cla.s.sical elements," Crystal replied.

"Actually Peter had a good theory, he speculated that the X gene, or any powers that manifest without the aid of magic, is because that their bodies are operating on the same wavelength as these other realms, the genetics are simply a doorway that can't be closed."

"So Mutants, Inhumans, Aliens, they all draw power from these realms because their bodies are aligned or have a subconscious access to these planes of energy?" Crystal placed her hand on her chin as she continued, "If we have full access to these places then why do we tire when we overuse it?"

"Everything has a cost, I'm not saying that this rule holds true for every power user, remember that door metaphor I said was always open, well some are born with the door cracked open, and other's completely open. I think there is a certain level of strain on the physical body when they draw power from it, there's some evidence there to support it too because the output and control of their powers mature alongside their bodies growth." MJ continued to explain. "For instance, your powers are a lot stronger than they were when you were a child correct?"

"That does make some sense." Crystal stood up and said, "So your teacher will be done tomorrow."

MJ smiled as she pulled out her cell phone, "When you come to NY you can stay with me, but for now."

MJ took a picture with Crystal and handed her the phone, "When you get there, use this to call me and I'll come to pick you up."

Crystal smiled and held the picture close to her chest and said, "I really can't wait."

The two stayed and chatted late into the night; when Crystal finally went to bed MJ did so as well. The next morning they woke up to the room shaking. MJ rushed out to see the commotion and saw a giant red transparent barrier surrounding the Inhuman city, powerful ancient runes were ingrained on the surface of the barrier with lines forming into an ornate pattern.

A geyser of water was a.s.saulting the Barrier, and behind it was Kamar and a group of Mermutants surrounding him, the Atlantean squadron was made up of light blue-skinned humanoid beings with gills on their throat.

Most of the Inhuman's gathered around to wonder at the magical barrier Strange had set up, MJ watched as all the foolish prince's attacks were deflected off of the Barrier when Strange walked up beside her and shouted, "Cease your a.s.sault Atlanteans!"

The Barrier reacted to his words a red bands shot out and coiled them all up, he flew up and exited the Barrier and MJ followed behind, Crystal seeing them flying up also joined them, "I know you come from Atlantis, and I also know Namor isn't foolish enough to wage war on the Inhumans. Go back."

"Filthy land dweller, you have no right to order us around, you inferior beings only need to listen and follow our orders!" Kamar shouted when a voice yelled out "Enough!" from a portal torn in the air, revealing a handsome man with short black hair and scaled enchanted armor, he carried a Trident that was radiating a powerful magical energy the likes MJ had only seen in Thor's hands.

"Namor, it is a shame we had to meet like this, but as you can see whatever plans you had for Attilan, will no longer be an issue for them," Strange explained.

Namor frowned at the Strange and then turned to his son, "You had one job, create an alliance through marriage yet you even messed this up?"

Kamar looked at his father in fear and said, "But father, they won't listen to reason!"

Namor slapped his son and shouted, "Silence!" He looked to Strange and said, "I'm surprised that a human is now the Sorcerer Supreme, but that doesn't give you the right to interfere in our business."

Strange shook his head as he explained, "You son was treating war against the Inhumans, and the Sorcerer Supreme of old made a pact to a.s.sist the Inhumans should they require help, I was perfectly within my right to help them, however, you and most of the remaining Pure Atlanteans have woken up after a long slumber and are unaware how much of the world has changed. Atlantis isn't the only magic society these days, after all, the Ancient One has built much since you've been imprisoned."

Namor frowned, "That old fogey is still living?" He thought of the Ancient One's prowess and gulped, Namor had been around a lot longer than his own Atlantis, and that the Ancient One was far stronger than his disciples even the Sorcerer Supreme might not be as powerful as her.

"Your threats will only last for so long, soon Neptune will return and then we shall see who has made the mistake. The Ancient One may be strong, but I doubt she will be able to handle our G.o.d."

MJ frowned and said, "You know you're not the only one with a G.o.d for a friend? We have a Thor." MJ then saw Namor give her a disgusted look, "Filthy land dweller, who gave you permission to speak?"

MJ was about to snap, when Crystal said, "Enough Namor, you will not interfere with the Inhumans, and if you dare call my friend a filthy one more time, I shall make sure you live to regret it."

MJ smiled and thanked her, when Namor grunted, "I shall call this land dweller whatever I wish."

Namor pointed his trident at MJ and said, "If this human dares open her mouth again I shall dispose of her myself."

MJ couldn't take it anymore and shot her webbing over Namor's mouth, "I don't know why you hate humans so much, but that doesn't give you the right to act as you own us. In fact, I think you should learn that we humans are capable of so you don't get any funny ideas."

Namor was surprised at the strength of her webbing and used his magic to remove it, "You!"

"Yes? I what? Defended my people's honor, I had a million fish jokes in my mind, but to show some respect to your people, I held back. Now listen here you water breather, I don't know how your parents raised you, but everyone on this world regardless of where they were born, or what their genetics they have, deserves to be treated with even the most basic courtesy."

"I am Namor, King of Atlantis, you land dwellers deserve no respect, you pollute the oceans and the air, and think nothing of it!" Namor shouted.

"There are 6.7 Billion humans on the earth, and I guarantee that less than a percent of these people are the ones doing that, while countless people are trying to fix this problem. Can you keep track of and maintain a population of 6.7 Billion citizens!? And we're not even united, some people, entire countries just don't give a d.a.m.n, but you overlook the innocents and people trying to do better then what are you? Complaining and doing your part to make it better, we have a word for people like you back in New York, we call them lazy."

Namor chanted some ancient Roman words as lightning appeared around his trident, Stranged moved in front of MJ and said, "Using an Artifact of that level on a child who hasn't even started her training. Have you gone mad Namor."

MJ pushed Doctor Strange aside and said, "I don't need you to protect me, his trident is on the same level as Thor's hammer right?"

Strange sighed, "Yes, more or less. Beware it is made of Orichalc.u.m, an almost perfect magic conductor, and is a gift handed down by Neptune himself."

"Spider-Woman, you can't! Wait for me to bring Sister!" Crystal shouted when she heard Medusa say, "Not necessary sister, Black Bolt and I have already arrived."

Namor looked to Black Bolt and said, "King Boltagon, it is an honor to meet you, I had hoped to meet under better circ.u.mstances but not everything goes according to plans." Namor shot his son a disappointed look. "I hope you won't interfere with my match with this human!"

Medusa smiled and said, "This human is a guest of our Attilan,..."

MJ smiled as she placed her hands out in front of Medusa before saying, "Thank you, your majesty, but this guy needs to learn a lesson." MJ cracked her knuckles, and looked back to Namor and said, "You want a fight huh? Okay, but this is just between you and me right? Not Human v.s Atlantean, but just 2 people who have a disagreement."

Namor clenched his fist around his trident and grunted, "Fine!"

Namor swung his staff at MJ, she dodged it and webbed up his legs and swung him further away from the Barrier, the Mermutant's shouted, "My King!"

Namor stared back in shock at MJ's strength, and shouted at his men, "Do not interfere!" Namor pointed his Trident at MJ and a gush of water shot back at MJ at incredible speeds, fast enough to cut through steel, MJ spidey sense went off like car alarm as she dodged pa.s.s it and closed the distance, she punched Namor in the gut and sent him flying back again.

Before he could get very far she pulled him back with her webbing and punched him in the face, making him flip around, Namor gitted his teeth as MJ was surrounded by a water bubble, MJ then used her suit to make a sound repulsing device and created blasted his bubble apart with a sonic blast.

Namor's eye went wide as a blaster formed around her and shot a blast of electric energy at him that looked like a lightning bolt, Namor shot back his own lightning in response absorbing MJ's bolt and switching directions.

MJ raised her hand and thought, "If Peter was right, then regular electricity wouldn't work, the only reason he was able to improve his Spider Gene, was because of the Divine attribute of Thor's lightning, if Neptune's power of Storms is what allows the Trident to conduct electricity, then maybe it has the same property. Please let Peter be right."

After activating her Electrokinesis, she absorbed the bolt of energy and felt her body scream out in pain, "Fight through it MJ!" She thought as she started channeling her Chi to convert it and direct it to her cells. MJ's body glowed as she felt her strength surging, the gene she gained from Rhino's strength grew as well, along with electro's serum as well, she felt that she could go full on lightning form now as she pointed her hand at Namor and shot a blazing blue bolt of plasma Namor sending him flying into the ground.

"Holy c.r.a.p!" MJ said as she looked at the white-blue lightning-form her Symbiote took on."Peter was right, Chi really can improve someone's genetics. But the source has to be from a unique form of energy."

Namor shouted in rage as he flew back up with his Trident in hand. "Human!" Namor summoned a giant swirling vortex of water and lightning and then started chanting, just as he was about to complete the spell MJ webbed out with her suits webbing and covered his mouth, he felt that his control over magic begins to wain, shattering the spell.

"So you still want to continue?" MJ rose her hand and formed a series of automated cannons. "Have to wrap this up quick!" She could feel her temperature starting to rise, and knew if her current condition was anything like Peter then she wouldn't have long till she lost consciousness.


A/N: I also changed a lot about the Atlanteans, for one the entire family line isn't dead, and Namor other surviving pure Atlanteans, are no longer the first Mutants, because let's face it, there are too many first mutants in Marvel, now they are DemiG.o.ds children of Neptune. I used Roman G.o.d's to represent their pantheon, Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Neptune, Venus, Mars, Sol, Diana, Vulcan, Vesta, Mercury, Ceres, although Marvel used Greek G.o.ds, they didn't touch the Roman G.o.ds, because they probably thought it was the same thing. This mistake is made a lot, if you look up the Wiki you can see how different they really are.

Here's a big one, you know Cronus, Zeus's daddy, he is depicted as one mean muthfu*ker doing stuff like castrating his own father and eating his children. However, Saturn, his Roman counterpart, was a G.o.d of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal, liberation, and time. He was seen as a peaceful and caring G.o.d. Big difference right, enough to become a new panton for Marvel. Could you imagine Marvel presents new Pantheon? You could even give them a bad history with Greek Pantheon so the story has some tension!

Another change is that the Atlanteans were in hiding until recent events, they specialize in being a mostly magic focused society, as for some reason something Marvel never really dove into or explored. I figured I'd make a new place for them called Olympi the ancient word for Olympus, or have it as the Greek Pantheon stole their home while they were out working in the cosmos.