Soul Of The Primordial Remanent - 16 Ludos

16 Ludos

The sound of chains dragging chains on a dense metallic surface rung inside of Rais's head, approaching closer from behind him. Within the increasing noise, he discovered footsteps. Once it reached just behind the top of his head, it halted.

"Wake up."

Rais felt a coldness behind his back as he opened his eyes.

"Aisaron Fios ....."

Rais quickly bought his palm over his face, to block the intense rays since he didn't expect the room to be so bright. Pulling the blanket over his head with his other hand, he turned sideways to lie down for a little longer. Though, he jumped up immediately smelling something stomach-turningly unpleasant.

He jumped down to check if he still had blood and dirt all over his body. None, yet a dark mucky viscous substance covered his entire body. With Stickiness of honey, with a stench of a rotten fish. Letting out a yawn, he mistakenly breathed the odor in through his mouth and felt like throwing up. He held his stomach as he ran to the windows for fresh air. Few strands of his pitch-black hair got in front of his eyes as he realized his hair had become longer.

Staring out the windows, he saw grandma chilling on a chair while humming some tune. Watching the sun rays piercing the trees from an angle, he realized, he slept through the whole night, and to the end of the day.

Walking away from the window, he stopped noticing the storm on his table. All his books were in a mess, and his conceptual drawings were even on the floor. Under the papers, he saw a small basket full of orange scales. He picked up an orange scale with a curved rune and became impressed by the subtlety as he sensed hair-thin mana inside them.

He brought one scale closer to his eyes. "Fish scales?" He realized a stranger was inside his room by inhaling a particular fragrance, a flower he smelled every time he reached the coast.

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Behind the house, hearing the destruction of the dried leaves, Rais realized someone had just left.

After reaching the door, he noticed a note saying not to train for a few days, to let mana settle in. Stepping out while beating his shoulders, Rais felt his body had changed drastically. When focused, he heard his heartbeat and the pa.s.sing the breezes. Smelling various flowers from the meadow, Rais clearly distinguished them.

It felt as he could see farther away as everything appeared more brilliant than before. Gazing into the distance, he clearly identified the birds nesting on the leafless trees. When the wind struck his back, he felt it pa.s.s through him like ice-cold needles. Having a hard time processing all the extra information, Rais almost fell sideways coming down the stairs. He set on the ground to closing his eyes and plugging his ears with his fingers.

"Did mana affect me so much so quickly?" He had no answer, though mana felt even less external to him. It felt like mana was already frozen within his body and slowly spreading as it improved his body.

"Look, who finally decided to wake up after four days."

"Ha? You are not laying?"

"I am not your mother."

Rais laughed as he stood up and couldn't believe what he heard until he remembered his hair growth. Although he walked closer to the grandmother, He maintained some distance.

"Grandma, where did mom go and did anyone come when I was sleeping?

"I wanted to tell you about the tale of the witch, and the forest but first I need to tell you about the princess that came here. There is also a surprise that your mom left you."

"Princess and a surprise?"

"Hay Rais, you are hiding from me?"


Rais called out, as he lifted his hands.

Rais friend who just left came back running seeing Rais getting out of the house.

"I was merely taking a little nap, but what brings you here. Aren't you slacking on your training?"

"I came here for that exact reason, but when did you become a slouch?"

A lanky young boy, slightly taller then Rais, with greasy light brown hair arrived next to Rais. Holding his neck, he almost puked while he jumped back and held his nose.

Rais laughed, "It's better if you grab some Ice Gardenia from the garden."

Holding the flower near his nose, He finally let his breath out while sitting on a tree root. His hair reached halfway on his forehead and hid half of his ears. His had pale blue eyes and in between was a refined and tall nose.

His light bronzed dried skin had cuts, crack, and stains all over them. He wore a brown old cross-lace loose s.h.i.+rt and short red pants patched together of used long scarf. He lacked any footwear, while on his hand, he held a poster and a wooden sword.