Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 31: How to Tame an Absolute Being

Chapter 31: How to Tame an Absolute Being

Jinhyuk nodded in satisfaction as he confirmed his newly acquired ability: Blessing of the Stars. It was Theresas unique ability, received under the protection of the constellations. He had finally obtained it. Ive really gained a lot from coming to this ruin, he thought. While artifacts like the Frozen Tears or Brahams Ring were useful, they couldnt compare to the unique abilities of Cheonyu Sung and Theresa. To think Ive acquired not one, but two top-ranker abilities

He wanted to keep his expression under control, but he couldnt help the corners of his mouth naturally curling up like someone who had won the lottery. Phew, stay calm, Jinhyuk thought as he took a deep breath. There were so many unique abilities in the world; he couldnt be satisfied with just these. Moreover, Blessing of the Stars could be further upgraded through integration. Until he could ascend to the exalted realm of Cheonoecheon (Sky beyond the Heavens) a place even top rankers dare not gaze upon he couldnt afford to relax.

First, Ill have to gather skills that would synergize well together. He already had the combinations in mind. Just then

Excuse me, Mr. Jinhyuk? Theresa tapped his shoulder cautiously. Right, she was here. He had been so engrossed in his abilities that hed forgotten about her.

Ah, my apologies. I was just checking something.

Thats fine. Have you thought about the method?

Theres nothing grand. I just plan to grab it bare-handed.

Excuse me? Theresa looked incredulous. No matter how versatile he was, a cursed relic could not be touched without holy power. And among them, only one person could wield that power

In truth, Ive always been deeply faithful. I never missed Sunday school as a child and even engaged in religious activities in the military.

Do you really believe you can use holy power like that?

Why? Dont you trust me?

Of course not! Theresa raised her voice, something unlike her.

What did I tell you on the way here?

You said to trust you unconditionally.

She remembered it well. Its no wonder a smart student certainly has an excellent memory.

Then do just that.

Theresa bit her lip, a stream of words flowing as smoothly as a mountain stream. It was just a few minutes ago that she regretted not trusting him.

But this was a different story. This time she truly had cause for doubt.

Hmm. How about a bet to see if I can touch it and remain unscathed?

A bet?

Theresa hesitated at the suggestion of a bet. Not because she feared losing she had already promised to give away 10,000 coins. She had nothing more to wager.

If I lose, Ill give you the relic. But if you lose, could you please appear as a guest on my broadcast later?

I guess I could do that.

You promise?

Make sure you keep your promise too.

Keep it? Of course if he lost, that is.


At that moment, a gentle light began to emit from Jinhyuks hand. It was a calming magic force. Undoubtedly, this was holy power.


A sigh escaped Theresas lips, a sign of her inner desolation and despair, as if everything she believed in was crumbling before her eyes.

Understandable, but at this point, just accept it. Just as getting wet in the rain is inevitable, so was this outcome.

Thank you for agreeing to be a guest.

Jinhyuk patted Theresas shoulder lightly. With this, he had secured a strong backer.

[Fragment of Merlins Staff (Material)]

Acquisition Difficulty: AAA

Attack Power: ?

Durability: 5/5

Description: A piece of the staff used by the legendary English archmage Merlin. It is cursed, so only those who can use holy power may touch it.]

An AAA-grade material that can only be found in labyrinths and ruins. It would be profitable to sell in the coin exchange or the black market, and useful for creating magical tools

But it had a particular use up his sleeve. Only fools who know nothing of treasure handle it carelessly.

Artifacts, being misused without comprehending even a fraction of their true value, were all too common.

Well, such fools only make the experts shine brighter.

Consider this: if everyone in the world had the pioneers vision and quick judgement, what use would there be for information disparity?

Perhaps, instead of scorning them, one should be grateful to those who do not understand.

While Im at it, this raid was quite fortunate.

If it hadnt been for Theresa, he would have had to decipher Petros oath and acquire the staff through more tedious means. He would also have needed a more intricate buildup to deceive Elise.

But her presence made things go smoothly.

Jinhyuk carefully stored the fragment of Merlins staff. It was time to leave the ruin.

Grab this exclusive at all costs! Whether it takes a day, a month, or a year, wait like a stone statue! Hey! Hey you, the order came from upstairs, so shut up and stand by!

Journalists from broadcasting companies, various guild contacts, alongside laborers and miners amounted to hundreds of people waiting and staring at the entrance.

-The ruin will be conquered soon.

These events were all sparked by the words of a man, his sword exuding a menacing aura.

Chief, could what that man said be true?

Deputy Jae-Hyun Jeong of the Awakeners Association asked tentatively.

Next to him, Chief Kim Tae-Chun flicked his cigarette.

Hard to say. Its a bit too fantastical to take at face value. Damn, if only Id been there to ask him a few questions unfortunately, the laborers who met him were completely scared off.

The raid party had entered without full force.

Or even if they had, a raid of this scale would normally take at least three weeks. To think they would finish it off in such a short time?

If it were that easy, this ruin wouldnt have been so notoriously difficult in the first place.

However, it couldnt simply be dismissed as the ramblings of a madman.

Coming out of the ruin meant they had defeated the Guardian that protected the entrance.

It was a mind-boggling situation.

Such a headache, Chief Kim muttered, scratching his head.

But just then, from the entrance of the ruin, a bright light began to shine.

At the same time, a golden status window appeared in front of everyone.

[The ruin Corridor of the Corrupted has been conquered.]

[A great achievement will be displayed in the Hall of Honor for one day, tomorrow.]


Was it actually true?

Chief Kim gazed blankly at the entrance.

From there, a group of ragged people began to emerge.

They were the raid teams mainstay, the Balhae Guild, and the Zion Guilds raid party.

Camera shutters snapped frantically.

Theyre out!


The crowd raised their voices, eager to capture the heroes emergence.

Congratulations on the successful conquest of the first-floor ruin!

Can you share your insights on how you managed such a rapid victory?

Who would you say was the MVP in this raid?

Reporters crowded in with their microphones.

To snag an interview, one had to locate the raid leader.

And then,

Is it correct that youre the raid leader, Player Song Cheonhwa?

A reporter approached a bald man with sweat glistening on his head.

At first glance, it seemed unlikely, but upon closer inspection, it was certainly Song Cheonhwa, the raids leader.

But Song Cheonhwa, his eyes vacant, responded to none of these questions, only mechanically moving his feet as if his soul had been stripped away.

His appearance lacking hair, eyebrows, and even eyelashes sparked comments among the journalists.

God, not only his hair but also his eyebrows and lashes are completely gone, right?

What exactly happened inside?

The ruin must have been brutal.

Balhae Guild has really struck it rich, huh? Even though they lost something valuable, if its in exchange for a second awakening, its a lucrative deal.

Though they lost something precious, if it led to a second awakening and a job change, it was well worth the exchange.

Those aware of the circumstances found the reporters to be more merciless than the vampires themselves.

Finally, unable to watch any longer, Theresa intervened.

It wasnt Song Cheonhwa who conquered the ruin.

Thenwas it you, Player Theresa?

Was it a success for the Zion Guild?

The focus shifted to Theresa.

One could almost hear a pin drop amidst the hushed crowd.


Theresa quietly shook her head and pointed to the person beside her. Jinhyuk, with a bizarre-patterned mask.

The ruin was conquered solely by this man. The rest of uswe were merely spectators watching the stage.

The emergence of an extraordinary rookie electrified the entire nation, including the [Tower of Trials] community.

[The masked player. Who is he?]

[A lone conqueror of the ruin! A monstrous appearance!]

[Top guilds from around the world decide to send investigative teams on the first flight tomorrow morning.]

[In 3 hours, the Hall of Honor will reveal his exploits in full.]

The entire focus was on him.

Especially since the timing coincided with the struggle to conquer the boss monster of the third floor, the government and media further fueled the event, billing it as a beacon of hope.

A new hero acknowledged by Theresa, Europes top-ranked player.

The player who had witnessed the end of an unconquerable ruin

Wow, theyve really piled on the catchphrases.

Jinhyuk scratched his head.

He had anticipated a hot reaction, but this was beyond his imagination.

At least he had the foresight to wear a mask so as not to be entangled in troublesome affairs. Perhaps that was a godsend?

Soon Ill be awarded S-rank, and Ill manage that as necessary.

With the number one and two spots now occupied, what remained was to strategically position himself in a manner beneficial to him.

Since Theresa had promised to keep silent, there seemed to be nothing major to worry about for now.

That takes care of that issue for the time being.

Next is

Its about time I talk to Jinjo whos all tied up.

He had managed to deal with her by shoving her in his pocket in the ruin, but he couldnt continue this hands-off approach indefinitely.

As hard as it is to handle, theres no card more useful than her.

The arduous journey to reach floor 50 of the tower.

The first decision that would dictate whether the path would be easy or difficult was this very one.

Jinhyuk carefully took out the ring.

As if on cue, a sharp voice flowed out.

[How dare you lock me in a dark, smelly pouch all day! Human. Do you even know who I am!]

Hello? Miss Jinjo or should I say, great-great-great-grandma.

She seemed unaware of the current situation.

Did she still think she was an omnipotent vampire?

Jinhyuk grabbed the ring and started rotating his arm.

Whoom! Whooom!

His shoulder spun rapidly clockwise.

[Aaah! Stop. Im getting dizzy, so stop!]

Elise screamed.

He halted the circular motion.

How does it feel? Clear-headed yet?

[Would you feel clear-headed in my place? Remember this! Vampires never forget a grudge!]

She still seemed far from reality.

Alright then.

Good to see Jinjos backbone.

It would be no fun if she yielded too easily.

His initial plan was to mix carrot and stick

But he had a change of heart.

He would thoroughly train her with the whip.

This stop is Guro Station, Kuro Station. Expected severe dizziness, passengers are advised to be cautious.

Jinhyuk announced in a bright tone.

[Stop it I really might throw up, so please, no more!]

There are no doors to exit through.

A new round of hellish centrifuge training had begun.