Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 36: The Growth of a Veteran (3)

Chapter 36: The Growth of a Veteran (3)

At the bottom of the Tower of Trials, there was a place called the Lake of the Moon. The sight was so stunning that the moon hanging in the night sky seemed as if it was submerged beneath the surface of the water. Despite its beauty, the place was devoid of visitorsthe situation was dire, and humanitys existence hung in the balance; there was no time to enjoy leisurely activities. A scenic beauty unparalleled, yet also a spot of unparalleled lonelinessthis was the Lake of the Moon.

And it was here, at this moment, that someone approached its shores. It was Jinhyuk.

Its been a long time since Ive been here

He used to come here often when he was low-level. After surpassing the middle floors of the tower, he hardly visited. Seeing it again stirred special emotions within him.

[It looks quite picturesque, but how are you planning to hunt here?] came the voice of Elyse from the ring.

Wait and see.

Jinhyuk smiled faintly and began to walk along the edge of the lake. He wasnt intending to take a night stroll; there was something he needed to find. He quickened his pace. His eyes moved brisklysurely it had to be around here somewhere

Indeed! Jinhyuk halted in his tracks upon spotting a statue resembling a carp, one of the twelve statues around the lake. Although it appeared to be a mere decoration, this statue held another purpose altogether.

Jinhyuk reached out and felt the statue. There it wasa groove hollowed out at its edge!

[Oh? Is there a secret button on that statue?]

If it were that simple, dont you think it would have been discovered long ago? Jinhyuk responded. Did Elyse think too little of the worlds veterans? Could they really have missed a mere button on a statue?

In reality, the number of players who discovered this groove comfortably exceeded three digits, sometimes even mentioned casually in the community. But despite the rumors, no one succeeded in finding the key that fit the groove.

And for good reason.

This isnt something that can be unlocked with a key.

The Lake of the Moon. Following its name, the key to this statues secret was a bit special.

Jinhyuk covered the keyhole with his palm, blocking the moonlight. Swish. He removed his hand and the moonlight once again filled the groove.


Using his palm, Jinhyuk adjusted the amount and angle of the light that entered. Calmly If either were off-mark, he wouldnt be able to satisfy this finicky statue.

Once, twice, and then a third time, the moonlight tapped the groove in a unique rhythm. At that very momentrumble! The entire lake began to vibrate violently. Like Moses parting the Red Sea, the water filling the lake split left and righta truly magnificent sight.

The landscape had completely changed. Where shall I go? Jinhyuk descended the long staircase that led to the underground, making his way down to a hidden level that had never been accessed by mana place so filled with indescribable mystique.


[You have entered the Tower of Trials Basement Level 1.]

The Tower of Trials hidden place, the Underground Breeding Groundsa hunting field purpose-built for explosive growth was now within his grasp.

You may come out now.

As Jinhyuk reached the underground floor and poured his mana into Brahmans ring, a vampire with flowing silver hair materialized before him. To be precise, it was a reduced version of 30cm.

Elyse looked around in disbelief, gasping, Amazing. To think there was such a space beneath the tower!

She seemed genuinely surprised, her red pupils expanding and contracting in an almost comical manner.

How about it? Jinhyuk asked.


Are you starting to think that making a contract with me was a good idea?

Well what you said before wasnt entirely bluff. Just a tiny bit really, just a tiny bit, seems trustworthy.

Elyse answered, looking away as if dodging Jinhyuks gaze. A prideful one, indeed.

Jinhyuk caught his tongue at the pride. He paused, remembering something curious. What do those dwelling in the tower think of the players? We know the game has become reality, but do they also think theyre just data within a game? Or is it possible that the vast world known as the Tower of Trials actually exists somewhere beyond Earth?

There were many possible scenarios, but no way to know the truth.

After all, its not something you could just Google or search on Naver. However, Elyse, a trueblood who has lived for thousands of years, might be able to provide an answer.

Elyse, theres something I want to ask.

As Jinhyuks lips moved, the words that came out were not Korean. In fact, it wasnt any known language, merely a dissonant squeal of unnerving pitches and tones.

What are you saying? Thats creepy.

Elyse recoiled in alarm.

So this is how its going to be. The system had completely blocked the exchange of information between players and the beings within the tower. A simple, but utterly effective method.

Its nothing; just speaking nonsense.

Even realizing that they could not communicate on this topic was significant enough. I suppose theyve blocked written messages and other methods as well.

Jinhyuk then took out the Frozen Tears and Dew of Twilight. Before he began hunting in earnest, he needed to increase his absolute mana quantity.

[The Dew of Twilight contacts the Frozen Tears.]

[The second thawing begins.]

A warm light shone, and new mana began to seep into Jinhyuks body.

[Your mana increases by +18.]

Good. With that, the second thawing was a success.


His breathing stabilized, and mana flowed more smoothly. Maintaining Elyse was now much easier. Indeed, it had to behis level had effectively increased by six.

I cant wait to test it out.

The true extent of his unique abilities and skills, made possible by the increased mana, intrigued him to no end.

The Underground Level 1 was called a Breeding Ground for one reason: monsters incessantly crawled out from the abyss.



Insects with black carapaces shrieked. Tuddudduddu! Hordes of beetle-like creatures, each the size of a tiger, surged forward with remarkable speed. There were many, and their levels each exceeded 20. None of them were easy prey.

Thump! Boom!

As they closed in, the insects leaped in unison. But just before their sharp claws and teeth could reach Jinhyuk

[Unique Ability Blessing of the Stars activates!]

A ray of light fell from the lake above. Cucucucucu! The power to summon the protection of the constellationsTeresas unique ability.

[The monsters magic defense is weakened by 30%.]

[The monsters physical defense is weakened by 30%.]


Kek! Keekeek!

The insects writhed and screamed in agony. The brilliant light was unbearable for creatures used to darkness. For them, it must have felt like their eyes were seared by flames.

But Jinhyuk wasnt one to stand idly by and watch his defenseless foes.

Burning is the only way to really enjoy bugs.

Outer crispiness with a moist center. It just made sense to turn them all into charcoal.


The Element of Fire materialized in his left hand, growing from the size of a baseball to that of a basketball, and then to a massive sphere with a diameter of one meter.

Jinhyuks shoulder pulled far back, and the blaze grew even fiercer.



The insects plummeted to the ground face-first, their front carapaces splitting open.


Jinhyuk unleashed his mana that had been gathered to its limit.


A stream of fire engulfed the insects. They turned to ash without a chance to scream.

Is that all of them?

As he said this, the scene shifted.

No, here comes more.

Elyse pointed behind him. More insect hordes had somehow emerged.

Dont just talk; put your abilities to work. Youve got to earn your keep, Jinhyuk chided.

What? You want this noble being to waste energy on such inferior creatures?

Would the noble miss prefer to be stuck in a ring forever, trapped away from the light of day?

Was she still hanging onto the habits from her days gazing down from her throne? Something like I was the queen of the empire, but when I awoke, I found myself a sudra in Indiaone of those royal fantasy reversal plots?

Jinhyuks sharp threat made Elyse shiver instinctively. She knew wellcomplain too much, and she could truly end up in a pitiful state.

Alright, alright, Ill do it! Just do it! she exclaimed.

[Elyse activates Lv?? Blood Bind!]


Blood droplets materialized in the air, forming a giant circle of crimson liquid.



In the blink of an eye, the insects froze. A skill boasting a double-digit level. Even if they were monsters capable of lifting dozens of times their own weight, they now stood immobile.

All that was left was to finish them off.

Jinhyuk, dagger in hand, approached the paralyzed creatures.

Shes quite useful.

He didnt kill them, but provided just enough support. Experience was awarded to the one who struck the final blow. This was exactly why he kept Elyse by his side, sharing his mana.


The dagger drew a perfect arc, and the insects heads fell away cleanly. Next, then another. Immobilized, dispatching them was childs play.

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

His level soared insanely. The status window flickered relentlessly.


A chuckle escaped Jinhyuks lips. Rampaging as the heart desires was truly a joyous affair.

Indeed, sincerely.

He thought he might have perished from the restraint he had to exercise. Due to the restriction of maintaining Level 1, the stress had piled up.

But now, there was no longer any need for such restraint. At last, he could quench his thirst for strength to his hearts content.


New insects began to ascend.

Dont interfere this time.

Youre taking them on alone?

Yeah. I want to test how much I can exert my abilities with the mana I currently possess.

Jinhyuk infused the dagger with mana.

[Unique Ability Grave of Swords activates!]

The talent of the Sword Demon permeated every cell. Every sense in his body sharpened to an extreme.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

His heart started beating rapidly. The first proper stage was set for him.

Please, just keep coming. Dont stop, just keep coming endlessly.


Jinhyuk kicked off the ground.