Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 3 Birth Of The Way Of The Spider Part I

3 Birth Of The Way Of The Spider Part I

He landed in front of her and smiled before saying, "As for combat, Shang Chi should be our teacher, but it will take me a while to track him down."

MJ looked puzzled and asked, "Who's Shang Chi?"

Peter replied with a grin on his mug, "He's the world's greatest martial art master."

MJ then asked, "Why would he teach us?"

To which Peter answered, "Because he's a nice guy!" and Madam Web may influence his descision.

MJ walked over to the I-Beam and picked it up, smiling at how easy it was she asked, "If we have this kind of strength is there any reason to actually work out?" Peter picked up 3 I-Beams and started lifting as he replied, "Yes, you remember how I said that the spider was injected with a super soldier serum?"

MJ nodded her head, "Well, the muscles we gained are like super advanced versions of what they used to be. Let me put it this way, if our muscles used to be copper, now they're gold." Peter continued to lift around half a ton as he continued, "Although it's changed composition, we still need to exercise them to make them grow; if we don't build up our Super Muscles than a lot of its potential would be left untapped." After gaining the muscles Peter knew better than anyone what was happening to his body, he always wondered why Spiderman's strength always surpa.s.sed that catchphrase 'Proportionate Strength of a Spider'. There have been several occasions of him doing so, such as stopping a train, and catching a plane and supporting its weight while it landed, and now he had his answer.

MJ seemed to get it as she picked up another I-Beam, they continued to put their muscles to the test and push the limits of their bodies to the max. After realizing that 2 tons were their current limit they focused on acrobats, by playing a very mobile game of tag. This also doubled as Spider Sense training, as the two would use it to warn them of the other's touch before they were taged. This game carried on for a few hours and it was starting to get dark, MJ and Peter were covered in sweat as they headed home, when he got back, May questioned him as to where he had been all this time.

"MJ said I need to get in shape so I can stop being bullied, so she was jogging with me around the city, even thinking about getting a gym members.h.i.+p card." Peter said removing his jacket.

"Oh you've been spending an awful lot of time with MJ lately, something good happen?" Ben said with a teasing smile.

As Peter approached the table he smiled and said "Yep! She's my girlfriend now."

May smiled and said "I always thought you two would make a good couple. . ."

Suddenly Ben and May smelled the odor coming off Peter's body making May shout, "Don't you dare place that jacket on my chair young man, to the laundry room." Aunt Mary ushered him into the bathroom and grabbed a basket, "Now you take a shower and prepare for dinner." Peter blushed and thank May before dropping his clothes in the basket.

After taking a shower he poked his head out the door to make sure May and Ben weren't around, he then dashed up to his room and as he closed his door he turned around and saw MJ sitting on his bed staring at his six-pack with a hint of l.u.s.t in her eyes.

"If you keep staring maybe I should start charging," Peter said making MJ snap out of her daze, "I wasn't staring!" MJ crossed her arms and turned around, Peter smiled and said, "No peaking!" as he quickly got dressed. However, MJ didn't listen and tilted her head back slightly to see it momentarily, she gasped in shock, and thought "Are they supposed to be that big!" as she turned her head back around in shock.

Peter put on his clothing and smiled as he sat down beside her, "What's up!?"

MJ smiled and gave him a Kiss on the cheek before saying "It's the weekend tomorrow are we gonna get up early to go train again?" Peter nodded his head before answering, "Yep, but this time we have the whole day to train, so I get to show you something cool."

Peter placed his hand on Marry's shoulder and was seconds away from kissing her when May's voice interrupted them, "Peter Dinner's ready are you decent?"

MJ hopped of his bed like a frightened rabbit, and moved outside his window before saying with a blushed face, "See you tomorrow bright and early, Tiger!"

She hopped down and headed across the street as Peter watched her toned a.s.s sway and smiled before saying, "I'm definitely gonna make you my wife."

He headed down to eat with his Aunt and Uncle and infromed them that MJ would be picking him up tomorrow to go jogging. Ben and May teased him for a while and afterward, he went to bed.

The next morning around 5 MJ came nocking, Peter grabbed his sweat suit and met her with Ben who was also an early riser, "MJ good to see you."

MJ smiled and replied, "You too Uncle Ben, I'm here to pick Peter up."

Peter walked out and smiled before saying, "We be back later!"

Ben smiled at the two as they joged off at a steady pace; after they were out of veiw they started running to their usual work out place.

When they arrived Peter threw down his backpack and started to suit up, MJ blushed seeing undressing and even more so when he put the suit on.

"Wow! Tiger, what they say the clothes making the man is true." MJ bit her lip as she stared at the cla.s.sic red black and blue costume.

Peter smiled and pulled out his Web shooters and placed them under his gloves, "What are those?" MJ asked making Peter smile under his mask, "Web Shooters, right now they're still in the prototype phase, but it's what I'll spend most of my time training." Peter shot a web to the ceiling and quickly climbed up it, he laughed as he shot another web and swung from it landing on the second floor, "That's awesome, did you make that? Can you make me one?" MJ's eyes glowed as she tried pulling on the webbing to test its strength. "I can make you one, but it will take a while, I had to spend the car money I was saving up to make these."

Peter jumped down and smiled before explaining the properties of his webbing; when MJ looked lost he started to pull out a bunch of text books. "I think you should try reading some of these and I'll tutor you every day." Peter stated as he saw the look of horror on her face, making him laugh, "Oh, come on! It's not that bad. Besides once you start to get the hang of it, I think you'll like what you can do with knowledge." MJ caved in and agreed. She picked up one of the notebooks for physics and biology and sighed as she started reading while working out. Peter stepped outside and started his webbing practice.

This training continued for almost three months when Peter's search for Shang Chi paid off. He found him sitting in a chinese restaurant in China Town called the golden dragon.

He walked inside and sat down next to the Bruce Lee look alike, and smiled while holding his hand out, "Hi names Pete." Shang Chi looked to Peter like he was a mystery, thanks to his vast experiences he could tell Peter was strong and a power Chi boiled inside him. Of course, this was what Peter called his Bio-Electricity, in Kung Fu they are essentially the same things, and with Wolverine's Regeneration and the Spider Powers Peter had a lot of it.

He held out his hand to shake, and when he felt Peter's grip he knew he was correct, "My name his Shang Chi, tell Pete, why have you sought me out?"

Peter smiled and said, "I wish to receive combat training from you, right now I have been granted extraordinary powers and responsibilities, and I need someone to help me shape it into the perfect tool for me to wield, if I can't focus and use my abilities to their fullest potential, then I can't save everyone that I come across.

After hearing the boy speak Shang Chi used his Chi to read his Peter's pulse, and after hearing his story and discovering no lies were told he smiled. "Why would you risk your life for other's like that?"

Peter scratched his head before thinking through how he wanted to phrase his next statement, "I've always wanted to be a Hero, whether it was using my brain to solve a world crisis, or through pummling bad guys with my fist. A while ago, I was just ordinary, but after I received these powers I realized that the saying my Uncle always tells me is true, with great power, comes great responsibility, I know this sounds silly, but I always tried to live by this motto, and right now I have a whole lot of responsibilities."

Shang Chi smiled and handed Peter a piece of paper, "Head here tomorrow, and I shall test you."

Peter smiled as he took the paper and opened it up, it led to Shang Chi's personal dojo, and the next day he and MJ appeared standing in front of a large chinese style building with Shang Chi waiting for them.

After entering Shang Chi saw MJ and like Peter he could sense a strong energy emanating from her, he smiled as he placed out his hand and said, "Show me what you can do." Peter moved forward and took up a very basic boxing stance as he tried to punch at air, Shang Chi had appeared beside him and said, "Not a bad choice for punches, Boxing does indeed have many years of techniques under their belt, but your moves are amaturish and are simply imitation."

Shang Chi kicked his feet from under him making his Spidey sense go off. He jumped back and did a back filp before landing in the Spiderman pose, "Oh! Now that was interesting! How did you detect my attack?" Shang Chi asked as Peter explained, "It's a danger sense, that borderlines on precognition, although it's very hard to tell what level of danger is approaching us, as it all seems to ring at the same tone."

After explaining a bit and the limits of their powers Shang Chi smiled and said "I can think of a few things to start teaching you, but first we begin with the basics. I especially look forward to training your senses, I wonder what kinds of training I'll develop, this could even prove useful for me."

Peter smiled and said, "I'm glad we can help."

With that said the two began their training, it had been another 3 month of this when Shang Chi had finally started to see the outline of their new martial art, to train their senses he blindfolded them and made them dodge his attacks, the two in the beginning were beat merciously, although they could sense it, they weren't able to tell which of his attacks were more dangerous and see through to his real attack.

However, after days of this training they began to fine tune that section of their senses, now the could feel a slight difference in the levels of dangers, the ring inside their head had a very slight alteration to it.

After another week they began to sense and effectively dodge their master's attacks, with their spidey sense under control they could almost see the image inside their mind before they connected.

After removing their blindfolds Shang Chi nodded his head and also removed his own, shocking the two. "Next we work on attacking!"