What happened this year? How were they all infected by that woman Gu Shishi?
Huo Sishen turned away and his lips softened some more.
Nevertheless, perhaps the chauffeur was in too much of a hurry when he put everything away, something fell onto the floor, making a small noise.
The chauffeur quickly picked it back up, but it had already gotten Huo Sishens attention.
Huo Sishen was a little stunned when he looked over with his cold, black eyes.
The little card that Master Chen had picked up was the printed one with greetings inside of the gift box. He recognized it because Butler Lin had confirmed the wordings on it with him.
But now the card looked very different than he had seen before.
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you and your family.
And below the writing, there was a cute version of a little man in a suit.
The little man has a fuzzy pair of rabbit ears and is blushing on his chin. He had a head full of fuzzy black hair and a pair of piercing eyes on his round face it looked almost a little like himself?!
Huo Sishen frowned.
A fluffy ball adorned the back of the very neat dress pants. Was that a rabbits tail?
Eh? Master Chen? Your little guy is different from mine.
Siyi had gotten into the passenger seat and spotted the card right away. He had also received his gift.
Master Chen got excited all of a sudden. Oh yeah? What does yours look like? If it isnt a bunny, then it must be the mini Chenge version.
163.jpg Picture: Chenge (goddess of moon)
Source: jianbihua.com
Having said that, he stopped himself abruptly.
Huo Sishen, sitting in the back seat, his ears had already perked up.
That woman Gu Shishi didnt just draw a bunny version of him, she also drew a Chenge version of him?
His brows furrowed deeply all of a sudden.
The husband of Chenge was Huo Yi, the mythological Chinese archer.
Did this woman Gu Shishi not even possess knowledge that even a grade school student should possess?
She drew him as a bunny
Hows Chenge related to the bunny?
Exactly how stupid was that woman?!
Hand it over, said Huo Sishen coldly.
He reached his hand out at the passenger side in the front.
That woman had drawn so many cutesy versions of him and handed them out to so many she was hopeless.
Siyi, sitting in front, froze for a second.
He almost wanted to punch himself. Him and his big mouth!
Even Master Chen, next to him, looked to be very awkward.
Finally, Siyi failed to stand his ground under the threat. He pulled out the card, which he had put away carefully inside his shirt pocket and planned to share with Sier when he reached the office, and handed it over reluctantly.
He had on him The-Boss-Is-Probably-Not-Going-To-Give-This-Back-To-Me sadness
Huo YanXiao hrmphed and said, Hurry up!
Having no other choice, Siyi finally handed it over with quivering hands.
Huo YanXiao took it over and lowered his head to look at it.
His hand shuddered and his lips twitched.
Chenge flying toward the moon
What a wonderful depiction of Chenge whose clothes were flowing in the air as though she was riding on the wind toward the moon!
It was a cute version of a little person clothed in elegant and floaty traditional garb and that cold little face was him?!
Huo YanXiaos entire handsome face tensed up!
Siyi turned around and took a quick look from the passenger seat before he immediately shut his mouth and pretended that nothing had happened.
He was howling inside his head. Limited edition. That was for sure going to be limited edition!
Who else has seen Chenge version of the boss??
And now, its gone!
A mere half an hour later, there was a pile of cards piled up in front of Huo YanXiao.
Other than the bunny and Chenge version, there were cute versions of Wu Gang, osmanthus tree, moon, mooncake. drew in his image.
Every employee in the mansion received a different version.
All of them cute in their own way. (T/N crossed out per author.)
Nobody could read the look on Huo YanXiao at this very moment.
Well, mystery solved.
This would explain why everybody at the mansion was smiling at him this morning
His cold look had been turned into a cute version, and in all different versions. Now when others look at him, all they could think of was the cute boy on the cards and were no longer intimidated by him.
Those at the mansion had become bolder. They even picked up bartering with him.
For example, over the phone right now
Butler Lin was inquiring, Young Master. Can you please return the cards to everyone? Some of the employees will be taking off for vacation starting today.
Huo YanXiaos lips twitched as he looked at the row of him in their indescribable form.
What do you think? His voice was hoarse.
They wanted them back?
His eyelids twitched a few times.
What were they going to do with them? Keep these bizarre versions of his images as collectibles? Were they out of their minds?
Butler Lin, on the other hand, responded immediately. I think its best to have Sier bring them on his way back to the mansion. After all, these are thoughts from you and Miss Gu and everybody likes them. We should give them back before they leave for the holidays.
He paused, then added, Even my daughter said the cartoon version of you is so cute that she wants to pick up drawing now.
Huo YanXiao,
Cute? They dare use that word to describe him now?!
Had Butler Li lost his mind from being affected so much by Gu Shishi?!