Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 89: Sacrificial Ritual (3)

Chapter 89: Sacrificial Ritual (3)

Magical power spread throughout Jinhyuks body.

With a pleasant sensation of elevation, his heart beat fast.

Yes, this is the feeling.

It was as if he wanted to explode with energy right then and there.

He couldnt understand how he had held back these past few hours.

Jinhyuk clenched and unclenched his fist satisfyingly.



With his powers fully restored, he felt fearless.

Just then,

It is your turn now. I hope you die in a blaze of glory.

The warden sneered at the players.

At the same time,

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The gates separating life and death opened.


The scent of blood mixed with sand stung his nostrils.

Seven Breakers looked at the new offerings.



Their excited roars echoed while they wielded giant weapons.

Heat still emanated from their bodies, painted in red.


And in the midst of it all, there was a massive monster with black spikes on its back.

A Blairker, a monster of extraordinary size, incomparable to the rest.

A Predator.

A colossal cleaner of the tower that devoured vast amounts of prey.

The monsters dripping jaws still held remnants of humans.

We need to run now.

Damn it. Where can we even escape to? Were rats in a trap!


There was no escape.

Walls over 10 meters high surrounded them on all sides.

Panic-stricken, they all started back-stepping, trying to live even a moment longer.

At that very moment of despair.

Someone stepped forward.

It was Jinhyuk.

What is that foolish one doing?

Haha! Has he gone mad with the desire to die first?

Kakaka! Well, perhaps its better to meet the gods first than to tremble in fear at the back.

The cultists in the stalls poured out mocking words.

It seemed absurd.

He approached unguarded and empty-handed.

But then,


How is this possible?

The Breakers didnt attack Jinhyuk even as he came right up to them.

Rather, it was as if they didnt even recognize his existence.

As expected, that skill is handy.

Jinhyuk leisurely moved through the midst of the monsters.

Blurry Scent could be used three times a day.

One use could confuse the opponents senses, but three at once could erase his presence entirely.

Most people would be satisfied to use it once for three extra lives.

But for veterans like him, it was different.

They would exploit a single opportunity to overturn the battle itself.

Just like now.

Jinhyuk stomped on the ground.

Thud! Thud!

Twice his footfall resounded.


[The red elixir Flame is activated!]

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Great pillars of fire surged from the ground.

Fireworks are best when theyre spectacular.

He had precisely calculated the location of the sewer and the flow of the water to activate the elixir.

There was no chance for mistakes.

He had practiced this dozens of times.



The Breakers engulfed in flames let out cries.

Although they were immortal, being burned alive was undoubtedly painful.

Why are you overexaggerating so much?

Werent they supposed to enjoy being burnt?

Calm down, please! O emissaries of God.

The warden attempted to put out the flames on the Breakers.

However, getting too close with a bucket was a mistake.

The Breakers, blinded by pain, saw nothing else.

They swung their hammer sideways.



The wardens head burst like a watermelon.

It was an obvious outcome for such folly.

But then.

[You have contributed to the death of the wicked.]

[0.1 Adaptive Stat points have been received.]

[Current Adaptive Stat points: 10.1]

An unexpected status window appeared.


Jinhyuks eyes narrowed.

So, I gain stats even if I dont directly kill them?

Simply contributing to death by activating the red elixir seemed enough to meet the condition.

This was quite intriguing.

Jinhyuk nodded slightly.

However, the stunned cultists witnessing the unbelievable scene were far from at ease.

What, what was that flame!

Could it could it be a skill?

Thats nonsense! Here, everything is overseen by the gods. Only the laws and rules of the gods underpin this floor!

Under the seal, no one could use nefarious powers.

Surely, some trickery was involved.

But, the abnormality didnt end there.

The true shock was about to begin.

Sorry, but I only have 10 minutes, so lets finish this quickly.

Actually, about 8 minutes remained.

Jinhyuk drew his Twin Dragon Swords.

As Tomb of Swords activated, dark energy fluttered along the blade.

A black crescent moon loomed.


Sensing the impending threat, the Predator raised its spines.

In that instant.


A sword strike, requiring no grandiloquence, simply to kill, cleaved through the air.

One strike.

With a single swift motion, the massive body of the Predator crumbled.

Not even a yelp was heard.

Only a fountain of blood gushed forth in its place.

The running ends now.

No matter how powerful they were in this place, that was only when their abilities were sealed.

Their true strength was barely on the level of named monsters on the first floor.

If fought properly, they were no match at all.

With the trusted monsters rendered incapable of fighting, the mood drastically shifted.



This human is

The crowds confidence and madness gave way to fear.

Those who had observed death casually from above now had to run for their very lives.

Of course, Jinhyuk wasnt one to just stand by.

Its pathetic. Is your life that precious to you?

Timed with his cold laugh, Jinhyuk pulled out the last elixir.

[You have used the black elixir Shadow.]

[A Black Barrier will spread within 200 meters of the caster!]

A dark veil enclosed the entire arena.

The place meant for praising the gods had, in a moments notice, potentially become a tomb.



Jinhyuk furrowed his brow, standing in place.

All that was left was to complete the hidden quest. However, one thing was bothering him.

It wasnt because he had repulsion toward murder.

He had no problem with ridding the world of those whod gleefully watched others die.


If all these people scattered and hid, the search would take too long.

I need a more effective method.

He had already confirmed through the warden that direct killing wasnt necessary.

Involvement was enough.



Jinhyuk called out to the players huddled against the outer wall of the arena.

Yes? Yes?

Are you speaking to us?

Why are you all down? Arent you going home?

The beasts had either been slain or incapacitated.

There was no longer any danger of being devoured.

Can we really go home?

Is it true?

Of course. Everyone, stand up.

Jinhyuk smiled.

And then.


Were alive! We have survived!

An overwhelming cheer erupted.

Years of pent-up emotions exploded all at once.

But it was a bit early to rejoice.

A bigger mountain loomed before them.

Can we just leave like this? As long as there are cultists on the 5th floor, who knows when we might encounter them again?

Jinhyuks words cooled the heated atmosphere.


That thats

The grim reality hit.

The thought of encountering those dreadful creatures again hardened everyones expression.

What should we do?

What else?

Eliminate the remnants.

Jinhyuk tore something off a monsters corpse.


One of the sharp spikes on its back.

Sharp enough to serve as a blade.

There, those who caged you are sitting above.

Jinhyuk pointed to the spectator stands.

The cultists, who had been so sure of themselves because of the monsters, were visible.

Make them pay for what they have done to you, before you get caught in such a place again.

Kill them.

Or be killed.

If the choice is between the two

There is obviously only one decision to make.


Kill those bastards!

I wont be trapped in this damned place again!

Lets turn them into a hive!

The terrified sacrifices turned into beasts at that moment.

One by one, they ran towards the stands, weapons in hand.



A few wardens attempted to intercede, but they were hopelessly outnumbered.

Ignoring them, the players stormed into the stands.

With weapons in hand, the situation was bound to resolve quickly.

Get rid of them all.

Not for anyone else.

But for myself!




Screams of agony filled the underground.

Seeking retribution for lives wretchedly spent.

The vengeance was ruthless.

But why was it?

Despite being in a blood-soaked scene

Jinhyuk felt not a fraction of sympathy, rather a sensation of refreshing justice.

They were reaping what they had sown.

Even more spine-tingling.

[You have contributed to the death of the wicked.]

[0.1 Adaptive Stat points have been received.]

[Current points held: 32.9]

[Death of the wicked]

The system was counting points even while idle.

He had already collected a whopping 33 points.

Having such diligent workers was a great boon.

Amused with satisfaction, Jinhyuk looked up.

I should start moving before people turn to the High Priest.

The place where the High Priest resided was deep, but it was just a matter of time.

Prioritize the most important target before its too late.

Jinhyuk eyed the remaining cultists.

These werent the devoted followers of the High Priest.

They were players captured while attempting to conquer the tower.

In the end, they had to kill their allies to save their own lives.

Among them were those who had shared a room with Jinhyuk.

It seemed they hadnt managed to escape very far.

The black woman and the Asian woman are missing.

Only the white man and woman remained.

It was obvious what had become of the other two.


Jinhyuk uttered briefly.


The players shivered upon locking eyes with him.

We did nothing wrong we just did as we were told!

Thats right! We had no choice but to

Some tried to justify themselves vehemently.

Damn it! Do you think we enjoyed it? We wouldve died if we hadnt killed! It was a desperate situation!

Dont you dare judge us!

They did as they were instructed.

They claimed there had been no alternative but to act ruthlessly.

Of course, it may have been their own willful murder,

Or they could have killed out of compulsion.

I get what situation it was. It wasnt entirely wrong to say it was inevitable.

In a dire situation, if you kill someone to save yourself, can that be forgiven?

Uncertain, though legally maybe conditions might be considered.

But, at least here, such arguments are moot.

Everybodys standards differ.

Most of all, it wasnt a time for moral discussion.

But its not me who decides whether to spare you or not.

With an even tone.


The one in front received a gaping wound to the heart.


[The villain has been eliminated.]

[0.1 Adaptive Stat points have been acquired.]

[Current Adaptive Stats: 33]

The system had determined.

These too were villains.

And that was sufficient.

I bear no personal grudges.

These were true words.


The Twin Dragon Swords blazed into action once more.