Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 257: The Witch of Lamentation (1)

Chapter 257: The Witch of Lamentation (1)

Theres this hotshot ranker called Nirasha from India nowadays. Hes the most notorious monster after Namgung Chun.


The name I had expected popped up.

I heard rumors that you fought against him in the Empire, brother?

Theres a bit of history, yes. And what else?

Additionally, Dangun and Olympus have also made their moves. Dangun sent a promising new ranker, Park Jung-jin, and Olympus is being led by a sorceress named Maria in their assault team. All of them are formidable rankers.

Gandhara, Dangun, Olympus.

A coalition of three massive guilds.

The information Yu Yeon-hwa and Lee Tae-min conveyed was quite intriguing.

It meant that those arrogant enough to die before losing pride have finally had their noses bent.

Really, they think by combining their forces, they can take it on together.

The corners of Jinhyuks mouth twisted subtly.

As always, the concept was disappointingly simple.

The ruins holding the Witch of Lamentation werent something you could just clear by outnumbering.

Nevertheless, discovering this place meant they had recruited some old hands who had played the Tower of Trials for quite some time.

Any other unusual details?

Oh, there was one more thing. I found out through an acquaintance that they posted a notice only for their subscribers, saying they will conquer this place. But it seems like theyre only swallowing water, havent moved from the spot. Guess how long ago the notice was posted? Five days ago.

Youre right, sister. Main forces are still waiting outside the ruins. The healers seemed overwhelmed caring for the injured.

Yu Yeon-hwa and Lee Tae-min each added a comment.

An assault team desperate for success their repeated failures and the traits of the ruins with the Witch of Lamentation.

This was becoming interesting.

I might be able to strategize a more efficient approach than I originally planned.

Listen carefully to what Im about to say.

The stakes were about to get much higher

But that didnt matter.

I had reliable friends right here to help solve that.


Thud. Thud. Thud BOOM!

The rhythmically repeated sounds suddenly escalated into a massive explosion.

A table was smashed into dozens of pieces, scattering in all directions.

Haa. Haa. Haa.

A face flushed red with anger and shame.

It was Nirasha, the leader of Gandhara and the ranker known as the Sky of India.

At the unexpected loud noise, a muscular man entered the tent.

Master Are you alright?



Dont you see Im in a meeting? Get out!

Ah, understood.

Nirasha was not merely uncomfortable.

And understandably so.

Since the arrival of the Tower of Trials, Nirasha had never tasted desperation or defeat.

Indeed, steeped in the still prevalent caste system and born into a conglomerate family, Nirashas life had been destined for success from the moment of birth.

But now

What kind of humiliation was this?

Five days had passed since their arrival, yet they had repeatedly failed to progress beyond the entrance.

For an alliance that had held such confidence, this was more than a blow to their pride.

I understand your anger, but this wont change anything. Besides, we knew this wouldnt be easy from the start, didnt we?

A man standing at the edge of the tent spoke up.

It was Park Jung-jin, the ranker leading Danguns assault team.

Beside him, Maria from Olympus was also present.

We should clean this up for now.

Maria sighed softly, swinging her staff.


The shattered table pieces returned to their original state.

Player Park Jung-jin is right. What matters now is not to rage over failure, but to find a way to succeed in the raid. It might be better if we stick to our initial plan and focus on the front gate route

The front gate? Youre aware, arent you, Maria? Just how long it will take to go through the front gate.

The safest way to conquer a ruin was typically through the front gate.

However, the assault team had attempted to take an alternate route instead.

A long-range detection spell had revealed that the path from the gate to the boss chamber was too long.

At least a month.

Maybe even longer.

We absolutely have to defeat the Gate Guardian and secure the shortest route. If we dont move fast this time, the whole world will see our large guilds as complete fools.

The statement contained some truth.

The large guilds had been toiling climbing the tower, exploring mazes and ruins, trying desperately to build their reputation.

As a result

They had managed to conquer some significant areas of the 12th, 13th, and 14th floors.


It wasnt enough.

The achievements earned through near-death experiences failed to grasp the viewers attention the results were too meager compared to the time and effort invested.

Do you see? How our efforts have been evaluated?

Nirasha pointed towards the large screen in the center of the tent.

The community comments from the Tower of Trials and VeeTube showed exactly what people thought about the videos posted by the large guilds

-yeo: That 13th-floor maze Jungle of the Sun huh? The place Dangun guild was bragging theyve conquered.

-cho: A B-rank maze, right? Damn, they actually brought all main attack rankers just to clinch this place?

-: Its so-so, but kinda disappointing. Different from what I expected. I dont get the same thrill from these videos anymore. Just me?

-Sh: Wanna know why? Its cause of Kang Jinhyuk. Not only is Dangun not living up to its name, but its also just your perspective thats risen.

-: Right, so true.

-: LMAO, I thought it was just me. After only watching whiz videos, this feels like downing a million dry sweet potatoes.

-Gdd: Cant disagree with that.

-: The 90-day update alert wasnt long ago, but Im already feeling anxious.

And thousands more comments followed, a relentless stream of similar sentiment.

Indeed, there were many harsh words. Since views translate directly to money, negative comments taking over the top spots can be a serious blow.

Even our videos werent doing well. Having a stable source of coins is essential to our growth, and unfortunately, we cant ignore that fact.

Park Jung-jin and Maria grimaced, a bitter taste in their mouths.

All of this because


Kang Jinhyuk

All because of that single human being.

Nirashas eyes filled with rage.

He had never imagined hed be brought to such humiliation by a player without any background or capital.

After all, wasnt the entire worlds focus currently on Jinhyuk?

The mere thought of Jinhyuks smug face during the recent live broadcast was impossible to shake off.

Dont provoke him. If possible, avoid him.

Even Shiva, the Indian deity who sponsored him, and the other divine beings had warned against entanglement with Jinhyuk.



I refuse to accept that one slight setback puts me below him.

Things were different now. He had failed to awaken the second time, but

Now he had ascended and acquired a new Mandala.

This time, I will make sure to establish my superiority.

The key lay in conquering the Witch of Lamentation on Floor 15 and securing the title of world premiere.

Nirasha slowly rose to his feet.

Having formed an unwilling alliance, he was determined to succeed at any cost.

And on the day Floor 15 fell and Floor 16 opened up,

People would remember the name Nirasha.

It was at that precise moment.


The same man who had entered before rushed in again, his face pale as a ghost.

Did I not make myself clear? I told you not to enter. Surely those of a lower class wouldnt dare take my words lightly?

My apologies. But, theres an urgent matter that I must report. Forgive my intrusion.

Speak then. Lets hear about your so-called urgent matter.

Its Some players went to challenge the Gate Guardian without our permission.

What did you say?

Nirasha exclaimed in shock.

A fool who had acted alone, ignoring the command of the alliances general.

Who could be idiotic enough to confront the Gate Guardian, the one who had remained unharmed despite hundreds of attempts?

Yet, the response that followed.

Its Kang Jinhyuk.

Everyone in the tent fell into dismay.


Step. Step. Step.

Jinhyuk, Yu Yeon-hwa, and Lee Tae-min stepped into the detour path leading to the ruins.


Of course, the path wasnt unguarded.

A lean figure standing over 4 meters tall.

A guardian clad in thin plate armor, wielding a long scythe, blocked the entrance.

Though his eyes were covered by an eyepatch, murky black smoke drifted from the gaps between his sharp teeth.

Jinhyuks gaze drifted downward.

Drip. Drip.

Blood was still dripping from the scythe, warmth emanating from each droplet.

How many players had fallen to that scythe?

Without the knowledge to beat it, more would surely perish.

After a brief moment observing the guardian, Jinhyuk shook his head.

At the same time.

[System Broadcast activated.]

He started a personal broadcast.

Brother, are you sure its a good idea to do a live raid broadcast?

Getting that kind of aggro wont that be excessive?

Yu Yeon-hwa and Lee Tae-min seemed apprehensive about the situation.

Of course, stepping onto someone elses hunting ground and broadcasting live wouldnt earn a warm welcome.

It was natural for them to worry.


Dont worry. They wont be able to do anything. If anything, this raises our own control of the situation.

What do you mean?

What happens when I appear here unexpectedly and turn on a live broadcast while the large guilds continue to fail?

Expectations would skyrocket, and the worlds attention would turn here.

If the large guilds attempted to put a stop to it?

Or, even worse, turn away help without showcasing skill?

They might not just be criticized they could be totally buried.

In the end, whether it was Nirasha, Dangun, or Olympus, they would be pleading to join hands with them.

At least outwardly, thats the faade they would need to keep up for their own safety.

At that moment.

-Cow: 5555? Whats this all about? Is this for real?

Jinn: OMG. Its true. And its the Ruins of the Witch of Lamentation.

-: The place where those three major guilds said theyd strike?

-: Yea, gave up without a fight, right there.

-bluesky: I thought they at least made it halfway in. They havent even breached the entrance yet? After no news for so long, I wouldve never guessed it was that bad.

-: Looks like Jinhyuk got fed up and went there himself.

-: Wait! If hes broadcasting now, doesnt that mean hes going to show us the raid live?

Viewers flooded in.

Despite no prior announcement, just 30 seconds into the broadcast, the chat was bustling with hundreds of comments.

Hello, everyone. Im really sorry for appearing so suddenly and without notice. The reason Ive started this broadcast is well, Ive joined the raid on the Witch of Lamentation.

Showing a hint of guilt by gently biting his lip.

I didnt want to interfere with another guilds territory, but I couldnt just stand by and watch the perpetual failures. Ill help you through the first Gate Guardian, and then with the assault teams permission, well continue on.

Maintaining a humble and modest demeanor as he continued.

With controlled voice modulation, gaze direction, and even facial muscle movement.

It was a flawless performance.

Just in case there is any confusion, I want to say upfront this live broadcast will only cover the defeat of the guardian, and as usual, it will be replaced with edited footage later on.

Jinhyuk kept talking.

His smooth control of the situation was nothing short of a trained talent from his days as a BJ.

-Gtg4: As expected, Jinhyuks got amazing character.

-Lpr: Frankly, theres no yours or mine in the Tower of Trials, right? Whoever clears it first wins.

-: Honestly, if Jinhyuk is offering to help when they cant even clear it, isnt that angelic?

-lsi0: True altruism right there. Its rare to see a player with both talent and good character.

-OUY: Everyone run! Youre being deceived by a demon!

-: Did the big guilds even plant their shills here? Caught ya!

-: Gotcha, you rascal!

-999e: Officer, over here!

-doh: Doubting a person who cant be doubted, because hes just too good and kind?

While a few viewers were quick on the uptake, most were taken in by the act.

A reputation built over time shines the brightest in moments like this.


With the stage set, it was time to make a move.

Jinhyuk retrieved a fang from his spatial inventory.


Black magic began to condense along the blades blue edge.



The guardian, too, responded to that murderous intent with a long, piercing howl.

The broadcast had begun.