Chapter 9 Meeting the Same Kind
Ye Tianming chuckled, then stood up.
He saw the sniper crawl up, and coughed a lot, only after panting a bit did the sniper say, You brat, you are really fierce, if it wasnt because laozis body is alright, Id definitely be crushed to death just now.
At this moment, Wang Jianbo and the rest of the team also walked over. Ye Tianming said, Stop blabbering, if it wasnt for me, you would have died already. He pointed to the snake on the ground, Do you know what kind of snake that is? That is the most poisonous snake in the African rain-forests, its called Yuhua. If you get bitten, it wouldnt be enough for you to survive even if you have ten lives, youll definitely see Yama within three seconds.
The sniper looked at the snake with a pale face, and couldnt say anything.
Seeing the snipers dumbfounded look, Ye Tianming gave a satisfied smile.
Suddenly, his eyes lit up when he saw the sniper file that the sniper was holding, he snatched it over, examined it carefully, then swiftly and familiar took the gun apart, then put it back together, doing it all in less than thirty seconds. It was a blur in front of everyones eyes, they all opened their mouths wide, and didnt even know when saliva dripped onto the floor.
Wang Honglei, who had a large physique asked, Say, is there anything you dont know, qigong, hidden weapons, you actually used a toothpick to kill a snake, and that something art of listening to the earth, and youre so great with guns, are you still human?
Then he checked out the sniper rifle in his hand, and praised, Its a great gun, Barrett M82A1 anti-materiel sniper rifle, 1447.8 mm long, the circumference of the barrel is 381 mm, the gun weighs 12.9 kg, after taking it apart, the longest length is 965.2 mm, the longest firing range is 1930 m, after saying that he praised it once again.
Hearing Ye Tianmings words, the sniper said proudly, How is it, its a good gun right? I didnt think that you would be so familiar with this gun.
However, Ye Tianmings next words, nearly caused him to faint, Its a good gun, but its such a shame for it to be in your hands.
The sniper snatched the gun back and said, all worked up, Its a shame in my hands, is it not a shame in yours? I challenge you to a duel! You actually dared to insult me, the greatest sniper in the world.
Hearing his words, everyone used a strange gaze to look at the snipers face. Although it was covered in face paint, it did nothing to cover the childishness of it, and they all laughed loudly.
What Ye Tianming had laughed about, was that he actually met someone of the same kind here.
As for the other people, they were laughing about how there was actually someone who was even more shameless than their captain here.
Ye Tianmings terrible smile didnt disappear from his face, he merely clapped his (the snipers) shoulder and said, I wont duel you, you arent my opponent. We can be friends, because we are the same kind.
With that, he turned back and walked towards the depths of the jungle.
This dense forests width was about ten miles, the length was about fifteen miles.
The rain gradually got lighter, the more frequent gun shots and explosions told them that in front of them was the crux moment.
Zhang Haijun asked, Captain, what are we going to do? Do we continue walking forward or go around?
Ye Tianming said, Continue going forward. Since the obstacles have been cleared by the people that came before, we are pretty safe. We just have to be careful not to get bitten by the poisonous insects and animals. At the places where people havent passed, the people that instructor organized are definitely still there, thats very bad for us, as long as we get there before they capture the flag, theres no need to take risks.
Ye Tianming suddenly saw a red light flash in front, so he raised his hand to signal for the people around him to stop and said, There seems to be someone up ahead.
They spread out into a crescent-shaped formation, and slowly moved forward, at this moment, they could already hear the faint sounds of talking.
Captain, say, when are we going to leave, the fights getting so heated up in front, were so bored sitting here.
The captain said in annoyance, You idiot, actually smoking in the dark. You might want to get eliminated, but we dont want to be eliminated with you. If we were on the battlefield, the light from your cigarette just now, could cause you to lose your life. Those snipers arent just for show. Be careful from now on, dont get treated as the target by the snipers just due to smoking on the battlefield, thats not worth it at all.
Ye Tianming raised his head, and looked through the night vision goggles. There was a sentry hidden not far away next to a tree, the camouflage was very well done. If it wasnt Ye Tianming, other people really wont be able to tell the sniper was there.
Ye Tianming gave a hand gesture to the teammates in the back, telling them to finish this team of people.
With that, he raised up his gun, and fired towards the hidden sentry. With a peng sound of the gunshot, the hidden sentry on the tree coughed. He then smiled wryly after seeing the white dot on the front of his chest.
Following that, was a wave of gunfire, causing the team who were standing by, to have their bodies covered in white dots, although they wereblank rounds, it still hurt when they impacted the body.
Ye Tianming looked at the team, who were covered in white dots, he chuckled loudly, then shouted, Youre eliminated.