Solo Farming In The Tower - Chapter 388: Cuengi, Beat Orik Severely!

Chapter 388: Cuengi, Beat Orik Severely!

Austin, Texas, USA.

The streets was filled with people who had heard the news of monsters entering the city and were fleeing from their vehicles in panic.

And then,


Not long after, as a flesh eater appeared from a distance,

Get out of the way!

Hurry up and go!


People began abandoning their belongings and hurriedly ran away.

However, the roads were already packed with cars, and the path between the cars was so narrow that only two people could barely pass through.

People wanted to move quickly, but they couldnt.



Fortunately, the flesh eaters speed slowed down as they struggled to clear the cars blocking their path.

Everyone stay calm! If we move orderly, we can outpace those creatures!

Yes! We can all survive if we move slowly!

People who overcame their fear began to speak out courageously.

Hearing these voices, those who regained their senses started to move in an orderly manner.

By moving in an orderly fashion, their pace quickened compared to when they were in a rush, and they began to widen the distance between themselves and the flesh eaters.

As people widened the distance from the flesh eaters,


A giant leech suddenly emerged from the ground, attacking the front of the refugees trying to escape Austin.

It had traveled underground.

Ahhh! Help!


The people, who had just felt relieved thinking they could finally escape the city, screamed.

A giant leech in front and the flesh eaters from behind.

It was a dire situation.



Something invisible from the sky crushed the giant leech flat.


And in the sky, the shape of something that had split the clouds remained. It was the shape of a giant bat.

Of course, the same shape was imprinted on the ground where the giant leech had been.

It was Paespaes One Thousand Two Hundred Step Punch.

Flamie had told Paespaes that the earth was round, and after hearing Flamies words, Paespaes used the skill in a parabolic arc.

Thats why it came from the sky.

Bang! Bang!

Continuing, explosions and bat imprints appeared where the flesh eaters were, dealing with most of the monsters.

As it was dealing with invisible areas, it couldnt completely handle them all.

However, the number of remaining flesh eaters was now down to about 100, a manageable number for the hunters.

(Pip-pip! Flamie~nim, Ill head back now!)

[Sure. Good job.]

From the rooftop of Hanla Building in Gangnam, Seoul, Paespaes, who had dealt with the monsters in America, returned to the tower.

Of course, in Paespaes hands were foods that Sejun would love.

And then,

Hehe. This should get a lot of views.

A YouTuber filmed Paespaes flapping his wings toward America and disappearing and uploaded the video.


99th floor of the Black Tower.


Sejun, who woke up in the morning,

[The seal of the Earths Jewel has been broken.]

[Fonz, the God of the Spring, who was sealed in the Earths Jewel, is released from the seal.]

[Fonz, the God of the Spring, repays the favor to the one who released his seal.]

[Fonz, the God of the Spring, creates a spring on a 3.3 square meter piece of land to repay his benefactor.]

[During sleep, 10% of your life force has been stored.]

[The Life Orb is 5.75% complete.]

[0.1 magic power has been accumulated over 24 hours.]

[Magic power increases by 0.1.]

He briefly checked the messages while lying down.

A spring?

Considering the gods rewards so far, it wouldnt be just ordinary water.

Hehe. What could it be?

Sejuns curiosity was piqued.


After grabbing sleeping Theo by the nape and putting him onto his lap,


Theo hugged Sejuns lap tightly, smiling contentedly.

This guy

Sejun, his lips curling up in satisfaction, marked the date on the wall and stepped outside.

Naturally, Iona, who was sleeping on Theos tail, accompanied him.

Thus, Sejun set out to find the spring.


Where is it?

Even after circling the entire farm, he couldnt find the spring.

Ill have to ask Cuengi to find it later.

Since Cuengi could fly using telekinesis, he would have a good view from the sky.

Kyoot Kyoot Kyoot.

Although Iona was nearby, Sejun didnt want to wake her, as she was sleeping contentedly, wrapped around Theos tail for the first time in a long while.

Time to make breakfast.

Unable to find the spring, Sejun arrived at the kitchen.


Why is this here?

The spring Sejun had been searching for was inside the kitchen.

But is this milk?

Sejun looked at the milky white liquid inside the spring. It was filled with milk.

Oh! Do I finally have my own milk spring too?

Sejun chuckled, scooped up a glass of milk, drank it, and started cooking.

The menu: roasted sweet potatoes.

Because they would tastes amazing with milk.

A while later.

Kuhehehe. Kueng!

[Hehehe. It was delicious!]

Kihihi Kking

Hehe. It was delicious

Cuengi and Fenrir, who had eaten roasted sweet potatoes with milk, lay down with their butts pressed against Sejuns.


Sejun petted them while drinking a latte made by mixing milk into his self-brewed coffee.

After finishing his latte,

Land Moving.

He created a 1.5 square meter Fonz Road for the God of the Spring, Fonz.

Though he liked milk, it wasnt as good as chocolate, so he made a 1.5 square meter road accordingly.

[Fonz Road]

Fonz, the God of the Spring, who rewarded us with a milk spring. He was a pure white god.

Sejun made the road and started cooking again for the dragon meeting.

He stirred the soup once, went to the brewery, and used his Fermentation skill.

And then,

Summon the slaves!

He summoned the other tower farmers.

Lets make Garaetteoks.

They began making Garaetteoks together.

Sejun and Cuengi.

Theo and Iona.

Ajax and Veronica.

Zelga and Orik formed teams, placing dough in molds and pressing them to make Garaetteoks.

By the time they reached lunchtime, the four teams had made an enormous amount of Garaetteoks without stopping.

Almost enough to form a small hill.

For reference, the Garaetteoks they made were only a fraction of the prepared dough.

What should I do with this?

Though he could store it in the Void Storage, he would have to take it out again later, which would be double the work.

Ajax, call Ramter~nim.

Okay! Hyung!

As Sejun was contemplating, he instructed Ajax to call Ramter to take the Garaetteoks away.

Collect. Our Sejun, youve worked hard. Refresh.

Ramter collected the Garaetteoks and cast recovery magic on Sejun and his companions before leaving.

And then,

Ramter~nim personally casting recovery magic!

The only time Grave~nim uses magic on me is when hes angry!

Seeing this for the first time, Zelga and Orik were greatly shocked. Great dragons usually treat beings of lower rank as mere insects.

But casting recovery magic and even encouraging Sejun, who was of a lower rank than them?

Kelkelkel. Sejun~nim, what scam have you played on the dragons?! Teach me too!

Orik, laughing slyly, asked Sejun. He wanted Grave to stop hitting him.


Meow! Chairman Park doesnt scam people, meow!


[Cuengis dad doesnt scam people!]

Theo and Cuengi, enraged, grabbed Orik by the collar and dragged him to a corner, returning with bruises around his eyes.

At that moment,


Cuengis stomach growled.

Kelkelkel. Sejun~nim, it seems Cuengi~nim is hungry. Lets have lunch.

At some point, Orik had started referring to Cuengi as Cuengi~nim instead of just Cuengi.

Yes, lets eat.

Lunch was, of course, Garaetteoks.

Zelga, eat this with it.

Thank you.

He gave shrimp paste to Zelga, who preferred fish, to dip the Garaetteoks in.

After having lunch, they continued making Garaetteoks until dinner.

Guys, good job today. Lets have dinner before you go.

Since they had worked especially hard today, Sejun decided to treat the tower farmers to dinner.

Opening the Void Storage with the intention of making some simple pancakes, Sejun spotted something.

Huh? Whats this?

Right as he opened the storage, he saw an item wrapped in a black bag with a yellow post-it note attached.

Its pork belly that Master Sejun likes. Enjoy. From Paespaes.

Paespaes, thank you.

Sejun, thankful to Paespaes who was likely listening somewhere, reached into the black bag and pulled out its contents.

A chunk of red meat greeted Sejun.

Hehehe. Pork belly.


Oh?! I told the others not to leave

Sejun soon realized that there were many mouths to feed this pork belly to.

Should I hide it?

While Sejun was contemplating,

Kelkelkel. Sejun~nim, that looks delicious.

Orik, who had appeared out of nowhere, caught sight of the pork belly.

Sigh. Go pull out some green onions and napa cabbages.

Kelkelkel. Yes!

Since he had been caught anyway, Sejun decided to share it.

Sejun made a green onion salad using the green onions Orik brought, and cut the napa cabbage into bite-sized pieces to use as wraps since they didnt have lettuce.

Once the preparations were complete,


They grilled the pork belly and ate it together deliciously.

As the atmosphere became more lively,

Kelkelkel. Sejun~nim, I have some good liquor. Lets drink together.

Orik handed Sejun a bottle he pulled from inside his pants, which seemed to have a dimensional magic spell cast on them.

Although Sejun didnt like where it was pulled from, his curiosity about the liquor from another tower made him accept the bottle.

Since it was contained in a bottle, he thought the contents inside would be fine, but,

[Horrible Goblin Whiskey]

A whiskey made only with rotten food using a secret method passed down from generation to generation of the Red Goblin Tribe.

Upon consumption, you will be poisoned by B-grade poison. (If you have A-grade or higher poison resistance, you will not be poisoned.)

Usage restriction: Stamina 1000 or higher

Maker: Red Goblin Tribe Elder Wiki

Shelf life: 10 years

Grade: A

Seeing the description, Sejun changed his mind.

Orik, do you have poison resistance?

Kelkelkel. Of course.

What grade?

Kelkelkel. Naturally, A-grade. We Red Goblins fall into two categories: those who survived by achieving A-grade poison resistance and those who died trying.

Really? Then do you think I have A-grade poison resistance?

Kelkelkel. Sejun~nim isnt a Red Goblin, so of course you dont.

Hehehe. Knowing that, you still offered this to me?! Cuengi, beat Orik severely!

This was unforgivable.


[Cuengi will teach him a lesson!]

At Sejuns words, Cuengi, who had been chewing on a piece of napa cabbage piled with three slices of pork belly and green onion salad, quickly swallowed the food and stood up.

Meow! Orik tried to harm Chairman Park, meow! I, Vice Chairman Theo, will punish Orik too, meow!

How dare you try to poison our Sejun hyung?!

Moreover, Theo and Ajax also stood up, and Orik was dragged away by the three of them.

Kelkelkel. Everyone, calm down. At least let me know what did I do wrong?

Even while being dragged away, Orik had no idea what he had done wrong.

I should put this away first.

Sejun packed away the horrible goblin whiskey.

Poison might come in handy someday, just like when he caught the giant electric eel with Aileens food in the past.

But its a bit disappointing not to drink it after getting ready.

Sejun said, looking at the empty glass.

Should I go have just one drink?

Suddenly craving alcohol, Sejun went to the brewery and opened the lid of the jar containing the Samyangju.

Whoa! Looks like its done?

A golden glow emanated from the jar. The Samyangju made with golden rice was completed.

And then,

[You have achieved the feat of making the first golden Samyangju in the tower.]

[The recipe for golden Samyangju has been registered in Cooking Lv. 9.]

[Your proficiency in Cooking Lv. 9 has slightly increased.]

An achievement message appeared just as Sejun thought.

[You have obtained a clue to achieve a great feat.]

[A quest has been generated.]

A quest message also appeared following it.

Is this the quest? Hehehe. This is too easy.

Sejun smiled brightly after reading the quest content.
