_Handy, jun._ Where's your patent fire engine?
_Sir Abel._ 'Tis on the road.
_Handy, jun._ Well, you are never at a loss.
_Sir Abel._ Never.
_Handy, jun._ What's to be done?
_Sir Abel._ I don't know. I say, Bob, I have it--perhaps it will go out of itself!
_Handy, jun._ Go out! it increases every minute--Let us run for a.s.sistance--Let us alarm the family. [_Exit._
_Sir Abel._ Yes--dear me! dear me!
_Servant._ [_Without._] Here, John! Thomas! some villain has set fire to the Castle. If you catch the rascal, throw him into the flames.
[SIR ABEL _runs off, and the alarm bell rings._
_The Garden of the Castle--The effects of the fire shown on the foliage and scenery._
_Enter_ HENRY, _meeting_ EVERGREEN.
_Henry._ The Castle in flames! What occasioned it?
_Everg._ Alas! I know not!
_Henry._ Are the family in safety?
_Everg._ Sir Philip is.
_Henry._ And his daughter?
_Everg._ Poor lady! I just now beheld her looking with agony from that window!
_Henry._ Ah! Emma in danger!--Farewell!
_Everg._ [_Holding him._] Are you mad? the great staircase is in flames.
_Henry._ I care not! Should we meet no more, tell Sir Philip I died for his daughter!
_Everg._ Yet reflect.
_Henry._ Old man, do not cling to me thus--'Sdeath! men will encounter peril to ruin a woman, and shall I hesitate when it is to save one?
_Everg._ Brave, generous boy! Heaven preserve thee!
_Sir Philip._ Emma, my child, where art thou?
_Everg._ I fear, sir, the Castle will be destroyed.
_Sir Philip._ My child! my child! where is she? speak!
_Everg._ Alas! she remains in the Castle!
_Sir Philip._ Ah; then will I die with her! [_Going._
_Everg._ Hold, dear master! if human power can preserve her, she is safe--The bravest, n.o.blest of men has flown to her a.s.sistance.
_Sir Philip._ Heaven reward him with its choicest blessings!
_Everg._ 'Tis Henry.
_Sir Philip._ Henry! Heaven will reward him--I will reward him!
_Everg._ Then be happy; Look, sir!
_Sir Philip._ Ah! dare I trust my eyes!
_Everg._ He bears her safe in his arms.
_Sir Philip._ Bountiful Creator, accept my thanks!
_Enter_ HENRY, _bearing_ EMMA _in his arms._
_Henry._ There is your daughter.
_Sir Philip._ My child! my Emma, revive!
_Henry._ [_Apart._] Aye--now to unfold the mystery--The avenue to the eastern wing is still pa.s.sable--the chamber not yet in flames--the present moment lost, and all is closed for ever. I will be satisfied, or perish. [_Exit._
_Miss B._ Am I restor'd to my dear father's arms?
_Sir Philip._ Yes, only blessing of my life! In future thy wishes shall be mine--thy happiness my joy.
_Enter_ HANDY, _jun. and_ SUSAN.
_Handy, jun._ My dear friend safe! and the lovely Emma in his arms! Then let the bonfire blaze.
_Sir Philip._ But, Emma, where is your Henry? I wish to be just to him--I wish to thank him.
_Miss B._ He has withdrawn, to avoid our grat.i.tude.--