Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 36 Trials Of Merlin Part Vii

36 Trials Of Merlin Part Vii

"Omg! You're jelly!" Peter said laughing.

"Am not!" MJ replied.

"You can't lie to me when we connect like this, I can feel your emotions, and now you're angry." Of course, the connection worked both ways, MJ could feel how happy he was.

"And now your really angry, I can only say one thing in response to save my Spidey Bacon. MJ I love you, and only you." Peter smiled as he felt her embarra.s.sment and love, "That's better! Ah, and now your angry and happy." Peter laughed.

"Um...Spider-Man, you're doing it again." Gwen was waving her hand in front of his face when Spider-Man said, "Sorry, I'm communicating with my Girl Friend right now."

Gwen didn't know why but hearing that hurt a little, she slapped her cheeks and thought, "What's wrong with me, I know he has a girlfriend. Get it together girl." She looked to Spider-Man and said, "So what are you reading?"

"How to learn ancient Summarian, and that one is Coptic, Akkadian, Biblical Hebrew, and this one is the beginners to magic theory," Peter said as he felt like his brains were scrambling when Gwen said, "You can't possibly be studying those, they're all dead languages."

Wong came by and spoke out in Sanskrit, as per his training, while he studied he would only speak in the languages he was learning, "How is your Latin coming."

"vescor me vos calvitium callidus idolon,(eat me, you bald sneaky spook.)" Peter said out loud.

"You're not very funny, but at least you learn well," Wong said in ancient Chinese.

"Ah! That's not fair, I haven't finished the BShu Chinese scroll yet." Peter shouted in Gaulish an ancient Celtic tongue.

Gwen was speechless and thought, "My G.o.d do they even understand each other. It sounds like gibberish to me." Gwen walked over to the book and saw the key for the dead language and started seeing the English translation provided.

"This is all made up right!?" Gwen asked.

Wong and Peter looked at her while raising a single eyebrow. Peter smiled before saying, "Spiderette, you're wearing an alien symbiote that has a copy of my spider powers from an alternate reality, and you think having a lexicon to dead languages is strange."

"You got a point," Gwen said as she started reading one of the books. Peter looked at her and said, "You're wearing an alien symbiote that has a copy of my spider powers from an alternate reality...Wong can you track recent breaches into our universe."

Wong gave him a confident look, "Good, what do you say to a good old-fas.h.i.+oned team up?" Spider-Man stood up and started walking towards the door, Gwen was starting to follow after when Peter turned back and said, "No, you stay here, it's too dangerous for you right now."

"I think I can take care of my self right now," Gwen said smiling, "I wasn't talking about you being in danger, I was talking about you putting people in danger." Peter wanted to add you could just give up the Symbiote and go back to a normal life, but he was afraid of the Symbiote freaking out again.

Gwen shoulders hunched over and she sighed before they left Wong said, "Don't touch anything, don't go anywhere."

As the door closed Gwen went back to where the books were and sat down, she crossed her arms grunted like a grumpy kid, while she was frustrated a voice crept into her head, "Why do you go against your nature?"

Gwen looked around with a frightened expression, "Who's there?"

The Symbiote's head appeared out of the suit, and looked at Gwen with a curious expression, "You want to go, so why don't you?" Gwen was freaking out, she took a breath and stopped thinking back to Spider-Man's explanation, "It's a baby, just explain it," Gwen thought before saying, "Sometimes following your desire isn't the right thing to do, what if I hurt someone, or what if I get hurt because of my incompetence and inexperience"

The Symbiote looked to her and said, "But I can protect you, and make you strong!"

"I happy to hear that, but as I said, I need you to grow and better understand Humans, how we act, what emotions we have, what's good and bad. We'll take things slow okay."

The Symbiote retreated into the suit mulling over what she said, as she picked up a book on Latin to pa.s.s the time, Peter and Wong were standing on top of the Brooklyn Bridge, Wong's hands were glowing as he stared through the transparent substance he frowned, "Two beings came through this portal, one a man, the other a Symbiote." Peter took a sample of blood and ran a scan on it, "The D.N.A is from Peter Parker." Webster said making Peter grabbed his forehead.

He looked around for a trail of the Symbiote but found nothing, "d.a.m.n it, if I just had a piece of the Symbiote I could track it. The blood trail ran dry too." Wong patted his shoulder, "Back to reading then." and with that said Wong teleported back to the Sanctum without Peter. As he was webbing back, he heard an explosion near the Baxter building's direction. Peter sighed, "Please don't let it be bugs again."

After flying over he said, "Oh, it much, much worse." A green-robed man in full body armor was a.s.saulting the Fantastic four in front of their building. Peter jumped down and shouted, "Call Furry."

Webster began calling as Peter called out to Strange, "Hey the middle ages called, they want back look!" Peter slammed into Doom's back sending him flying away, he stopped mid-air and said, "Whom dares!?"

Peter then said, "Webster record everything." He stared at Doom when Doom threw a few chunks of debris at him, Peter dodged them and was about to say something quippy when Fury answered, "What's up kid?"

"If it isn't my favorite Furry, Fury," Spider-Man said laughing.

"I'm hanging up!" Fury said when Peter responded, "Doom is sitting outside the Baxter Building causing havoc, him being from Latveria and all, I was wondering if it was okay to punch him a little."

"Is he on Latveria soil?" Fury asked.

Peter jumped off a large chunk of asphalt and webbed out catching them and throwing them back at Doom while saying, "Unless you count the soil he's throwing at me, then no."

"Then get me evidence of him attacking Americans on American Soil and then I'll send in back up." Fury responded.

"Victor Von Doom, cease all your actions at once, this is American Soil, not your Latveria's Emba.s.sy! What you're doing is an act of declaring War." Spider-Man shouted at the top of his lungs.

Doom paused as Reed and Johnny appeared beside him, "Yo! Webhead what's up?!" Johnny said putting his arm around Peter's neck.

Peter cracked back, "The same as usual, Matchstick! Fighting crime, searching for an alien life form, and apparently opposing one of the world's most dangerous supervillains, just your average day in the life of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. How about you Reed."

"You know me, just trying to be Mr. Fantastic," Reed said as stared down Victor.

"So care to tell me why the King of Latveria is attacking?" Peter asked seeing that Doom was still struggling on whether to continue attacking.

"We found something in the Negative Zone, and Doom wants it!" Reed explained.

"Where's Sue?" Peter asked once more.

"She's guarding the object with Ben. No pregnant women on the battlefield." Johnny said smiling.

Peter looked back to Doom and said, "So dummy Doom, what's your decision, lose all emba.s.sy rights in America, or go home like a well behaved evil metal man."

"Who are you!?" Doom raised his hand, "Didn't you hear Johnny!? I'm Hyperion nice to meet you." Peter raised his hand ready to try and defend against Doom's a.s.sault, "What? You're not the only one who can wave his hand menacingly!"

Doom then shouted, "Silence Arachnid!"

"Whoa, you got it right! I guess you're not as dumb as I thought you are, still pretty dumb compared to Reed and me." Peter saw Doom's finger's itching, "Come on, lose that cool, attack us on live television! Webster, are you streaming this?"

"Every last image and word Peter," Webster responded.

Peter laughed and said, "Who taught you how to dress, your mom take fas.h.i.+on tips from a goblin!"

Doom's eyes went wide as a green beam formed around his hand, he dashed towards Peter and blasted out, Peter activated his Metal control and caused Doom to start tripping, sensing something was off he activated a magical force field around him that disabled his control. "d.a.m.n magic!" Peter thought as Doom continued to dash towards him, Peter grimaced in pain as he thought of what he had to do. Johnny and Reed were about to attack when Peter threw them out of the way.

Doom's fist hit his armor, and scared the s.h.i.+t out of Peter as his strange metal that his suit was made of was very powerful magical material that wasn't completely metal in nature. It hit his body causing a shock wave to appear and push everything in ten feet of them back into the air. As the dust cleared, Doom's fist had pierced Peter's heart and held him suspended in the air.

Peter coughed up blood that filled up his mask, as the Symbiote started freaking out Peter felt Doom raise his hand and prepare another blast of energy aiming to blow off his head. Peter grabbed Doom's arm and said, "So I can take this as a declaration of War right?!" Peter pointed to the big screen add-display in the distance showing Doom's appearance.

"Incredible! You would give your life you exile me from this Nation!?"Doom said loudly when Peter responded by Saying "Who said anything about dying?!" Peter Webbed Doctor Doom in the face with his shock webbing combo, surprising Doom, just long enough for Johnny to send him flying with a powerful plasma blast, he grabbed Peter and shouted, "Spidey you still with me?!"

Peter could feel his heart rapidly repairing itself, when he gave Johnny a thumbs up before saying, "So think you guys can listen to me? I have a plan!"

Peter quickly told them his plan of attack when Doom came charging back in a blind rage, Peter jumped forwards and punched Doom's fist, this time his Armor holding up, however, the shockwave caused his bones to fracture and healed constantly. "Reed! Slingshot!" Peter webbed back and jumped off of Reed's arm which shot his fist flying into Doom's face, a loud crack was heard as Doom's feet came off the ground, Peter jumped over to another part of Reed's arm that was crisscrossing around Doom like a cage.

Spider-Man's punches and kicks continued to echo out as Doom yelled out in pain and frustration, after climbing so high up, Peter then used his organic webbing to use Reed's arms as a mold to form a perfect cylinder, Peter then punched Doom onto the ground, as he jumped out and shout, "Light him up, Johnny!"

"You got it webhead!" Johnny jumped to the top and shot in a powerful pillar of white flames, thanks to the webbings durability it held up against Johnny's fire and didn't cause a ma.s.sive meltdown in the area.

"Enough!" Doom shouted as the webbing actually exploded, Peter jumped back to see a green orb floating around Doom, his eye's were bloodshot and was staring glares of killing intent towards Spider-Man! "I will Kill YOU ALL!"

The s.p.a.ce around him started to warp as Peter quickly sent in his webbing, tagging Doom on the chest, the anti-magic property of the organic webbing disrupted his spell as Peter pulled himself over to Kick Doom into the air.

Then he Webbed him back down onto his fist and sent his head flying back up along with the rest of his body, Johhny appeared beside him, Peter used his lightning form and focused the electrical current into a very powerful beam with a magnetic field. Johnny activated his Nova form and the two shot at full power into the sky lighting up the entire neighborhood like it was daytime all of the sudden."

"Is he dead?" Johnny asked quickly undoing his Nova form so as not to waste energy.

"Not likely, don't you know Doom's nickname!? At s.h.i.+eld, they call him the unkillable man." Peter responded seeing an emerald green glow in the sky.