Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 64: Mage Association (2)

Chapter 64: Mage Association (2)


The noise originated from the shrine just behind.

A gust of wind swept through the bamboo forest.

What, what is that?

A magical reaction?

Both Lichao and Melena exclaimed simultaneously.

Up until just moments ago, there were only three people in the vicinity who possessed magical power.

A fact they had checked and rechecked before their arrival.

But not anymore.

A new energy had arisen from the old wooden building.

[The Totem Cheonhadaejanggun () has been designated as a combatant!]

[The Totem Jihayeojanggun () has been designated as a combatant!]

Koong! Koong! Koong!

As the ground shook with mighty roars.

Two wood totems about 5 meters tall appeared.

[The Totem Cheonhadaejanggun watches over the enemies.]

[The Totem Jihayeojanggun awaits the casters commands.]

In the past, they were a pair of old trees that protected a village.

A guardian spirit of the land, optimized for defense.

This cant be

Lichaos pupils quivered with shock.

This sight was more surprising than if a Lich or a Death Knight had appeared before them.

Ive never heard of such an ability.

Melena, too, found the situation unbelievable.

No wonder.

The ability to manipulate summons wasnt something commonly seen.

Necromancers who commanded the dead accounted for only 3% of all classes.

Spiritualists who handled elementals numbered less than a hundred worldwide.

And those who dealt with spirits or phantom beasts could be counted on one hand, perhaps?


Among them, nobody.

No player could command a God.

How How are you like this!

Lichao shouted in despair.

Jinhyuk watched the approaching totems with a satisfied smile.

Its been a while since Ive summoned both Cheonhadaejanggun and Jihayeojanggun simultaneously.

He had chosen this camping spot among many, all to use these beings through Anubiss judgment.

Completely drained of power from facing the Cheonsugwaneum.

To compensate for that vulnerability, he had carefully planned this stage, and thanks to the two playing right into his tempo, everything was resolved smoothly.

Ah. It would be wise not to think about escaping.

Jinhyuk advised Lichao and Melena as they started to back away.

Do you plan to pursue? Even when you are not fully recovered?

Thats right. I cannot.

A pursuit that could be indefinitely prolonged wasnt suitable with his current condition.


Isnt that why I summoned these combatants to take over?

The moment Jinhyuk finished speaking.

[The Totem Jihayeojanggun activates No Entry Allowed!]


Thick vines erupted along the bamboo forest.

As if to completely seal off the area, a staggering number of tendrils thrashed about.

Break through! We cannot be trapped!

Lichao cried out as he swung his sword.


Melena followed suit.

Pfffffft! Boom!

The black bullets pummeled the wall of vines.

Though significant wounds formed on the vines, they regenerated far more quickly.

New flesh sprouted where they had been scorched.

A green wave surged and thickened.

This way! We need to aim here!

Damn it, Im trying too!

But no matter how much they swung their swords and fired spells, it was futile.

A necromancer who had just completed their second job advancement was no match for the totems skills.

Once the conditions for Anubiss judgment were met, the outcome was as good as decided.

Hang in there. Thats right! Just a little more!

Jinhyuk cheered for the struggling Lichao and Melena.

Almost there! Fighting! You can do it. Lets go!


Using support balloons bought from the coin exchange and even vuvuzelas was just icing on the cake.





Jinhyuk raised his voice.

More of a mockery than a provocation.


Unable to bear it any longer, Lichao stopped swinging his sword.

Then, he turned his murderous blade.

Why, are we done cutting vines?

It doesnt matter about the vines. If I kill you, these damned things will disappear too.

Ah, smart thinking.

Thats correct. If the caster dies, the summon naturally returns to its place.


Do you think you can?

Lichao should know better than anyone after witnessing the battle with Cheonsugwaneum.

You cant take me down with your abilities.

Wasnt the very fear of that why you pretended to be an ordinary player and even prepared Caligulas coin?

Stop underestimating me. Even a cornered mouse will bite.

Lichao bared his fangs.

He seemed ready to fight to the death if necessary.

Yet Jinhyuk had already noticed the magic circle forming beneath Lichaos feet.


Dim magical power traced the lines.

Its a short-range teleportation circle often used by necromancers.

See that?

Pretends to fight but is actually planning to flee?

Just like Alex, whom we met at the auction house, and his master Cadric.

Why do they all act so similarly when cornered?

By now, it wouldnt be surprising if the Mage Association had an academy teaching escape techniques.

I had thought of capturing you unharmed, but you are really asking for a beating.

It goes without saying, but he had no intention of letting him go this easily.

He had put in such effort, and he couldnt release his caught prey.

Jinhyuk nodded to another totem standing behind.


A command issued coldly.

[The Totem Cheonhadaejanggun activates Punish the Wrong and Warn the Others!]


An invisible fist struck Lichaos head.


A scream of agony escaped Lichaos mouth.

But before he could regain his senses, the attacks continued.



Lichaos body bounced up and down.

Despite the immense speed, each hit felt like it could shatter bones.


Once more.



And again.

In less than 30 seconds, every bone in his body was pulverized.


Lichao, bloody, tumbled to the ground.

A pitiable sight.

Barely alive, it seemed miraculous.


Melena also shook like a leaf in the wind.

Gu-guardian spirits How are we supposed to beat them?

Less than a minute remained before Caligulas coin would be activated, yet she couldnt even think to use the coin.

She was utterly scared of Jinhyuk, who kept displaying abilities beyond comprehension.

Jinhyuk approached Melena.

Well, it seems were done here, so shall we have a civilized conversation?

If he could read minds using the Eye of Gluttony, it would be simple, but unfortunately, both of their levels were too high.

The easiest method was not available.


He would have to utilize the ability of discerning truth from lies to the fullest.

[Lv4 Eye of Gluttony is activated.]

A gleam flashed in Jinhyuks eyes.

I will ask questions now, and I hope you will answer them sincerely.

What what do you want to know?

Melena swallowed dryly.

Ive known about your existence for some time, but honestly, I dont know the motive. If the tower isnt climbed, humanity will perish. So why are you interfering with the players and meddling?

That is

Melena hesitated.

Just then.

Dont Dont speak. Shut your mouth, Melena!

Lichao bellowed in a strangled voice.


That he was still conscious despite his injuries spoke to his endurance.

Its good to be loyal to your group, but you should have chosen the situation and place more wisely.

There were two potential interrogation subjects.

Missing one would make no difference to the questioning process.

Jinhyuk snapped his fingers.

Dont! Dont speak!

Lichao shouted at Melena.

And that was


Lichaos final testament.

An unseen force completely crushed him.

For just two people, it was a scene befitting the saying one punishment, a hundred warnings.

Hiiiek! Hes dead. L-Lichao is really dead.

Melena collapsed to the ground as her legs gave out.

Once pale-faced.


Now that the stick had been used enough, it was carrot time.

I dont usually let those who target my life live, but if you tell the truth, I might spare you.

Yo-youll spare me?

Melenas eyes widened like a rabbits.

Yes. Internal information is quite valuable. If you provide useful intel, I could stay the execution.

A moment of silence.

What followed was a sense of resignation.

Alright. But I really dont know much.

As Jinhyuk made to snap his fingers again, Melena hastily added.

No, truly. I mean it! We operate in cell networks, and Lichao and I, being assassination units, dont get additional info beyond our immediate missions.

[Eye of Gluttony discerns the truth of the targets words.]

[Melenas statement is true.]

It seems theres no falsehood in what shes saying.

Who gives you the missions?

I dont know the real name. We just call him Lancelot.

A name everyone has heard at least once from the legend of King Arthur.

And one of the knights from the Round Table was Lancelot.

Expectedly, the familiar name came up.

The code name suggests a completion of the second job advancement.


The officers said if we could gather all the relics in the tower even if humanity perishes, we wont die. And for that, wed receive a substantial reward.


Jinhyuks eyes narrowed at Melenas words.

An intriguing word indeed.

I I really dont know more. Thats all I know.

[Eye of Gluttony discerns the truth of the targets words.]

[Melenas statement is true.]

Perhaps this is as much information as possible without being an officer.

Alright. Ill believe you.

Jinhyuk nodded.

The information obtained was fragmentary, but it led to a greater harvest than imagined.

The Knights of the Round Table and the 12 cursed relics. And the reward for gathering them all.

Clues were combining.

It was becoming clear what they were after.

A sneer escaped Jinhyuks lips.

So theyve really exposed their underbelly.

Even crazier than he thought.

He had suspected the Mages would attempt a hidden quest

But that it was tied to summoning the Demon King was surprising.

This was becoming truly interesting.

Perhaps even this variable could be factored into a new game plan.