Solo Max-Level Newbie - Chapter 108: Recruiting Rankers. “Climbing the Tower of Trials” (1)

Chapter 108: Recruiting Rankers. “Climbing the Tower of Trials” (1)

Chapter 108: Recruiting Rankers. Climbing the Tower of Trials (1)

The program Climbing the Tower of Trials, boasting a 40% viewer rating, was beloved by audiences of all ages, from officials of the Awakened Association and various guilds to the general public. It was indeed a prized program.

I must succeed.

Kim Daun bit her lip anxiously.

In todays world, where people enjoy internet broadcasts over traditional TV, channels like ViewTube and PaprikaTV were gaining popularity, making the footing for broadcasters increasingly precarious.

Nowadays, even a 10% viewer rating was considered a massive success.

But the advent of the Tower of Trials offered an opportunity to turn things around.

Backed by substantial support from the government and the Awakened Association, the broadcaster had been granted the opportunity to create a special program related to the Tower of Trials.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime golden opportunity.

KDS had to make the most of this chance.

And the hidden card that could keep their hopes alive was

the man standing before them now.

Wow, they really loaded up the mint chocolate here. It tastes just like toothpaste. Dont tell me they really put it in?

Kang Jinhyuk.

The 16th S-rank player in Korea and a figure generating numerous headlines.

To be honest, I didnt expect it would be easy to recruit him.

But surprisingly, he readily agreed to meet.

Please Dont ask for an exorbitant appearance fee.

Kim Daun swallowed nervously.

Um Player Kang Jinhyuk?


Jinhyuk detached his lips from the straw.

As mentioned in our call, wed like you to appear on our live talk show tomorrow at 7 PM.

Ah, yes, Im aware. Just a brief introduction about myself and sharing stories about the work Ive done so far, right?

Thats correct. We plan to re-edit videos from Player Kang Jinhyuks ViewTube channel to showcase key action scenes and other highlights. Player Kang Jinhyuk will then provide comments during those broadcasts.

So, its like having a director comment on their movie, right? For sensitive issues, Ill gloss over them appropriately.

Therell be a Q&A session after, which should provide enough material for the broadcast.


Ive got an idea of what I need to do.

Then, shall we talk about the compensation?

Thats right.

While its true that appearing on the show aligns with my goal of increasing recognition.

The most critical part is, without a doubt, the appearance fee. Thats exactly why I snatched up Kim Dauns offer.

A smile crept onto Jinhyuks face, causing a flash of anxiety in Kim Daun.

For B-rank individuals, we offer 10 million won per appearance. For A-rank, its 50 million won. And for S-rank, weve budgeted 500 million won, but we can increase that if you wish.

500 million won.

It was a staggering sum for a single appearance.

However, Jinhyuk shook his head.

Not that the amount is insufficient.

Its just that I dont need money this time.

Do you find it lacking?

No, thats not it Instead of money, I would like to receive magic stones as my appearance fee.


I have some work that requires extricating mana from magic stones. I heard the broadcasting station is investing in ventures related to magic stones, so Id like to take my payment from there.

Um that might be okay, but may I call the director to discuss? Its not something I can decide at my level.


Of course. Please, take your time.

Jinhyuk relaxed back into the sofa.

Kim Daun scuttled out of the coffee shop with her phone.

Its a foregone conclusion.

Theyre in no position to refuse, after all.

Theyll have to nod along to whatever I request.

Not long after sipping his drink, Kim Daun returned from her call.


Her expression was slightly overcast.

Did things not go well?

No, um your request for magic stones is approved. Well settle up with you from the underground storeroom immediately after the broadcast. You can pick them up then.

Thats a relief.

But theres one more thing I need to mention.

Kim Daun hesitated, troubled. It seemed theres been a complication.

Im listening.

It appears weve booked another person for tomorrows broadcast. Would you mind appearing alongside them?

* * *

The next evening, Hong Deokpyo arrived at the broadcasting station an hour ahead of the scheduled time.

Finally, the day has come.

The excitement was evident on his face.

It was finally his chance to return all the humiliation hed suffered.

No more waking up screaming in the night after today.

Even in public, if he heard the name Kang Jinhyuk, it would make him sick to his stomach. The masquerade ball was a nightmare haunting Hong Deokpyo.

But now, that was about to end.

This time, he would return the favor a thousandfold.

At that moment

Damn it, I cant believe we have to come all the way to this backwater because of you.

Why bother with a nobody player when you make us come here? Hong, you better remember the compensation you promised for dragging us out here.

Two players with exotic looks, one with a sharp visage like a viper and a woman with long black hair reaching her waist, grumbled next to Hong Deokpyo.

Then a third man spoke out.

Quiet, both of you. With journalists around, keep your voice down or our guilds image could suffer and if that happens

He paused, then continued with a tone devoid of emotion.

Ill kill you both myself.

This was no joke.

Yes, understood.


Their complaints disappeared immediately at his lifeless response.

Thats right. This was the deal.

To exact his revenge, Hong Deokpyo had brought not one but three S-rank players from the [Central Continent Guild].

Each of them strong enough to wipe out an average guild.

More important than their individual strength was the fact that one of Chinas strongest guilds was directly involved.

With tens of thousands of players under its banner and its leader Nangong Cheon dubbed a walking boss monster for his beyond-imagination power.

With such a dazzling lineup, a solo player, no matter how stubborn, would stand no chance.

Lets see you get humiliated this time.

A sneer spread across Hong Deokpyos lips. It was payback time, and hed made sure reporters were there to witness.

Just then, as Hong was snickering, a familiar figure appeared among the crowd.

Jinhyuk had arrived.

Here he comes!

Hong Deokpyos eyes sparkled.

The players from the Central Continent Guild were equally intrigued by the renowned ranker who had become the talk of the town.

As the leader of the Central Continent Guild approached Jinhyuk and was about to speak

Youre Kang Jinhyuk

I dont buy Chinese products.

Jinhyuk cut him off sharply.

What did you say?

The leaders face contorted with anger.

Are you crazy? Do you know who these people are? Theyre rankers from the Central Continent Guild!

Hong Deokpyo tried frantically to calm the situation.

Ah, so the card you were playing was these guys?

I thought you had some ace up your sleeve. I thought you mightve brought some famous ranker. But all you brought is mass-produced Chinese merchandise.

Jinhyuk was disappointed with Hong Deokpyos reliance on the players from China.

All three of them

Jinhyuks face showed disinterested as he checked the status windows of the players from the Central Continent Guild.

A list of ability scores and unique abilities not worth mentioning.

Chinas really underwhelming.

Its settled then, Hong. Ill do the talking.

The leader stopped Hong.

Perhaps it was concern for the image in front of the reporters. His face was red with anger, but he was trying to keep his composure.

Player Kang Jinhyuk, its good youre confident. Youve done some impressive things. But dont think you can take on a large guild by yourself, especially not ours.

Hmm. Frankly, I think I could handle it alone.

The anticipation of overpowering through force alone was exciting.

But it was all the more thrilling to crush them with what they were most confident in.

Just then, as Jinhyuk was mulling over the situation, a black luxury car appeared on the road.

A Rolls-Royce Phantom.

A top-tier vehicle rarely seen even in Gangnam had glided up to the broadcasting station.

Whats this?

Did someone else decide to show up?

I didnt expect to see this car here.

Journalists attention shifted to the car.

The chauffeur stepped out and opened the door with precision.

His movements alone exuded dignity and grace.

Weve arrived.

And the people emerging from the car caused an outcry.


Can this be real?

Gather here, quick! Bring all the cameras! Now!

Everyone at the broadcasting station had no choice but to exclaim in shock.