Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Episode 8: Labyrinth Rivanthos (2)

Jinhyuk peeked at Park Hanas status window through his Eye of Truth.

Name: Park Hana

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Level: 1

Strength 4 Agility 5 Stamina 5 Magic Power 10

Remaining Stat Points: 0

Coins Owned: 100

Career: None

Unique Ability: Sympathy ()

Skills: Lv1 Quick Step, Lv1 Mild Healing

Sympathy Ability ().

Even with someone she met for the first time, she can become naturally friendly.

And its characteristic that she can erase even the slightest sense of discomfort.

It was a most needed ability for Jinhyuk, who needed to let his guard down and copy abilities.


It will also be a great help in taming [that guy] later on.

Initially, he planned to use her to deal with traps or for elimination purposes in the labyrinth.

But his thoughts changed.

I cant miss this opportunity.

It was something he absolutely needed to obtain.

Jinhyuk confirmed Park Hanas copy condition.

[Copy Condition: Act with Park Hana for a minimum of 240 hours. Note, at the time when 240 hours pass, no other person should be present apart from you and Park Hana.]

240 hours.

In other words, one must be together for ten days straight to satisfy the copy condition.

The other five are unnecessary.

Theres no explicit need to kill.

Im not some bloodthirsty murderer.

As long as he doesnt cross the line, he can simply use them and then part ways in the end.


If they were to cross the line.

That would tell a completely different tale.

After all, I too vowed to survive in this world.

Jinhyuk read the conditions again carefully and spoke up.

So, what has brought you to me instead of heading to the hunting grounds?

Before I answer that question, may I ask you something first?

Ask away.

Is the place youre about to enter the labyrinth, right?

Thats right.

I thought so.

Park Hana bit her lip as if her guess was correct.

Then she brought up the main point.

Wed like to go with you.

Together you say?

Yes. Isnt it better to go with more people than alone? You know they say its better to share the burden of danger.

She smiled, yet her hand moved towards her side.

Making a suggestion was the least of it.

Her hand was on a hidden weapon at her waist.

That looks like the stinger of a squash bee from the insect exhibit at the museum.

The others also flinched and reached for their weapons.



In the depths of the labyrinth, facing me, theyre trying to pull tricks?

Jinhyuk extended his hand casually toward the entrance of the labyrinth.

Do as you please.

Want to enter the labyrinth?

By all means, go ahead.

But, getting in is your choice; getting out wont be.

[You have entered the Labyrinth Rivanthos.]

[The number of challengers is 7.]

Upon entering the labyrinth, the humid and sticky air clung to the skin.

This smell.

This sensation.

It finally felt real.

The fact that he had entered the tower.

Jinhyuk quickly surveyed the walls of the labyrinth.

Bright lights that lit up the dark interior.

They were hundreds of Glow Moths.

Commonly known in underground dungeons and labyrinths as a light source

But here, it was an exception.

Jinhyuk moved his five fingers at a certain rhythm.

Slowly folded them then quickly spread out again.

Imitating the beating of wings.



And then three times.

Gently then,

A moth landed on Jinhyuks hand.

Covered in its dust, his hand quickly glowed with a bright light.

Yes, Im pleased to see you too.

A faint smile graced Jinhyuks lips.

Thats when,

We havent even introduced ourselves yet.

Park Hana spoke up from next to him.

Jinhyuk carefully placed the moth back on the wall before responding.

Ah. Its been pretty chaotic.

They had to enter before the entrance to the labyrinth closed completely.

No time for greetings or pleasantries.

But now that they were inside, there was a bit more leeway.

My name is Park Hana. Im 22 years old, and Ive been to the 2nd floor of the Trial Tower.

Park Hana introduced herself.

Then the rest of them also chimed in eagerly.

Jang Chul-Sik here. Gave up on the Trial Tower at the 1st floor.

Im Lee Hye-Min. I only tried the 1st floor.

Jang Min-Ah. Ive made it to the 3rd floor of the tower

Call me Cheon Min-Guk. Never even touched whatever the Trial Tower is.

Im Do Kwang-Woo. This is my first time too.

Everyone announced their names eagerly

But to Jinhyuks ears, it sounded different.

Ill die in a trap, Extra #1!

Ill be bait when were in danger during our escape!

Ha ha. Ill be diligent on night watch and prepare savory meals!

Thats how he heard it.

Rather pointless to remember names when in the end, everyone would turn on each other for the reward.

The corners of Jinhyuks mouth twisted subtly.

A raid party where everyones trying to kill each other Lovely.

Looks like boredom wont be an issue.

Gang Jinhyuk.

Jinhyuk So, have you been to this labyrinth before?

Now that names were exchanged, Park Hana clung even more closely, initiating her ability.

[Park Hana is activating her unique ability Sympathy ().]

At once, a tingling sensation made his body feel heavy and relaxed.

So this is how it works.

If he hadnt known about the ability, he might have felt friendly towards her.

Like she was compatible or trustworthy.

What they typically call a good first impression.

I was fortunate enough to have discovered this labyrinth before.

Wow. Youre much more impressive than I thought. Its an honor to be able to accompany you.

Park Hanas eyes sparkled subtly.

She was trying to lower his guard with flattery.

He wasnt sure who she thought she was fooling with such a shallow trick.

Chuckles rippled from Jinhyuk, who then feigned arrogance.

Make sure you understand. Probably no one knows more about this labyrinth than I do.

Ah I see.

No, seriously. I bet I could outrun even the best players around the world. If I shared just one tip for conquering the labyrinth, a line of people eager to hear it would stretch twelve laps around a stadium. Ha ha.


Park Hanas face turned into a picture of disbelief.

Theres lying, and then theres overdoing it.

It negates the purpose of complimenting.

Then, can you tell me what kind of monsters are inside and what their traits are?

Its not difficult.

Lets see.

What could be inside?

First, the layout of this labyrinth changes every set amount of time.

What? What do you mean?

Its called Labyrinth Transformation. Ah, looks like its about time.

Jinhyuk stopped dead in his tracks.

Just then.


The entire labyrinth began to shake violently.

Dust poured from the ceiling, and crevices opened up in the walls and floor.


What the whats this?


Screams erupted from all around.

As the ground shot upwards and downward and massive boulders moved back and forth, who could blame them?

Get away! Dont stick together, spread out!

Damn it. Getting crushed means instant death!

Coming! Right side! Look to the right!



The fast-moving boulders were forming patterns as intricate and speedy as a Tetris game.


Everyone scrambled to avoid being crushed by the boulders.

Knees skinned, blood dripping, but who could spare a thought for minor injuries in a moment like this?


The vibrations ceased only minutes later.

The path changed entirely from before.

Thankfully, they hadnt been separated, if anything.

Heugh! Heugh!

Gasping for air.

Cant believe theres such a labyrinth on the first floor.

This is insane. Wasnt everything besides the ruins the same at level one?

As everyone was battling for breath, faces pale, Jinhyuk casually brushed the dust off himself.

Hasnt everyone experienced a labyrinth that changes terrain at least once?

Who has ever experienced that!

Park Hana screamed, her face pale as a ghost.

If not, no worries.

Jinhyuk shrugged.

Then he once again called for glow moths, beginning to collect the dust.

A little hum was the cherry on top.

With Jinhyuks untroubled behavior, Park Hana felt profanities welling up in her throat.

But she stifled them.

There were more important things at hand.

We need to get out of here now. Hye-Min, can you find an exit?

Thats When the labyrinth changed, the ability activation was canceled.

Lee Hye-Min shook her head with a gloomy expression.

Unique ability Compass.

It showed the safest route in dungeons and labyrinths.

Park Hanas confidence in venturing into unfamiliar territory all came down to this ability.

But now.

The ability was rendered useless.

The labyrinth had been reshaped.

And it would continue to change.

So we cant find the exit?

Were trapped in here?

She confidently entered the labyrinth for this?

Trusting a mere navigation ability?

Jinhyuk eavesdropping stifled a laugh.

Thinking of the labyrinth like a trip down to the local supermarket, those newbies.

The fools maybe, but its about time for that thing to show up

Jinhyuk glanced at the moth dust on his hand.

When body odor and dust mix, a special substance is secreted.

With a very special scent.

Shortly after.

Ku-woong. Ku-woong.

A faint sound started from afar.

Others, busy raising their voices, didnt notice.

But Jinhyuk felt it clearly.

Something that roamed this labyrinth was approaching.

Labyrinths transform! Why didnt you tell us about that crucial detail before?

Park Hana elevated her voice.

Talk with some dignity. My ears hurt.


Did I tell you to follow?


Didnt you say you wanted to come? I didnt force you to follow.

You said you wanted to come.

And now youre yelling about it?

That may be so, but

Park Hana stammered.

Wanting to retort, she found herself at a loss for words.

You! We are already stuck in this place, feeling crappy, and if you open your mouth one more time, Ill silence you for good!

Beside them, Cheon Min-Guk shouted furiously.

Hmm, Park Hana might be needed, but

Youre not, are you?

Jinhyuk scratched his head and stepped in front of Cheon Min-Guk.

You can oink like a pig all you want, but it might be better to keep your volume down a bit.


Ah! Did you not understand because I was using human words? Oink oink, oink oink. Grunt! Grunt grunt grunt oink. Got it now? It was my way of telling you to quiet down.

You, you damn wretch!

Cheon Min-Guks face flushed red, and he swung his fist.

Heading straight for the jaw


Jinhyuk tilted his head, dodging smoothly.

At the same time, he upset his opponents balance with a foot sweep.

Huh? Eh?

Struggling, Cheon Min-Guk suddenly toppled forward.


Jinhyuk stepped on Cheon Min-Guks wrist with his foot.

Bones misaligned with a chilling crack under his weight.


Shh! Quiet. Havent you heard to not make noise in the labyrinth?

Uuuuh you madman. You tell me to be quiet, yet why are you breaking my wrist?

You still dont grasp it, see.


That mouth. Its too harsh.

Jinhyuks expression chilled.

From above.



His leg drove into Cheon Min-Guks face.

The full weight made the impact unimaginable.


Teeth shattered and blood sprayed like a fountain.

Isnt that a bit too much for just swinging a punch?

ThatsWhat kind of person

Is so cruel.

Park Hana and the rest seemed genuinely shocked.

How amusing.

Crushing someone who tried assaulting him is too much?

Its not a case of come back when youre stronger.

Once an enemy shows their fangs, why would you show mercy?

Im not that noble.

Besides, this isnt exactly the time for a moral ethics class.

Dont worry. I wont kill him.

There really was no need.



Jinhyuk peeked into the darkness that filled the corridor.

With all this commotion and the smell of blood, its time for it to come.

Kuwoong! Kuwoong! Kuwoong!

Footsteps began to resonate.

This time clear enough for everyone to hear.