Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 56: The End of the 3rd Floor, The Heartless Army (2)

Chapter 56: The End of the 3rd Floor, The Heartless Army (2)


When the darkness lifted from my eyes, the scenery before me had completely changed. I was in a place reminiscent of an ancient Eastern temple amidst colorful autumn foliage. This was the final area of the third floor, the main battlefield for this raid.

[A new challenger has entered the domain of the Heartless Army on the 3rd floor.]

This was the notification that appeared when one entered the boss monsters room. Seeing it, I started to feel the reality that I was about to encounter them.

I guess Ill be occupied for the next few days.

While I was confident in chaotic battles, this raid required much more than that.


Jinhyuk slowly started walking towards the outer edges of the temple. Before entering their domain, there were tasks to deal with first.


The autumn leaves here are truly the best within the tower, no wonder it has that reputation.

The majestic view must be talking precisely about this place. The extensive forest of maple trees stretching for several kilometers was breathtaking.

But, I wasnt here to just admire the autumn scenery.

It should be around here somewhere

Jinhyuks gaze darted around quickly. Among trees that all looked similar, there was one distinctly different, a unique tree.

Found it!

He stopped in his tracks before a large tree known as Human-Faced Wood with a human face instead of tree burls, a landmark already quite famous among the community due to several posts.

Just as Jinhyuk moved closer to the tree, someone entered the broadcast.

[Hako Tam-bang Specialized has entered.]

-Hako Tam-bang Specialized: I was tricked by the room title to come here. Which noob entered a boss room thats not even targeted by large guilds for raids?

The first viewer entered and immediately spat out insults after seeing Jinhyuks face.

-Hako Tam-bang Specialized: Oh, this guy is also wearing a mask and trolling. Why are there so many with the same gimmick coming out of the woodwork these days? Im leaving. BB.

[Hako Tam-bang Specialized has left.]


It seemed like the number of masked characters had indeed increased recently, considering the sharp reaction.

Of course, I understood. Attracting viewers by playing the villain was a vital aspect novice broadcasters had to learn.

Among those villains, a masked player targeting the corridor had caught everyones attention. It wasnt even hard to get hold of a similar mask.


[Bread is the Future has entered.]

[Unemployed over Streamers has entered.]

More viewers popped in, this time two at once, and both seemed like they had been broadcasting for a while.

-Bread is the Future: LOL, what the V-Tube algorithm? Did a 3rd-floor raid broadcast show up in related searches?

-Unemployed over Streamers: I came after seeing that too LOL. Long live King-Tube!

-Bread is the Future: Wow, but its my first time seeing someone solo raiding. Knock knock! Excuse me. Are you insane, human? Do you hoxly not know that even a 100-person raid party struggles here?

-Unemployed over Streamers: If youre a lost young deer, please wiggle your bottom left and right! Ill gladly tell you the way out.

The chat was filled with mockery.

How cute.

A smile crept up Jinhyuks mouth. Watching the viewers chatter like this reminded him of his days as a BJ, almost making him nostalgic.

Thats what broadcasting is.

The viewers teased the unfamiliar newbie BJ.

But the BJ captivates the viewers hearts with skill in an instant.

Thats why he was already excited to see how these folks attitudes would change.

Ignoring the two, Jinhyuk moved directly in front of the Human-Faced Wood.

-Bread is the Future: Oh? Isnt that the Human-Faced Wood?

-Unemployed over Streamers: I mean, you do come across it now and then. People challenging the towers quizzes it spouts, hoping to hit the jackpot.

-Bread is the Future: Doesnt this person watch V-Tube at all? If they had seen others try, theyd know how impossible it is.

The Human-Faced Wood offered three quizzes, and one needed to answer them all correctly for a reward. Occasionally people got one right, but no one had ever solved more than one.

Even explorers who enjoyed trekking inside the tower over climbing it had not managed to do so.

Thus, this tree had been thoroughly ignored.

Until today, before Jinhyuk arrived.


The moment the Human-Faced Wood began to move.

Kek kek kek! Finally, a human has come.

Pumpkin-like orange eyes fixated on Jinhyuk, and from the twisted mouth came a voice heavy with countless years.

Have thou also come to attempt my quizzes?

Thats the plan. So, how about you hit me with a juicy question?


Jinhyuk settled himself onto the lush blanket of leaves.

This was comfortable. Like being enveloped by a natural mattress.

With his right hand propping his chin and his left fiddling with his ear, he casually reclined.

At that sight, the Human-Faced Wood bellowed out.

What, what nonsense are you doing?


How dare you take such a disrespectful posture in front of someone! If you vex me, I could give you an unsolvable problem!

Ah this? Sorry, I concentrate better when my bodys relaxed. Dont fuss over it and throw me a question.


-Unemployed over Streamers: LOL, what insane commitment to character.

-Bread is the Future: First time seeing the Human-Faced Wood getting so pissed off at a player.

[Pizza Sweet Sour Pork Tastes Amazing has entered.]

-Pizza Sweet Sour Pork Tastes Amazing: What is this channel about?

-Unemployed over Streamers: Oh. New viewer. Youre in for a treat; its getting interesting.

-Bread is the Future: True that. The players rolling with a unique concept.

[New Hero Welcome has entered.]

-Unemployed over Streamers: Oh, another one came in.

-Bread is the Future: Wow, this channels heating up. What does your nickname mean?

-New Hero Welcome: It means a new hero is always welcome.

-Pizza Sweet Sour Pork Tastes Amazing: Whats with this concept? Drank at lunchtime?

The number of viewers was increasing steadily.

Not a bad start.

Most importantly, those that entered kept watching instead of exiting, a positive sign that the broadcast was worth their time and attention.


Fine. Answer the three questions correctly, and I shall grant you one of my maple leaves of your choosing, said the Human-Faced Wood grudgingly.

The expression was relaxed, but the voice quavered.

Arent you showing your hand too much? Its so obviously boiling inside.

Wont change your words later on? You said youd give me whichever maple leaf I choose from yours, right?

How dare you! I, as a spirit of the tree, swear upon my honor to always fulfill promises made!

Hm. If you insist that much, Ill believe you.

A spirits oath meant there was no chance of going back on the promise later.

Then heres the first question. Answer the ideal depth and temperature at which the oceanic species Kelgorn thrives. Needless to say, there can be no margin of error.

Kelgorn inhabited the abyssal zone of the 7th floor.

-Unemployed over Streamers: Woah, starting with a crazy question. Heard of this Kelgorn creature, but how do you know the exact depth and temperature?

-Bread is the Future: Correct! It lives in the freaking deep sea.

-Pizza Sweet Sour Pork Tastes Amazing: Seems it would be cold, like ice water? Maybe 5 degrees? -5 degrees? I dont know.

-New Hero Welcome: Thats a give-up question if I ever saw one LOL.

The viewers believed no one could answer.


The depth is 175 meters, the temperature is 1.5 degrees.

Jinhyuk confidently answered.

Ive done snorkeling there countless times, how could I not know.

He had once become obsessed with Disneys The Little Mermaid, cosplayed as a mermaid, and extensively indulged in freediving.

So, he knew not just the depth and temperature but also the ever-changing ocean currents down to minute details.

The Human-Faced Woods pupils dilated rapidly, mouth agape as if it had lost the ability to speak.


I havent, havent said its correct yet.

Its correct, so just give me the next one. Make it a bit harder, will you?

Alright. Then, for the second question. The method by which a player may ingest the sponge of a Pelian

Mix Desert Sun Salt with Holy Water made by a Priest after a second-tier sacrament in a pot, then cook it for 5 hours on the lowest heat using the white woods of the winter cave as fuel. Slowly, over a gentle flame.

Again, correct.

The Human-Faced Woods face turned as stiff as stone.

Him picking vexing questions on purpose and the contender casually getting them rightit was as if there were only one chance left.

The Human-Faced Wood could only ask questions related to the tower up to the 10th floor.

Equity and rules mattered little now. This was about the pride of being the most magnificent great tree on the 3rd floor, clutching onto a wealth of knowledge, now under threat of being crushed.

Last question! The Giant Eagles of the Sky Plateau mate only once a year. When exactly is that?

-Unemployed over Streamers: Sky Plateau? Theres such a place?

-Bread is the Future: Never heard of it. Or this Giant Eagle monster either.

-Pizza Sweet Sour Pork Tastes Amazing: Geez. Human-Faced Wood, looks like youre throwing weird questions because you think theyll solve them all?

-New Hero Welcome: Judging from the obscure questions, these arent from the lower floors. Were done here.


The Sky Plateau was on the 15th floor, and even amongst top-tier pros, few have been to the highest peak of the 15th floor.

This should be an unsolvable question.

Until now, all challengers faced failure and despair before such an inquirynaturally and inevitably.


It had to be that way

November 17ththats when the first snow falls on the tower.

The answer that should have never been given echoed through the air.

Howhow did you? Who, who are you? How could you know all this?!

The Human-Faced Wood shook violently in distress.


Branches thrashed and myriad maple leaves whirled into the sky.

Just an average guy who enjoys wandering the tower.

Do dont joke. Mere humans cant possibly answer all my questions.

Calm down and Ill let you know something you dont, okay?

I dont know something?

Yeah. Seems like you think Giant Eagles mate only once a year, huh? Didnt you know? If their population dwindles, they can mate twice by ingesting a special diet to supplement their nutrition?

Is, is that really possible? What on earth do they eat no, thats not the point. Ahem! Cough!

The Human-Faced Wood abruptly adjusted its voice.

But it was too late; its genuine feelings had already burst forth.

-Unemployed over Streamers: WTF! First time Ive seen someone get past these quizzes.

-Bread is the Future: Is this even possible? Theyre not even Google but know everything by heart. Mind-blowing. Entering this channel was a stroke of genius.

-Pizza Sweet Sour Pork Tastes Amazing: Smells like a rotten water veteran. Breathtaking. Really, my visit here was a move of divine providence.

-Unemployed over Streamers: Agreed. We might just see the rewards for the first time.

-Pizza Sweet Sour Pork Tastes Amazing: What will they choose, I wonder?

Passing the Human-Faced Woods quiz granted you the right to select one special item held by it.

A red leaf imparted flame properties.

A yellow leaf enhanced defensive abilities.

Lastly, the green leaf boosted movement speed.

-Bread is the Future: Obviously, you gotta go with the red leaf that boosts attack. The raiding parties even tried desperately with these quizzes to get it and advance to the 4th floor.

-New Hero Welcome: Id rather go with the yellow leaf. You need resistance against those things.

-Unemployed over Streamers: No, no. Pick the green leaf for movement speed; avoid getting hit and youre good. Speed! Speed! Speed! Unknown bro, go for speed!

-Bread is the Future: Mans about pure offense! Attack! Attack! Attack!

-New Hero Welcome: Nonsense! Defense is the essence of true masculinity!

The chatroom was in a frenzy.

Induction into the Hall of Fame was certain at this point.

Since their chat would be publicly documented, their excitement was understandable.

Tell me, which one do you desire among these?

The Human-Faced Wood urged for an answer.

The viewers attention was also laser-focused.

Depending on the choice, the entire dynamics of the 3rd-floor boss battle could shift radically.


Throw away the trash-like leaves. Theyre only good for your hair. Got a black one? Hand it over.

Once more, Jinhyuks words turned everyones expectations upside down.