Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 85: The Psychiatric Ward on the 5th Floor (1)

Chapter 85: The Psychiatric Ward on the 5th Floor (1)

[A gift has arrived from the Kingdom of Caladium.]

[Would you like to check it?]

A blinking golden status window.

The Kingdom of Caladium

Jinhyuks pupils quaked with realization.

A nation affiliated with the Empire, hostile to the martial arts world.

One of those nations was the Kingdom of Caladium.

Have these guys started to make their move?

He had anticipated an eventual encounter, yet he didnt expect them to act this swiftly.

Of course, with new variables emerging capable of disrupting the delicate balance, it was inevitably enticing. Almost maddeningly so.

It also meant that the Empire, steeped in aristocratic ideals, was now in such a dire situation that they had to swallow their pride.

Murim and now the Empire. Both are trying to preemptively secure the players who show promise in altering the towers power structure.

The sight of them bearing gifts was, in a way, quite endearing.

A curt chuckle escaped Jinhyuk as he examined the gift.

Time to gauge just how generous the forces that govern the towers intermediate floors are.


[You have acquired the skill Faint Scent.]

[Faint Scent]

Difficulty of Acquisition: F

Description: This skill allows you to erase not only your own scent and breathing but also the slight vibration in the air. When used, even wild animals will not be able to sense your hiding place. (Duration: 3 seconds, can be used 3 times, followed by a 24-hour cooldown.)

[System suppression is partially alleviated due to the support from upper-tier powers.]

On any other floor

This skill would be deemed useful, and that would be the end of it.

The activation time was too short, and the number of uses was limited.

However, the evaluation changed completely in a situation where one had to break through manic patients and named monsters to escape.

With unique abilities and skills sealed, a skill that was F-rank now holds value beyond S-rank.

It was essentially like gaining three extra lives.

If the Kingdom of Caladium went against the Towers constraints to gift this to me

They must really have their eyes set on it.

Ill gladly make use of the skill.

Theres no reason to refuse a gift offered with goodwill.

Nor is there a need to feel obligated over it.

I just have to walk the tightrope among the various factions, absorbing all the benefits like honey.

Engaging in a game of push and pull that excited the other party was the optimal position to take.


With a robust skill acquired, it was time for him to leave.

Jinhyuk opened the gate leading to the psychiatric ward.

In that very moment.


[You have selected the Psychiatric Ward on the 5th floor.]

[Unique abilities and skills will be sealed.]

[There is only one rule: Escape the ward alive.]

A new status window appeared to herald the start of a new floor.

At the same time, Jinhyuks consciousness grew hazy.

The damp air.

The stench of blood and excrement.

Visibility so poor, one couldnt see an inch in front of them.

All these things confirmed the fact that he was in the psychiatric ward, known for its abysmal survival rates.


[Dragon. Due to the magisterium of Makedrian, one of your skills is unlocked!]

[You are now able to use Greedy Eyes!]

As expected, the status window appeared.

Amongst all the skills, eyes suffered the least restriction and were the easiest to unseal from the systems constraints.

Thats why I chose this book at the Magic Grand Library.

Setting that aside.

I cant seem to adapt to the smell no matter what. Adaptation just isnt happening.

Jinhyuk scrunched his nose and shook his head.

Right then


Its pitch-black. Hey! Is this the right starting point?

Damn, why does it look like this?

Voices from other players echoed from beside Jinhyuk.

Does anybody have a light?

Cant. All our abilities have been sealed. Feels like were right back in the starting village.

Having been deprived of various abilities suddenly left everyone with a feeling comparable to modern humans losing electricity.

Ugh? Theres something in my pocket!


Yeah, this feels like



With a click of a lighter, small flames brought light to the dark room.

A Western man and woman, an Asian woman, and a black woman.

And myself.

There were five in total.

Huff. Thats better. If I knew it was going to be this miserable, I would have chosen somewhere else.

Hm? I have something too?

Me as well.

Mine feels like a key.

Random survival items.

Those in the room quickly checked their pockets.

Of course, Jinhyuk had already finished checking his item more swiftly than anyone else.

A pen, huh

A common Monami pen found in any office.

Anyone else mightve cursed at receiving something useless.

But Jinhyuk, looking at the sharp point of the pen, nodded his head.

Not bad at all.

A true player doesnt blame their equipment.

They only make the best of what they have.

By the way.

It looks like only rookies are gathered here.

From initial reactions to the ability to cope with the situation.

Everything was clunky.

It meant none had the experience of clearing the psychiatric ward before.

In the past, he would have taken the trembling newbies with him.

But there was no reason to do so now.

It wasnt just a game for laughter and enjoyment.

Does anyone have experience with this place? asked the bulky Western man.

I tried once a long time ago, but

5th floor always has different structures and items every time, so experience is meaningless, they say.

I picked this place because the mines are too popular and fill up fast.

Each had their reason for coming here, as incomprehensible as they seemed to Jinhyuk.

This is messed up.

Lets discuss our next steps before moving.

While the others chatted incessantly, Jinhyuks gaze was fixed on the door.

They should be appearing soon now that weve lit the lighter

Turning on the light gave them visibility, but also alerted the entities in the ward to the players.

Just then.

Thud. Thud.

Faint footsteps were heard.

The other players were too busy speaking to notice the disturbance.

They were only discussing their opinions for survival.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sound of footsteps grew louder.

Now, even those inside the room could hear it.

Whats that noise?

Lock the door! Lock it!


The wooden door shut.

Almost immediately.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The door rattled wildly.

Were in here! Theyre in here!

Cackle, cackle!

Burn them all! Purify with fire!

The blood of the heretics!

Insanity-laden voices echoed.


Damn, theyre here already?

We have to get out, that door wont hold for long!

Once patients here, these people had lost their humanity.

Since then, theyve been offering sacrifices to a mysterious god and living in blood and madness.

There were two choices left.

Fight or flee.

These people had no choice to fight.

In a situation where abilities cant be used, what does fighting even mean?

They must flee.

Before its too late.

Before theyre torn apart or burned alive!

We, we need to find a way out!

The large man frantically looked around.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Hearts raced and breaths rapide.

Voices escalated.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Crack! Snap!

Wood splinters flew everywhere.

Blades covered with flesh were visible through the shattered door.

No more time was left.

A little bit more, just a little bit longer, and the door would be destroyed.

But then.

Over here! Its this way!

The black woman shouted, pointing up to the ceiling.

The ventilation shaft.

They could survive by climbing up; at least they wouldnt die like cornered rats.


Damn it, move quickly!

After prying open the vent cover, the people frantically started to climb up.

Crash! Snap!

A gap the size of a childs fist appeared.

Red, bloodshot eyes were visible beyond the door.

Lift me up! Pull me up, hurry!

With help from below and pulling from above, they began to leave the room one by one.


What are you doing? Grab my hand quickly!

The last to go, Jinhyuk, just stood still, seemingly uninterested in the vent.

Dammit, leave him! We cant save a nutcase who wants to die!

Thats right. Lets go.


The man clicked his tongue.

He gave Jinhyuk a brief, frustrated look before moving on.


The vent cover shut.

The sealing of skills and unique abilities.

Just these two facts alone brought the players fear to an extreme.


Being afraid just because the skills are gone, what will they do later?

Skills are only supplementary.

How much more hell will they face ahead, and yet, just because a few abilities are sealed, theyre showing their tails?

All to believers, at that.

Jinhyuk could have used Faint Scent from the Kingdom of Caladium, but it was too precious to use here.

He held the pen reverse grip.


A familiar click, and the tip of the pen extended.

At that moment.


The door burst open, and half-naked men poured into the room.

There were about thirty of them.

Eyes deranged and bodies smudged with blood, the scene was grotesque.

Kill him!

Chop off his limbs!

The god demands his blood!

Rusty sickles and jagged kitchen knives were thrown at Jinhyuk.

Ive always wondered something.

Back when they were AI, there was a curiosity that wasnt satisfied.

Whether fanatics can feel fear.

The true nature of humans hidden behind the madness and blindness.

He was curious to see how long they could wear that mask.

With those words, Jinhyuk disappeared like smoke.



The pen pierced the temple of the closest man.

A thin stream of blood sprayed from the wound.

If you wanted to take advantage of numbers, you shouldnt have come to such a narrow entrance.

What use is a large number?

Only two men could attack head-on in such a tight space.

Furthermore, in such a cramped environment, scythes or long pikes were more of a hindrance than help.

Jinhyuk pulled out the pen and surged towards the next target.

Thud! Thud!

Eyes, medulla oblongata, adams apple.

Though he couldnt penetrate bone, there were plenty of vulnerable spots to aim for.

Screams of terror!


Horrifying screams filled the room.

The deliberate, ruthless strikes turned over half of them into cold corpses in an instant.

The fierce momentum was completely broken.

It was inevitable.

The difference in strength was simply too great.

Fanatics who came to kill the players were instead overwhelmed by the murderous intent of their opponent.

Whats the matter? Is that all?

Jinhyuk extended the pen dripping with blood drops.

But just then.


With a thunderous noise, one side of the wall collapsed.