Soul Land IV (Douluo Dalu) : Ultimate Fighting - Chapter 924 – Tang Sect's Recommendation

Chapter 924 – Tang Sect's Recommendation

Chapter 924 Tang Sects Recommendation

924 Tang Sects Recommendation

TL: BluVerse

Proofreading: DreamerChrysalis

Brother Deng, besides this method, does our Tang Sect have any technological means to explore stars? Lan Xuanyu asked.

There were only seven planetary-cla.s.s mothers.h.i.+ps in the entire Douluo Federation, serving as the flags.h.i.+ps of the seven major cosmic fleets. It wasnt easy to mobilize one, not even for the Federations Supreme Commander!

Deng Bo shook his head and said, I can tell you for sure that we dont. Our Tang Sects research focus isnt in that area. What that area is specifically, youre not authorized to know with your current clearance. But we have never conducted research on star exploration. So, the most reliable method I know of for exploring stars is a planetary-cla.s.s mothers.h.i.+p.

Lan Xuanyu nodded slightly and said, Then Ill wait here for Hall Master Tang. When he returns, please inform him of my wanting to meet with him.

Deng Bos opinion was his own, and Lan Xuanyu still wanted to consult with the higher-ups of the Tang Sect. Tang Miao had been accompanying them during the inquiries by the War G.o.d Temple and the military and should be back soon. Among the higher-ups of the Tang Sect, Lan Xuanyu was most familiar with him.

Okay. You can wait here, and Ill call you when the Hall Master returns.

Lan Xuanyu sat on the sofa in Deng Bos office, closed his eyes, and let Deng Bos words echo in his mind. Rescuing Teacher Nana was clearly not an easy task. If it really required mobilizing a planetary-cla.s.s mothers.h.i.+p, what would need to be done to make that possible?

Another crucial issue was the intensity of that star. Teacher Nana, please hold on! No matter what, no matter the cost, I will definitely rescue you.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously touched the ring of the Heavenly Sacred Splitting Abyss Halberd on his hand. He was now certain that his halberd was a divine weapon. Could he use it as a bargaining chip to mobilize a planetary-cla.s.s mothers.h.i.+p?

To mobilize a mothers.h.i.+p certainly wouldnt be possible for a mere student. He would first need the support of the academy, then the support of the Tang Sect. Teacher Nana had saved the Thirty-Three Sky Wings wars.h.i.+p, which meant she allowed them to bring back crucial intelligence, a great merit to the Federation.

Various thoughts continuously emerged in his mind. Lan Xuanyu was mentally outlining how he should gradually leverage resources to eventually persuade the Federation to mobilize a mothers.h.i.+p.

Amidst these chaotic thoughts, he unknowingly fell asleep.

He was truly exhausted. Since Teacher Nana had fallen into the star, he had been mentally drained, constantly thinking about what to do once he returned. And also wondering if Teacher Nana was really his mother.

Now, with some quiet time to think, his brains fatigue led him to gradually fall asleep.

He didnt know how long he had slept, but he felt someone pus.h.i.+ng his shoulder. He instinctively opened his eyes. He found a blanket covering him, and it was Deng Bo who was pus.h.i.+ng him. Not far from Deng Bo, Tang Miao was standing there.

Ah! I fell asleep. Hall Master, Lan Xuanyu quickly stood up and saluted Tang Miao.

Tang Miao gestured for him to sit down, saying, Sit and lets talk. Youve had a tough journey back.

Deng Bo pulled over a chair for Tang Miao, who then sat down in front of Lan Xuanyu.

Deng Bo, I want to speak with Xuanyu alone, Tang Miao indicated to Deng Bo. Deng Bo nodded, handed him a gla.s.s of water, gave another to Lan Xuanyu, and then turned and left.

Tang Miao looked at Lan Xuanyu with a serious expression and said, Deng Bo has already told me about your question. I know you want to rescue your teacher.

Yes, Lan Xuanyu nodded vigorously, Hall Master, Teacher Nana has powerful fire element control. She wont die.

Tang Miao said, But thats just your own judgment. We all know how high the temperature of a star is. Xuanyu, you need to be mentally prepared. This time, without a doubt, you have rendered great service to the Federation. If it is ultimately confirmed to be true, then it is a meritorious deed that could turn the tide. It will greatly benefit you and your companions future development.

Merit is not important to me, Hall Master. I just want to rescue Teacher Nana. Does our Tang Sect have any technological means to explore stars? Lan Xuanyu asked urgently.

Tang Miao sighed softly and said, The answer Deng Bo gave you is also my answer. Our Tang Sect hasnt conducted in-depth research in this area. Moreover, a stars surface area is simply too vast. The time spent on the stars surface is also crucial. Even if our wars.h.i.+ps could stay on the surface for a short time, it would be very difficult to return under such strong gravitational forces. Our propulsion system isnt sufficient to counteract the gravity of a star so close to the surface. So, Deng Bo was right. Only the gravity chain on a planetary-cla.s.s mothers.h.i.+p has the capability to compensate for this much force. The planetary probe is the only way to explore stars and conduct long-term investigations.

Tang Miaos words confirmed Deng Bos explanation, which gradually calmed Lan Xuanyu down. This wasnt actually the worst outcome; at least there was a way, rather than no way at all.

I understand. Hall Master, what would be required to convince the Federation to dispatch a planetary-cla.s.s mothers.h.i.+p for the search? Lan Xuanyu asked directly.

Its difficult, Tang Miao shook his head and said, From a merit perspective, your teacher played a crucial role in what you managed to achieve this time. However, you cant convince the Federation to believe shes still alive. As long as the Federation a.s.serts that no human could survive on the surface of a star, they wont deploy a mothers.h.i.+p. Moreover, once a planetary-cla.s.s mothers.h.i.+p is mobilized, it involves an entire fleet. The mothers.h.i.+p must have a complete escort fleet because of its immense strategic significance to the Federation.

For instance, take the super-G.o.d-level powerhouse you encountered in the Dragon Horse Galaxy. Despite his immense power, why did he resort to such a covert tactic to deal with us instead of a direct confrontation? Its because he feared our cosmic fleet. A planetary-cla.s.s mothers.h.i.+p can easily destroy a planet. The Dragon Horse Galaxy contains many highly advanced civilizations, which are currently our greatest opponents. However, their technological level is lagging behind ours, so both sides exercise great caution. We dont dare to attack proactively, fearing their top powerhouses might wreak havoc within our territory. They dont dare to attack us because they fear our fleets potential to deliver devastating blows to their planets. Both sides have clashed before, resulting in mutual destruction. Four of our seven major fleets are currently stationed near the Dragon Horse Galaxy, which shows how much the Federation dreads them. Unexpectedly, they came up with this alternative plan to deal with us. If they had succeeded in causing damage to the Federation fleet, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

So, our cosmic fleet is the greatest guarantee of the Federations security, and each fleet has its own mission. Mobilizing any fleet is not an easy task. This merit is indeed an important bargaining chip, but its not enough. Do you understand what I mean? Additionally, relying solely on pressure from the academy and the Tang Sect wont work. It might even backfire. Youre smart; you should understand my point.

Lan Xuanyu pondered and asked, Is there no other way?

Tang Miao replied, I suggest you first approach the academy and inform them about this situation to see their stance. If the academy is willing to support you, there might be a chance. Although the academy is also feared by the Federation government, its influence within the military is significant. But you should also consider other options. You need to think carefully.