Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 16: Awakening Test (1)

Chapter 16: Awakening Test (1)

The next day, the three headed to the Seoul Arts Center where the Awakened Association was located. The first thing that caught their eyes was the 150-story skyscraper towering into the sky, its peak hidden amidst the clouds.

Is that the building constructed using a unique Architectural Awakening skill? Although Jinhyuk had heard about it, seeing the building completed in just a month was truly astonishing.

Thats the headquarters of the Awakeners Association. They manage the tests, as well as all matters related to the Tower of Trials, explained another.

Woah. Its been 3 weeks already since that test that had my heart racing.

Eh, youre kidding, right? Like King Kong trembling in fear. Remember the examiner who got scared just looking at you?

Oh my, are you talking about me, Taemin?

Yu Yeonhwa smiled, her eyes twinkling with mirth though her lips remained unchanged. In that instant, a shiver ran down Jinhyuk and Lee Taemins spines. This pressure it felt similar to when they first encountered the Minotaur. Probably just their imagination. Probably.

Lee Taemin gulped nervously and swiftly changed the subject. Hey! What if, after our grades come out, we join the same guild?

A guild?

Why a guild all of a sudden?

We could try Dangun or Fight Daddy, although it is tough for new members. Our abilities should be sufficient to pass. Honestly, without a healer or someone with buff and debuff skills, conquering the 15th floor and beyond is impossible

Ah, so thats what this meant.

Jinhyuk thought back to past expeditions where small teams entered mazes or ruins and were wiped out. Even the most seasoned could hit a numerical limit the higher they went. The two had concluded it was more efficient to grow strong with the aid of powerful allies.

Jinhyuk clicked his tongue inwardly. This is why you cant scale the Tower.

Experience, items, hidden pieces as a solo player, he was busy enough gathering these for himself without having to share with companions. If he had to be with others, then ideally theyd be just temporary allies he could discard at a moments notice.

I should make it clear, I have no intention of joining any guild.

Being tied down was the last thing he wanted, especially if it involved following orders from a high-tier guild.

So, does that mean just the three of us will go?

No, the efficiency is still too low, he said. Splitting loot three ways was still a waste.

The best method would be

Lets operate alone as a rule, joining forces only in certain sections. You two are already well-coordinated, so I wont interfere, but personally, I prefer to be alone.

That might be the best, he concluded.

Threes tough, but going solo?

I dont mean to say anything, but isnt that too dangerous?

They both looked at him in disbelief. They had reached up to the 20th floor of the Tower of Trials and invested time and effort they knew all too well that soloing was often a death wish.

But there was something the two werent aware of.

There are levels to players, even among the experienced.

And there existed a player who, alone, had weathered an abandoned game and witnessed its end.

Lets get the test over with first. Before it gets crowded, we should get moving.

With a smirk, Jinhyuk headed toward the building, followed by Taemin and Yeonhwa with bemused expressions.


Please take a number and wait for your turn!

D-09 group, your test will begin shortly. Please proceed to the examination area!

Despite it being a weekday, the inside was packed with people taking the test.

The allure of the Tower was indeed profound to draw in so many.

Please, let it be a good grade. I dont ask for a D, just please, an E

To be in a top 10 guild would be a bloom in life.

Id love to sign a direct contract with the Awakeners Association. Its great, isnt it? Wearing a public servant badge proudly.

The reality was, those who scored F or lower lost not just the chance to impress top guilds, but also the opportunity to ascend to the 2nd floor of the Tower.

Every one of them prayed desperately, hoping they would be the exception.

Of course, Jinhyuks view of them was ice cold. They wouldnt last a month in the Tower.

Best-case scenario, these compromisers would just become stragglers, or worse, an extra burden.

Jinhyuk drew his number.

[E-01 Group]

It pays to come early.

With group D halfway done, hed only need to wait about an hour.

Whats going on today? There seem to be more reporters than usual, Taemin remarked, noticing the unusually large number of journalists.

Theyre waiting for someone like hungry puppies, Yeonhwa added, observing that this kind of turnout was unusual without a promising new recruit from a major guild. Perhaps there was an unannounced event

Suddenly, the entrance grew noisy.

How could anyone not recognize them? Through the Hall of Fame, they had heated up the media and internet as the topic of the moment.

Wow, is that woman Park Hana? The one who survived the labyrinth on her first day?

Unbelievable. Ive been binge-watching her videos on ViewTube, never thought Id see her in person.

And next to her is Park Hajin. He recently made deals with China, didnt he?

Each face was prominent and notable.

Additionally, alongside Park Hana and Park Hajin, there was another figure who instantly captured everyones attention.

My God, Kim Gitae from the Fightaholics Guild is here too!

Camera flashes erupted from all around.

As one of the top seven guilds globally and the second-ranking guild in Korea, the presence of a high-ranking member from the Fightaholics Guild was significant.

Capture every moment!

Get a shot with all three in frame!

The journalists were ecstatic, and rightfully so. Such a scoop was more than enough to dominate the front page.


With a stature nearing 190 cm, Kim Gitae sighed with annoyance, slightly lowering his sunglasses.

Why are there so many people here? Is everyone and their dog getting tested now?

It seems that many dream of striking it rich. Nowadays, the Tower is believed to be the only chance for social advancement, Park Hajin promptly responded.

Anyway, these pests want to suck the honey dry. Dont they understand that flailing about is futile?

If they knew better, they would stay out of it and live quietly in their place.

Anyway, do well today. I came here especially because of you two siblings, so dont screw up you know?

Of course.

Dont worry well do our best.

Park Hajin and Park Hana nodded in agreement. This was a golden opportunity they had to seize at all costs.

The plan was already perfectly laid out.

We dont have time, so clear the people lined up. The reporters are waiting, and we cant hang around here for hours.

Park Hajin gestured towards the bulky men beside him.

Make way.

Hey, cant you see people walking here? Move to the sides!

Move it quickly. Dont dawdle, or youll get it.

Players from the Black Crows Guild started to clear the line, parting the crowd like Moses parting the Red Sea.

No one dared to voice their discontent.


Where did I put those registration documents

Even officials from the Awakeners Association turned away, choosing to ignore the scene.

This was reality.

The name of a top guild carried more weight than laws or rules.

But then, the progress of the bulk men halted abruptly.

Three people stood firm, blocking the way. Specifically, one person stood resolute while two tried to dissuade him.

Especially the resolute one, leisurely sipping iced water from a bottle.

What are you? Didnt you hear to move?

Why should I move?

Jinhyuk tilted his head in genuine curiosity.

He was here, waiting in line, so why should he step aside? If they had just arrived, they wouldve been in group F, right?

Could it be?

Suddenly recalling something, Jinhyuk shoved his ticket in the bulk mans face.

This is the alphabet used in America Starts with A, then B, C, D. Next is E, then F. Memorize it if you dont know.

Yes, they might not know the order. Usually, its learned in elementary school.

A pang of empathy hit him.

Such a pity.

Was it a troubled family background?

Who, who doesnt know that!

The bulk mans face turned beet red.


Is this some kind of tailor-made education?

Laughter erupted at the blatant mockery.

Kim Gitae frowned but didnt intervene, as if saying, handle your own problems at this level.


Damn, stupid idiots. Get out of the way!

Park Hajin stepped forward.

I dont know who you are, but youre making a mistake. Its not too late to leave before I grind you to dust.

A chilling threat.

Is this the brother Ha-na mentioned?

His eyes seemed to show no hesitation in killing someone.

How interesting.

The siblings seemed equally clueless about grasping the situation.

Everythings fine, but could you stand a bit further away? Your breath is making my eyes sting, Jinhyuk complained, holding his nose and scrunching his face.

H-hyung? Taemin Lee was startled and grabbed Jinhyuks wrist.

Oppa! Why are you doing this? Yeonhwa Yu was equally shocked.


Did I hear that right? Did he just to Park Hajin

Hes got a death wish. Is he out of his mind?

Even the onlookers were stunned.

Naturally, Park Hajin was the most taken aback.

You what did you just say?

Blood drained from Park Hajins face.

Isnt that thing on your neck called a head? Youre polluting the air just by breathing, so keep those teeth tightly closed, will you?

Jinhyuk sweetened his earlier harsh words with a smile, like adding a ribbon to a pile of dung.

You brat! Do you think you can handle the consequences? If you think we wont touch you just because there are many eyes watching

Ah, come on. If its not the Fightaholics Guild, you guys are nothing, right?

Not Fightaholics, then youre nothing?

Thats right. Whats so scary about you guys? And

Jinhyuk shrugged and continued.

Whats with the name Black Crows? Black Crows?

Its not like there are white crows around.

Are you lacking something? Or are you some poet or literary boy? They allow metaphorical expressions and all in those circles, right?

Whatever it was, Jinhyuk couldnt comprehend their lack of naming sense.

You insect! You really have a death wish!

Park Hajin extended his hand like a blade, clearly uninterested in further talk.


You started this, right?

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted dramatically.

Chillingly cold, sending shivers down everyones spine.