Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 94: How a Veteran Levels Up (1)

Chapter 94: How a Veteran Levels Up (1)

[Barrier-Breaking Mirror (Growth Type)]

Acquisition Difficulty: Over Rank

Details: An unidentified special item that connects the user to any location within the 10th floor of the Tower of Trials upon use. (Cooldown: 90 days, Duration: 30 minutes.) As the player grows, the floors they can connect to also increase, likewise extending the duration. (Up to one companion may accompany the user.)]

When playing the Tower of Trials, one may come across several abilities or items that seem almost like cheats.

One such ability that Jinhyuk acquired from the National Central Museum was Fusion.

And the Barrier-Breaking Mirror he was currently looking at was another one.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Jinhyuks heart pounded rapidly.

While gaining loyalty from a boss monster was a play that defied common sense,

I never expected to receive this as a reward.

The enthusiasm was enough to even excite a seasoned player like Jinhyuk, marking it as an exceptional reward.

The excitement was the very reason why Jinhyuk had generously suggested a break to Ellis.

I need to gather the necessary items first.

Given that the mirror required a 90-day cooldown after each use,

he must be in the best condition to utilize it to its fullest.

Jinhyuks mind whirred quickly with thoughts.

He had already planned out what to do next.



Jinhyuk pulled out his phone and dialed a number.


The call connected before it even rang once.

Ah! Boss! What brings you to call us like this? For a moment, I thought youd forgotten about us.

It was Kim Heewoong, the paper CEO of the Black Crow Guild.

Thanks to Jinhyuk, Kim Heewoongs life had completely turned around, now managing the mid-tier Black Crow Guild quite successfully with his unique business acumen.

Jinhyuk licked his lips sheepishly.

Ive been a bit busy lately.

Too busy to the point of nearly forgetting.

Haha. Of course, I understand. These days its harder to find a channel where Bosss face isnt showing up.


Eh, why play dumb? In Korea, no, youre the one receiving the most spotlight in the world.

True, Jinhyuk had become quite famous lately.

If he went out, people would recognize him and start conversations.

Lets cut the pleasantries, hows the guild? Is everything running smoothly in my absence?

Actually too well. You wouldnt believe the number of players trying to sign up just because of you.

Players who want to sign up because of me? Are there really that many?

Yes. Weve been selecting and accepting players but the numbers are overwhelming, its become impossible to manage.

Hundreds a day,

What kind of madness is this?

He didnt have much ambition to grow the guild, but if Kim Heewoong worked himself to death, thatd be trouble.

Maybe I should set a joining condition of being bald, having a full-body tan, and wearing only bikinis everyday.

And just for clarification, he planned to apply this rule regardless of age or gender.

Of course, those who were still willing to join under such conditions needed to be accepted.

Those not in their right minds were better kept within the guild than made enemies.

After all, true veterans who knew The Look had to be respected.

Ill adjust that myself.

Please do.

And by the way, have there been any messages for me? Maybe from the Fight Club, for example.

Ah! Actually, the Fight Club has been looking for you, saying something about an exclusive dungeon in exchange for your antidote recipe

Thats actually why Im calling. Ive finally got some free time. So, could you schedule a meeting with Player Kim Kitae from the Fight Club?

Thats doable, but when?

As soon as possible. And while youre at it, can you book some famous concerts and Michelin-starred restaurants, anywhere, domestic or international?

Why would you need?

Do I really need to explain why?

No, no, Ill book the best spots for you.

With that, the call ended.

Jinhyuk put his phone away with a snicker.

He wont understand.

Neither Kim Heewoong nor anyone else would.

At the peak of ones growth phase, it would be nonsensical to take it easy searching for good restaurants or enjoying musicespecially considering that the 6th floor of the Tower of Trials, The Elf Forest, was known as the perfect environment for steady growth.

The immense forest covering the entire 6th floor was the very definition of peace.

Moreover, by spending time leisurely for 90 days there,

players could open the path to the next floor.

During this period, they would focus on honing their skills and leveling up.

Theyd stamp their attendance on the 6th floor but mostly run through dungeons and labyrinths from the 1st to the 5th floors.


Discarding the 6th floor thinking its a time to relax would be foolish.

If a freshly enlisted private was told to lie down and rest easy,

or if someone got their first job and were told they could clock out due to lack of work,

would they lay down and take it easy or rush out, gleeful at the easygoing military life or quick workday?

Would their superiors look kindly upon that?

The Tower of Trials worked the same way.

Each floor had its purpose, and through that purpose, opportunities could be seized. There were no floors that existed without reason.

And Jinhyuk

Had every intention of making the best use of the 90 days on the 6th floor,

In a way only a seasoned player could.

Concerts and Michelin meals are just preparing the ground.

Eager anticipation filled him.

Itll be interesting to see how surprised theyll be at what I do, and what treasures theyll cough up in response.

About an hour later, Kim Heewoong contacted him again.

He had scheduled a meeting with Kim Kitae of the Fight Club Guild in a coffee shop near Yeongdeungpo.

Arriving a bit early, Jinhyuk sipped on a frappuccino loaded with whipped cream.

Nothing beats replenishing with sugars to relieve fatigue.

He had ordered it because the mint chocolate had sold out, but the chocolate frappuccino was also decent enough.

Just then,


The distinctive footsteps, laden with mana, unlike those of a regular person, approached.

Without looking, he knew.

It was Kim Kitae, a ranker affiliated with the Fight Club Guild.

Its been a while, Player Kang Jinhyuk.

Kim Kitae bowed slightly, his face filled with pent-up frustration despite the polite tone.

Jinhyuk responded with a slight smile, welcoming him.

Since the test, this really is the first time weve met.

Of course, things were different from the time of that meeting.

Rather than being a rankless newbie, Jinhyuk was now an S-rank player, renowned for various exploits, to the point where comparing their fame seemed laughable.

Thats probably why Kitae was being so respectful.

Power is crucial, after all.

Jinhyuk once again realized the significance of power and capability in this world.

He leaned comfortably against the sofa and spoke again.

I apologize for the delay regarding the mandrake location. Ive been so focused on climbing the tower that I couldnt find time to discuss it with you.

Of course, you must have been busy.

Kim Kitae grimaced, although he was clearly containing a lot due to the others status.

But Jinhyuk brushed off the look.

Id like to make a slight change to the contract terms. I hear that Fight Club owns a few A-rank dungeons, on the 3rd floor if I recall?

10 dungeons on the 1st floor.

At the time, they were appealing, but now, at level 30, they werent so useful anymore.

Now youre suggesting we give up one of our 3rd-floor A-rank dungeons instead of 10 dungeons on the 1st floor Is that it?

You heard me correctly.

Kim Kitae was frustrated, but Jinhyuk simply waited, unfazed.

This is a grave request! I didnt come here to agree to such absurd demands!

Kim Kitae stood up with fury.

Are you leaving?

Theres no point in staying if thats all you have to say.

Hmm. The Grey Temple labyrinth on the 3rd floor. As far as I know, the Fight Club owns it, but hasnt every attempt to conquer it failed?


Kim Kitae paused, caught off guard by the unexpected mention.

How did you know that?

Ive got my sources. You know, I have quite an extensive network.

Jinhyuk had received a list of the dungeons owned by the Fight Club from Kim Heewoong before coming here.

Upon seeing the Grey Temple in the list,

he was certain.

The Fight Club didnt have the power to conquer that labyrinth.

And he was right.

His reaction gives it away.

The temples treasures were eager for the taking, but the players sent to claim them always came back empty-handed, undoubtedly frustrating for the guild.

Bringing up the labyrinths story now was bound to halt the others departure.

With Kitaes interest piqued, Jinhyuk just had to sell it now, reel him in to flow the conversation in the desired direction.

Alone, I wouldnt be able to claim the rewards. A 20-person dungeon like the Grey Temple cant be conquered solo.

It was crucial to reassure Kitae by citing the rules of the system.

Its probably costing your guild dearly to make repeated attempts without success. Wouldnt it be wiser to team up with me, with my proven capabilities, rather than risking losing more players?

That makes sense.

Another important part was to give the other side some dignity.

It wasnt weakness that led to the unfavorable trade; they were merely being considerate of their own guild members well-being.

Thirdly, expressing true remorse was essential.

But this remorse wasnt just empty words; it involved making good through some form of compensation, the core of the third condition.

You can buy mandrake at the 1st-floor general store if you drink the recommended jasmine tea eleven times in a row. It has no taste to speak of, but youll need to suffer through it.


Kim Kitae gasped, clearly taken aback by the preemptory reveal of the mandrakes location.

After a brief silence, as he processed the unexpectedness,

He seemed to make up his mind and nodded.

Ill discuss it with the guild higher-ups and let you know the schedule for the Grey Temple.

Pleased, he reached out for a handshake with Jinhyuk.

Kang Jinhyuk. Youre too easy as a named player. This works out well for us.

On face value, there wasnt much choice but to take advantage of the situation but not in an overt way. However, at least the ground was set to skew the situation in Fight Clubs favor.


Kim Kitae couldnt possibly know the secrets hidden within the Grey Temple.

Ha. Thank you, I look forward to working with you.

With genuine cheer, Jinhyuk shook Kitaes hand.

Go ahead and make the most of the 1st-floor shops you can now.

After swallowing those eleven bitter jasmine teas, he would likely spend the night running to the restroom.

As for me, Ill make good use of the labyrinth and your guild members youve got.


Each bearing different thoughts,

The original agreement was renewed.