Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 22: Enemy Within

Chapter 22: Enemy Within

How could this be?

By the time Song Cheonhwa and the other players rushed to the scene of the commotion, the worst had already happened.

Its too late.

The healer shook his head after examining the four people collapsed on the ground. A neat wound was on the back of their headsa sure sign they had been ambushed from behind and died instantly. However, the death of the four was a much less significant issue than what they had been guarding.

Woo woo woo!

A black sphere hovered at the entrance to the ruins. Someone had

awakened the Guardian.

[The Guardian of the Ruins looks upon the intruders.]

[Time remaining: 09:59]

The Guardian, which protects the entrance of the ruins, possesses the strength equivalent to a boss of a higher-level dungeon but only awakens when provokedhence the nickname Sleeping Bomb. It is a bomb that poses no threat if left undisturbed.

Which idiot touched this thing!

Whats the use of finding that out now? It has already started to awaken!

It was indeed too late. Only 10 minutes remained, and if they didnt leave the ruins within that time

The Guardian would fully awaken.


I know, I know!

Song Cheonhwa bit his lip.

They couldnt fight the Guardian. It would be akin to suicide.

At least half No, maybe even more could die.

In reality, they would have to abandon the raid. It would be impossible to reach the boss with half of their strength depleted. But

Were going to end this before it even starts properly?

And for such a nonsensical reason as awakening the Guardian?

Being fired was the least of his worries. He might even get expelled from the guild.

How much did I struggle to climb up to the position of raid leader!

His molars dug into his lip. He couldnt let it end like this. Absolutely not.

With a look of determination, Song Cheonhwa issued a command.

Leave the Guardian be. We will continue further into the ruins.

Amidst the uproar this decision caused

Hyung. Are you serious?

We gotta think this through. Seriously. We might all end up dead.

While one team of pack bearers had come in, three other teams were still waiting outside. Furthermore, another guild that was supposed to join the rear was not yet present in the ruins.

To continue meant abandoning more than 20% of their total force.

Stop complaining and follow me. Ill take full responsibility.

Song Cheonhwa cut off the objections with a decisive tone.

And besides Even without the rearguard, if we have Theresa, we have a good chance.

Yes. His trust fell on her.

Song Cheonhwas gaze briefly shifted.

The golden-haired saintess.

Theresa was rated as the best in the world against undead-type monsters. With her

It would be possible. Definitely possible.

Some time later, the news finally reached the pack bearers.

Wh-what are you saying? The Guardian has awakened and we cant leave the ruins?

What is this nonsense! So, youre telling us to follow the attack party?

Damn it! If I knew it was this dangerous, I would never have come!

The voices of the pack bearers rose in frustration, but the response they received was chilling.

Someone assassinated those guarding the Guardian, and by the time we arrived, it had already awakened.


Jinhyuk, who had been silent, perked up his ears.

Assassin among us

While murder wasnt as big a deal in these times, what piqued his interest was the motive. It wasnt for personal gain.

That someone trapped people inside the ruins and prevented them from escaping was intriguing.

He had a rough idea of what the assailant was after, and perhaps even their identity.

And maybe, thanks to the Guardians awakening, he could manipulate the situation to his advantage.


Jinhyuk turned his head sharply.

And a moment too late.

Monsters are coming from the flank! Mid-level so many of them!

A scout from the party screamed.

Prepare for battle!

Song Cheonhwa bellowed out with veins popping in his neck.

Since the ambush caught them before they were ready, their reaction was slow.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

The earth shook with each approaching sound, and the foliage swayed from side to side.

They were coming.

And very quickly.

Front line, the tanks!

Pack bearers retreat quickly! Dont get in the way, just get back!


A tree fell.

The monsters revealed through the parted foliage



Were Dullahans over 2.5 meters tall, each armed with clubs and axes.



Among the 13 types of monsters that appeared at the entrance of the ruins, Dullahans were one of the most challenging to handle. A natural sense of terror crept up their spines at their imposing presence. Far different from ghouls or skeletons, they were upper predators with tough skin, speed, and immense strength.

Buff the tanks, keep buffing! And damage dealers, charge your magic and wait for the timing!

Song Cheonhwa commanded the attack party.

[Song Cheonhwa activates Lv3 Iron Shield!]

[Go Yoondeok activates Lv2 Wedge Formation!]

[Lee Yoonmi activates Lv2 Warriors Song!]

Woo woo woo!

Various skills and buffs overlapped.

And at that moment



The Dullahans club crashed down onto the shield.

From a distance, Jinhyuk observed the battle.

Their defensive formation is solid for a guild.

The harmony of their practiced teamwork was apparent. They werent pushed back even by Dullahans.

The problem lay with the solo players not affiliated with any guild. They were accustomed to solitary play, and this kind of group combat was unfamiliar to them.

Consequently, casualties began to emerge.


The gruesome sound of bones shattering and flesh being crushed filled the air.


A man with a shattered shoulder spurted blood as he collapsed.

Theyre unbelievably fast!

Healers! Where are the healers?

We need tanks here too. We cant hold on at this rate, well all die!

The scene was one of sheer chaos.

The hastily formed forces simply couldnt handle the Dullahansespecially not the solo players.

Despite the desperate pleas for help, Song Cheonhwa ignored those in need.

Sacrifices were inevitable.

And he actually preferred it that wayhis lips twisted with a subtle pleasure.

To create a dramatic scene, sacrifices among the riffraff are essential.

There were, in fact, two purposes for this raid. Besides clearing the ruins, they sought to secure a steady number of subscribers.

Due to the rule where each subscriber could only count for one view per day, there was an intense battle among players for subscribers.

In the end, to excite the subscribers, one must provide a visceral thrill.

Gore and sensationalism.

Add a dramatic situation, and the perfect video could be created.

Perhaps its about time to take action.

Song Cheonhwa nodded to someone nearby.


Yes, hyung!

The man, who had been casting a spell, immediately activated his magic.


The air rapidly cooled, and a white sphere formed in his palmthe ice magic Ice Orb. This intensely condensed ice sphere emitted powerful magical energy.

In an instant

Boom boom boom!

A storm blasted through the Dullahans.



The movements of the Dullahans slowed noticeably. Frost clung to their weapon-bearing arms, and their previously quick legs now stood frozen in place.

Now! Everyone scatter!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Song Cheonhwa and the other tanks quickly widened their spacing.

The exposed center was ripe for attack.

Slash! Crunch!

Ready players charged in wielding blades and lancesthe main damage dealers of the Balhae Guilds first attack team.

Slice! Crunch!

Their weapons targeted vulnerabilities.

For the damage dealers, specialized in melee combat, the slowed Dullahans were easy prey.

Thump! Thud!

One by one, the Dullahans fell.

-The footage turned out great, hyung. Thisll easily hit 3 million views.

Balhae Guilds skilled video editor gave a thumbs up.

3 million!

Song Cheonhwas grin widened, feeling the payoff for all the preparation. To the audience, it would be nothing short of drool-worthyit was well-infused with stimulating content.

Almost all the solo players must be wiped out by now.

Eight had been stopped by the guild members, but the remaining four had breached the tanks and charged toward the rear.

The outcome?

No need for confirmationit was obvious.

Those who stood their ground were probably corpses by now.

And only those quick enough to flee might have survived.

Hadnt they said ones life flashes before their eyes in moments like this?

Kim Somi, a 25-year-old with information-related abilities, resigned to her fate as she watched the approaching axe. She no longer had the strength to run or the magic to defend herself with even a flick of her finger.

I should have lived a life suited to my level.

She was just one of many who had entered seeking a quick fortune.

This was not the ending she had hoped for.

She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for it to end as quickly as possible.

But then


There was no pain.

Strange. She had braced for terrible suffering.

Unable to contain her curiosity, she opened her eyes a crack.


An unbelievable scene unfolded before her.

Crunch crunch!

The axe was stopped in its tracks.

The Duallahans muscles were bulging as if about to burst, yet it was unable to overcome the man before her.

Is he holding it back?

No, he was blocking it effortlessly. With just a single dagger.

He must be a melee damage dealer, but

How could he look even larger than a shield-bearing tank?

She was amazed. Amazed and awestruck.

Yet, as events unfolded, her amazement quickly turned to fear.


Flames appeared in the mans left hand. Not a small spark but flames bright enough to irritate the eyes.

Ma Ma, magic usage as well?

It was impossible.

Only a tiny fraction of players were versatile enough to cast spells and wield weapons effectively, and even among them, there were differences in skill levels. In other words, there was always a weak point.

But in this case, every attribute seemed strong.

She couldnt even begin to guess his level.

The flame engulfed the Duallahans head with the rancid smell of burning rotted flesh.



The charcoal remains of the Duallahans body crumbled.

That made four.

Jinhyuk looked at the fallen Duallahan for a moment.

He had to maintain level 1, so he intentionally didnt finish it off completely.

But for all intents and purposes, it was as good as dead.

Theyll handle the cleanup.

He brushed the soot off his hands, feeling somewhat unsatisfied.

He hadnt even warmed up properly, and the fight was over. It was to be expected, as the difficulty of the Dullahans was lower than he had anticipated.

Simple patterns driven by instinct rather than complex attacks. They were somewhat faster and stronger, but that was it.

Considering he dispatched four in less than three minutes

It seems much easier than before.

Back then, it took over 10 minutes to defeat four Dullahans. Now he had shortened that to less than 7, a preposterous turnaround even by his own standards.

It seemed he had oversaturated his skills after 11 long years of inactivity.

Just then

How did you?

An unexpected voice came from behind.