Solo Farming In The Tower - Chapter 250: Harboring Treacherous Thoughts!

Chapter 250: Harboring Treacherous Thoughts!

Meow meow meow. Just a little more and Ill see Chairman Park, meow!


As White Castle came into view, Theo quickened his pace.



With a loud explosion, a black object smashed through the wall of a tavern and flew towards Theo.

What the- Meow?

Theo casually dodged the object flying towards him and closely examined the object whizzing past his face.

Meow? Black? Its a skull, meow?

Theo identified the object as a skull.

Whats the meaning of this, meow?!

Thinking someone had attacked him with a skull, Theo yelled towards the tavern where the skull had come from.


Ah, sorry. It was a mistake. So, why are you standing there just go on your way.

A nonchalant monster walked out of the tavern, responding to Theo.


Theo was surprised to see the monster.

Thud. Thud.

Unaware or not caring about Theo, the monster picked up the skull it had thrown.

How dare a lowly creature from the lower floors talk to me, Paku from the 59th floor of the Tower?! Huh?!

Bang! Bang!

He slammed the skull onto the ground as he yelled.


The skull, unable to answer due to a missing jawbone, just took the abuse miserably. A truly despicable scene of bullying.

But no one around interfered, not wanting to get involved in needless trouble.


Stop that, meow!


Theo struck the back of Pakus head with his front paw.

Ouch! I was just educating this lowly creature Who dares interrupt me?! Huh?!

Paku, enraged after being hit on the back of his head, shouted furiously with bloodshot eyes.

Theo was capable enough to send Paku off to the afterlife without much effort.

But unlike Cuengi, Theo could finely control his strength. He hit Paku just hard enough to annoy him.

Theo was annoyed, but he had questions to ask.

Hey! Who hit me on the back of the head?!

Paku, completely unaware of who had hit him, asked his companions in the tavern.



Silently, the monsters pointed their fingers at Theo.

They knew that whoever struck Paku and returned to their spot in a blink of an eye was much stronger than Paku.

However, Paku, being from the 59th floor of the tower, was no slouch either. The nearby threat seemed more intimidating.

What?! It was you?! I told you to get lost?!

Realizing Theo was the one who had struck him, thanks to the other monsters, Paku started yelling at Theo


only to get smacked in the face by Theos paw, his head turning 90 degrees. This was no healing slap, but a real slap.

Ow?! How dare

Paku, unable to see Theos movements, was stunned by the sudden pain on his face, realizing hed been hit but before he could react

Slap! Slap!

Theo delivered a double slap to Paku.

You do you know who I am

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

Theo continued to slap Pakus face as he made useless remarks.

Slap! Slap!

Paku ended up with dozens of blue paw marks on his face after being slapped by Theo.

I I failed to recognize someone so noble. I apologize! Please forgive me!

Paku suddenly became polite.

And then,

Whats your relationship with Skaram, meow?

Theo, now that Paku was ready to talk, asked about Skaram.

The reason Theo was surprised seeing Paku. It was because Paku was a goblin.

Seeing the goblin Paku reminded Theo of Skaram, who had deceived him. They felt similar somehow.

And then,

Skaram? Of course, I know him. Hes my uncle! Ah, you know my uncle?

Theos intuition was correct.


Theos question brought a glimmer of hope to Paku, whose expression brightened and then darkened rapidly.

Oh no.

Uncle was a low-quality swindler who was expelled from the village. Even his own family, like his grandmother and mother, would shudder at the mere mention of him.

If Theo knew Uncle, it surely wasnt for anything good.

And Theo, unable to exact his revenge because Kaiser immediately obliterated Skaram upon seeing him.

Puhuhut. Skaram is your uncle, meow?! Thats great, meow! I owe Skaram a big favor from before; now its time to repay it, meow!

Theo, who had a terrible past with Skaram, chuckled as he took out a contract.


White Castle.




Yeah, this is the taste.

Sejun, watching over the sleeping Cuengi, enjoyed his coffee and the carrot cake he had bought earlier, smiling contentedly.

Just then,

[The Towers Administrator says that the appraisal and taming of the item you entrusted is complete.]

Following Aileens message, two items appeared in Sejuns hand. They were the Holy Stone Piercing and the Heart of Dark, the God of Darkness.

Thanks, Aileen.

[The Towers Administrator says you dont have to thank for such small matters.]

Ah! Aileen, try this! Its sweet and delicious!

Sejun took out carrot cake and carrot ice cream from the void storage and sent them to Aileen.

Isnt it tasty? Ive got

While Sejun was talking with Aileen,

-Youre the Piercing Stone?

-The Ice Cube Stone?

-Yeah. Its me! Long time no see! Howve you been? But whos that person?

Ice Cube Stone asked, noticing the unusual aura of the Heart of Dark, the God of Darkness.

-I am the Heart of Dark, the God of Darkness.

-Oh! A god, huh?! Its an honor to meet you.


-This is perfect! Ive been looking for an opportunity to seize this humans body, lets join forces and take it!

Ice Cube Stone, whose effect from Iona was wearing off, suddenly made a surprising proposal.



Piercing Stone and the Heart of Dark, the God of Darkness, were taken aback by the proposal.

And then,

This is my chance!

Although it was inconvenient to have the Ice Cube Stone already beside Sejun

But now that Ice Cube Stone was harboring such malicious thoughts it was a perfect opportunity!

-Aileen~nim! Ice Cube Stone is harboring treacherous thoughts!

-Aileen~nim! Ice Cube Stone is planning a rebellion to seize Sejun~nims body!

Both of them simultaneously reported Ice Cube Stone to Aileen.


[The Towers Administrator asks if they can examine the original holy stone you possess.]

Should I?

Unaware of what was happening, Sejun handed over Ice Cube Stone to Aileen.

[The Towers Administrator asks if they can return it later.]

Sure. I dont need it right now.

As Sejun agreed, Aileen began to crush and tame the Ice Cube Stone under her foot.

Lets see what their options are?

After finishing the conversation with Aileen, Sejun first examined the Piercing Stone that Aileen had appraised.

[Holy Stone Piercing]

A stone created when a star fell from the sky.

If you supply magic power to the stone, it can pierce through any desired target.

Owner: Tower Farmer Park Sejun

Grade: S+

Usage Restriction: Magic power 300 or higher

It can pierce through any desired target? Lets test it.

Sejun took out a sweet potato, placed it on the table, made a gun shape with his hand, aimed at the sweet potato, and infused magic power into the stone.


A finger-sized hole appeared in the sweet potato.

Oh! It works! Can it be thinner? Piercing.

This time, Sejun thought about making a thinner hole and infused magic into the stone again.


This time, a pen-sized hole appeared in the sweet potato.

This is fun?

Pshoo. Pshoo.

Sejun took out a few more sweet potatoes, making holes of varying thickness, and played around.

After spending some time making holes in the crops, Sejun picked up the Heart of Dark, the God of Darkness, to inspect it.

[Heart of Dark, the God of Darkness]

This is the heart of the God of Darkness, Dark.

99.99% of Darks power is sealed within it.

When magic power is infused, it will bind to the owners shadow, increasing all stats by 5.

It can summon the shadow minions of the God of Darkness.

Owner: Tower Farmer Park Sejun

Grade: Unmeasurable

Usage Restriction: Magic power 300 or higher

99.99% of the power is sealed?

That meant it almost had no ability left.

However, the fact that it still could increase all stats by 5 and summon shadow minions meant that this item was still incredibly powerful.

Well, its the heart of a god, after all.

Sejun infused magic power into the Heart of Dark to bind it to his shadow.



The Heart of Dark turned liquid-like and slipped through Sejuns fingers, dropping to the ground,


before seeping into Sejuns shadow.

[The Heart of Dark, the God of Darkness, has been successfully bound to Tower Farmer Park Sejuns shadow.]

[All stats have increased by 5.]

Following the successful binding, a message appeared.

Shadow minions.

With the heart successfully bound to his shadow, Sejun attempted to summon a shadow minion.

Given the name, they seemed like beings that could labor or fight on behalf of their master.

Hehehe. I can have them run errands and do various tasks.

Even summoning one would make life more convenient.


[Insufficient magic power to summon a shadow minion.]

Sejuns magic power was not enough to summon even a single shadow minion.

Ah, well. Time for another carrot cake.

Disappointed, Sejun relieved his stress by eating something sweet.


Sniff sniff.


Attracted by the sweet smell, Cuengi slowly opened his eyes.


Hurry up and stamp it, meow!

Theo urged, pushing the contract forward.

Sniff sniff. Yes


Under Theos pressure, Paku had no choice but to stamp the contract.



[Party A: Theo Park]

[Party B: Paku]

Paku belatedly noticed Theos name above his own.

Wait Could you be the Golden Cat Theo Park, subordinate of the Black Dragon?

Thats right, meow! Work hard from now on, meow!


And just like that, Paku unexpectedly found employment at Sejuns farm, a place envied by many these days.



Hearing Theos name, the skeleton looked at Theo and tried to say something.

Whats it saying, meow? Paku, go and find its jawbone, meow!


Theo, unable to understand the skull, ordered Paku to find the missing part.

Theo Park~nim, we are at your service! Here you go.

The monsters in the tavern, having overheard Theo and Pakus conversation, quickly brought the rest of the Black Skeletons parts and

Click clack.

assembled them. They wanted to impress Theo and receive a Dragon Warrior Helmet first.

Once the skeleton was fully assembled,

Please bestow upon me the Dragon Warrior Helmet, Theo Park~nim! My kin on the 4th floor of the tower are dying!

The reassembled Black Skeleton, now able to speak properly, begged Theo to give it the Dragon Warrior Helmet.

Presumptuous, how dare someone from the lower floors

Paku, thinking he should receive the Dragon Warrior Helmet first, was upset at the Black Skeleton for speaking out of turn.

But then,



Be quiet, meow!

Theo hit Paku on the back of the head to quiet him down.

Tell me whats going on, meow!

Yes. I am Onik, a Black Skeleton from the 4th floor of the tower. Recently, humans

Onik, the Black Skeleton, began to explain the situation on the 4th floor of the tower to Theo.
