So I Am A Demon Descendent! - Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

Earth G.o.d said, “You don't have to talk, you don't have to say anything.”

 Without any hesitation or concern, the Earth G.o.d waved his hands and refused to listen to Li Xianyu's opinion.

 Li Xianyu was confused. “Why?”

 Don't I have the right to say something? I'm at least a S-cla.s.s member. At my full strength, I am as good as a top S-cla.s.s as you are. Someone as bada.s.s as me is even qualified to partic.i.p.ate in a meeting with the higher management?

 Ape G.o.d shook his head and explained, “Earth G.o.d is afraid that if you are involved, it will lead to matters developing towards an irreversible situation, like falling into an abyss.”

 Li Xianyu was speechless.

 Li Xianyu's trouble magnet nature was so well known amongst the higher-ups of the company. Even people who have never met him have heard of it, and the ten G.o.ds of Baoze had a different att.i.tude towards this.

 Fire G.o.d nodded in agreement. Combat G.o.d scoffed to express his disdain. G.o.d of Food shrugged indifferently.

 Black G.o.d didn't believe in it/ “Let's just make fun of it in normal times, and at this time, stop talking about these illusory jokes.”

 Prior to this, Black G.o.d and White G.o.d had no contact with Li Xianyu and they only had a little understanding of his deeds. The couple listened to the story from the high-ranking officials who were gossiping about his trouble magnet nature and just treated it as rumors.

 They usually didn't mind teasing the Li family's descendant, but now they were in the Great Deities Palace. Black G.o.d, who was calm and serious in the face of the events, didn't like Earth G.o.d's flippant att.i.tude in doing things.

 Earth G.o.d scoffed. “What a familiar sentence, as if someone had said before the Great Demons' Alliance mission. Thunderlord, why don't you state your opinion?”

 Everyone glanced towards Thunderlord. The serious Thunderlord looked slightly embarra.s.sed, and he hesitated. “Black G.o.d, do you think this is possible? Perhaps twenty river crabs are in the river, but with the involvement of the Li family descendant, the river will be full of river crabs!”

 Black G.o.d was speechless.

 Equal G.o.d adjusted his spectacle frames. “I don't believe in the trouble magnet nature. Li Xianyu, speak your opinions bravely.”

 He is the Equal G.o.d indeed, he is different from Earth G.o.d and the others, Li Xianyu thought.

 Li Xianyu said, “Did anyone notice how many people there were on the avenue?”

 Earth G.o.d said, “A dozen or so.”

 Fire G.o.d frowned. “Why are you asking this for?”

 White G.o.d said, “Twenty two, if you include the first two who died.”

 The mental power awakeners had a powerful observation ability, and can often note down the details that are often overlooked.

 Li Xianyu nodded. “That's twenty of them, and there are twenty crabs in the river.”

 White G.o.d twirled her hair and replied gently. “You mean that the number of people on the avenue are equal to the number of river crabs? That's such an arbitrary guess, little brother.”

 “It's all speculation,” Li Xianyu lit a cigarette. “We will know if I'm right or wrong if we test it out.”

 “How are you going to test it out?” Black G.o.d took the cigarette box he threw, gave them to the Ape G.o.d and others. After a round, the box was empty and thrown into the river.

 Hey, hey, I only gave you a cigarette to support me. I didn't ask you to distribute it! Li Xianyu glanced at the cigarette box floating on the water, and felt pain over the cigarettes which cost one hundred bucks per pack.

 “Battle Lady, you're the fastest. You go!” Li Xianyu turned and told the long-legged beauty standing behind him.

 After she nodded, he said, “Be careful.”

 Thunderbolt Battle Lady vanished in a flash. When she appeared again, she had reached the entrance of the avenue. She raced down and her hair was fluttering, as she got farther and farther away.

 “That's Baoze's Thunderbolt Battle Lady. She's not afraid to die?”

 “She probably thinks she's fast enough and wants to try.”

 Fearing the river crabs, the forces that were temporarily unable to get past, saw Thunderbolt Battle Lady rus.h.i.+ng into the avenue, and suddenly started discussing.

 The Wu family members' eyes lit up and were eager to try.

 If Thunderbolt Battle Lady could run down the road successfully, they were also capable as they too have the superpower of speed. In fact, some people in the Wu family wanted to do this just now, but they were afraid to die and dared not try.

 It was great that Thunderbolt Battle Lady helped them test it out first.

 Bloop bloop!

 A large number of bubbles emerged from the river on the side of Thunderbolt Battle Lady, and set off waves in the river. A giant crab pincer emerged from the bottom of the river and descended brutally.

 The speed of the river crab's attack was very fast, and many people on the sh.o.r.e could not even react. However, Thunderbolt Battle Lady was strong, and had been prepared for it.

 Before the giant pincer could hit her head, she managed to flash away and appeared more than ten meters away. She continued to run frantically with her long legs, her tall figure disappearing in the thick fog.

 The Chen family joined forces to whip up a strong wind and disperse the thick fog, but she was long gone and ran far away.

 “Ryder, how is she?” Victoria turned around and asked her brother.

 “Still running… River crab attack. Only one… She's avoiding it. Another river crab…” The movements that Ryder heard were getting smaller and smaller, and eventually disappeared.

 “I can't hear anymore,” he said. Ryder had the superpower of super hearing, and the range was three kilometers. By that time, Thunderbolt Battle Lady had run beyond the area he could monitor.

 Is there only one? Victoria thought.

 More than ten minutes later, Thunderbolt Battle Lady reappeared. On her return to sh.o.r.e, she was attacked again by river crabs, and only managed to escape narrowly. The river crabs had almost launched a successful attack.

 As soon as she returned, the long-legged beauty fell straight to the ground beside Li Xianyu and gasped for breath. Sweat dripped down her cheeks and her hair was stuck to her face.

 “Did you manage to run to the end?” Li Xianyu handed her a bottle of water.

 Thunderbolt Battle Lady gulped the water down in one mouth and gave a loud hiccup. She felt it wasn't very sightly and hurriedly covered her mouth and gave a little hiccup.

 “No, I didn't run to the end. I ran ten kilometers without seeing the end of the road, it seemed like there was no end, just a thick fog. Every time I hit one hundred meters, I got attacked. I had to come back after running ten kilometers and spent half my energy on using my superpower.”

 Li Xianyu took out a bag of nuts and a piece of cooked beef, to supplement the long-legged beauty's energy. He glanced at the ten G.o.ds of Baoze. “We can devise a plan. I'll talk first, y'all can supplement it.”

 As his harem wasn't very intelligent, he was always the one deciding, so he was used to taking the lead in the task. Fortunately, although the 10 G.o.ds of Baoze had eccentric temperaments, their personalities were fine overall, and there was no particular member who acted like a politician.

 Everyone nodded and waited for his speech.

 Li Xianyu said, “My guess has been confirmed, that the number of river crabs is relative to the people on the road, and if only one person through the road, then there will be only one river crab. To be precise, only one river crab appears at a time.”

 “All we have to do is split up. Battle Lady gets attacked every one hundred meters, so we can be one hundred meters apart to get one batch over. The number of people in a batch should not exceed three. Three is the most reasonable because if you are a single person, there will be a lack of energy.”

 The ten G.o.ds of Baoze nodded slightly and were in agreement with Li Xianyu's a.n.a.lysis.

 Ape G.o.d said, “One hundred meters apart is too dangerous. Given the average quality of our senior staff, one hundred meters takes less than five seconds. I propose five hundred meters.”

 Li Xianyu replied, “Hmm. One hundred meters is indeed too dangerous, and it is very likely that the river crab in front of the river has not returned to the bottom of the river, and the second group of people will encounter it.”

 Thunderlord said solemnly, “Endurance is a problem, and we don't know how long this road is.”

 Equal pondered and said, “How about this? We have exactly forty senior staff members. With four members in a team, we will have exactly ten groups, and each of us will lead one group. That way, only five river crabs will appear each time, each of us can deal with three, and our team members will handle the remaining two.”

 “Why is this happening? The river crabs are the gatekeepers for this road?” Fire G.o.d asked.

 “This black river should be something like a moat, and the road is the entrance to the gate.” Ape G.o.d speculated.

 “Whatever it is, I suggest someone take the lead and figure out how long this road is.” Earth G.o.d frowned. “The length of the road is the key.”

 Li Xianyu said, “If only there were a car.”

 White G.o.d's eyes lit up. “I have it!”

 Everyone looked at her in confusion.

 Black G.o.d explained. “When we traveled around the world last year, we exchanged for leather wallets that were twenty square meters for convenience.”

 Baoze was very strict in the management of spatial devices and had a uniform distribution of leather wallets. For S-cla.s.s members, it did not exceed five square meters, and the s.p.a.ce of formal employee's leather wallets was one to two square meters.

 However, one could spend points to convert, and only S-cla.s.s members were eligible to convert leather wallets with a larger capacity. Even senior employees were not eligible.

 A twenty square-meter leather wallet is worth 1,200 points. They are extremely wealthy, Thunderbolt Lady thought.

 Being a couple duo was great, they could earn money fast. She thought she would never save that much in her whole life.

 “Our second team will be responsible for testing the road out.” Li Xianyu took out his mobile phone and looked at the signal. Good. The signal is full. It's only a few dozen meters from the entrance. The signal is not bad.

 Black G.o.d took the wallet out from his pocket. His hands stretched into it, and his arms were extremely muscular as he pulled the red Ferrari out of the wallet. The beautiful curves were sharp, and the lines of the car were beautiful and fluid.

 “I bought a great car this year, and I asked my friends to bring it back from abroad. It's sold for six million yuan domestically, and I only spent half of that money.” White G.o.d patted the roof of the car and showed off.

 The Ferrari was a two-door, two-seat model that could seat two people. At most, one more person could sit on the lap of the co-driver.

 “It looks like Battle Lady's…” Li Xianyu circled around the car, evaluating.

 He had sat in the long-legged beauty's new Ferrari. It was also red, two-door, two-seat, with different styles but didn't look that different.

 Thunderbolt Battle Lady stepped on Li Xianyu's foot forcefully.