So I Am A Demon Descendent! - Chapter 248

Chapter 248

After finding out the facts, everyone looked at w.a.n.g Chen and waited for him to make a decision .

“Now that we know the plan of the j.a.panese army, we can't stand idly by . ” The decision of w.a.n.g Chen was expected by all, and they thought the same way as well .

“What about these prisoners?” someone asked .

“Kill . ” w.a.n.g Chen waved his big hand .

Several j.a.panese prisoners collapsed after the sound of gunfire .

“Everyone, put on the j.a.panese army uniform and clean up the bodies and blood . Let's pretend to be j.a.panese . ” After thinking calmly, w.a.n.g Chen loudly commanded the militia . The bodies of the j.a.panese army were buried in gra.s.s, and the sand covered the blood stains . All of them changed into j.a.panese uniforms, and the three troop carriers were restarted .

They arrived at their destination before sunset and heard deafening cannonfire and gunfire . At the foot of the mountain, rows of mortars bombarded the dense forest . Hundreds of j.a.panese troops surrounded the top of the mountain in all directions and surrounded it in a pocket-like formation .

The people at the top of the mountain were fighting . They dodged the mortar that would hit their heads at any time, while raising their guns and firing back at the j.a.panese soldiers .

w.a.n.g Chen's three troop carriers were close to the rear of the j.a.panese army . He stuck his head out of the window and looked at the fierce front of the war . Similar to the information obtained from the prisoners, there was an anti-j.a.panese army in the mountains . It was probably not only a rural anti-j.a.panese organization . The troops from the Chinese army were probably present as well .

In the course of the j.a.panese occupation of Changsha and Hunan counties, the guerrillas of the national army were not idle . From time to time, they would fight with the j.a.panese army . Although the j.a.panese army conquered Changsha, Chongqing was still a hard place to conquer . The complex terrain of Hunan mountains was a headache for the j.a.panese army .

“Senior, what shall we do?” asked Little Sister in a low voice .

“Of course, we will attack their rear by stealth . There are not many troops in the rear area . Including the artillery, they are only about a hundred strong,” w.a.n.g Chen replied .

A small group of j.a.panese soldiers in charge of security came up and signaled for them to stop . The leader of the team came up and spoke gibberish in j.a.panese .

w.a.n.g Chen and the rest did not know how to speak j.a.panese . They were stunned .

This was not what they had expected . According to their ideas, they would infiltrate into the rear area freely and then destroy it . However, they were stopped outside, and there was a buffer area from the rear .

If they struck at this time, then they would alarm those soldiers with guns in the rear .

Seeing that they did not speak, the alert j.a.panese captain pressed his rifle and asked again .

w.a.n.g Chen and the others remained silent . Little Sister's pet.i.te body contracted as she clenched her fist . As long as w.a.n.g Chen ordered, she would strike .


At this time, you should answer, “とどなにちわ,とどじょうちちわ,いわいまで,いわいまで . ”

Li Xianyu thought that it was very interesting . It was more lifelike and interesting than a 3D movie .

At this time, there was a loud bang, and a faint ray of Taiji fish appeared in the forest, from a distance .

“Sister Taisu's Double Ritual Sword Technique!” Little martial sister cried out!

w.a.n.g Chen's eyes flashed with ecstasy . Since the fall of Changsha and the retreat of the national army, the demon descendant forces drawn up by the National Party had also been dispersed . Among the people who survived in Quanzhen, only w.a.n.g Chen and Little Sister stuck together . The two had never separated, but Taisu and w.a.n.g Qing disappeared amidst the chaos .

Now, it wasn't a happy time . As soon as Little Sister opened her mouth, their ident.i.ties were exposed . The j.a.panese army's expressions changed as they raised their muzzles…

In the dense forest .

Double Ritual's qi tore through the decadent trees and killed six j.a.panese soldiers, whose bodies were torn apart along with their rifles . The two wounded Chinese soldiers were saved . They did not manage to thank the pretty female priest and retreated .

“Be careful!” w.a.n.g Qing pulled Taisu to the ground .

A mortar sh.e.l.l exploded beside the two of them, and the earth and rock burst out, smas.h.i.+ng the qi that was protecting their bodies .

Taisu's chest felt heavy as she staggered to her feet, helping w.a.n.g Qing up . “Are you alright?”

w.a.n.g Qing's right leg was b.l.o.o.d.y . He didn't care about his injury, and said in a deep voice, “Let's retreat, let's retreat… Let's leave the militia and the national army alone . ”

Taisu shook her head . “It's a team that we have managed to organize painstakingly . We can escape, but it will be hard to a.s.semble such a team again . ”

“Can't you see the situation clearly? The j.a.panese army is too ferocious . Fighting and resisting will only lead to death . Elder Sister, as long as we're alive, there will always be an opportunity to fight back . ” w.a.n.g Qing pointed to his leg . “Now, this is injured . The next time, it may be our lives . ”

They had quarreled several times over this matter in half a day .

The militia and the national army began to retreat . The demon descendants had to stay behind and pave an escape route, and those who did so would most probably die . w.a.n.g Qing was unwilling . He would rather leave ordinary soldiers behind and save his life .

Taisu's character was stubborn . “You can go if you want to . In fact, you wanted to leave after the fall of Changsha . ”

“I don't know why you stayed, and I don't want to know,” she said . “I only know that if w.a.n.g Chen is here, he will stand with me to the end, rather than cherish his life as you do . ”

Perhaps, the words “w.a.n.g Chen” agitated him . He turned purple as he clenched his fists . “What's wrong with that? It is better to live than to die in vain . Since ancient times, we have been pursuing longevity . ”

“When we went down the mountain, there were more than 100 people from the sect . After the fall of Changsha, there's less than 20 people left . Your life matters, but not theirs? You can let go of this hatred, but I can't let it go . Cao Jun has left . You can run with him . ” Taisu's tone was gentle, but firm . “I will not go . w.a.n.g Chen said that people in troubled times die when they die . ”

“w.a.n.g Chen, w.a.n.g Chen… It's just w.a.n.g Chen all day long . ” w.a.n.g Qing's eyes turned red . “Where on earth did I let you down?”


The exploded in the forest, and the j.a.panese army screamed and cursed at the same time . The reason was unknown, as the mortar changed its angle and was bombing the j.a.panese in the mountains .

Taisu was stunned . She climbed up a rock, holding her sword, and looked at the foot of the mountain through the thick branches . There seemed to be unrest in the rear of the j.a.panese army . Hundreds of dead soldiers fell to the ground . A group of guys in j.a.panese uniforms grabbed the mortar . Under the command of a young man holding a j.a.panese knife, he fired at the j.a.panese army on the mountain .

The vision of demon descendants were better than that of the ordinary people . Taisu could see the young man holding up the j.a.panese sword and commanding the soldiers to start the fire . He had defined eyebrows and was tall and handsome!

“w.a.n.g Chen…” murmured Taisu .

w.a.n.g Qing also saw him, but only briefly . All that was left by his ear was that gentle murmur by Taisu, which showed her feelings .

Her cold face was flushed . Her eyes were soft, and her face was filled with joy and excitement . Like a white lotus on the sharp corner of the pink halo, she did not seem earthly with her beauty .

Taisu was sought after by her brothers in the sect because she appeared cold and n.o.ble . Only w.a.n.g Qing could make her laugh occasionally . Over the past ten years, w.a.n.g Chen was just an above average toad amongst all the useless people .

w.a.n.g Qing didn't think Sister Taisu would like someone that was so loose and unrestrained, but the reality was so absurd .

He stared at Taisu, who radiated brilliance . He knew that he, perhaps, had lost her forever .

With the support of w.a.n.g Chen, the situation reversed, and the j.a.panese army was surrounded . There was a Chinese army occupying the terrain at the front for tenacious resistance, and then there was the threat of mortars at the back . After heavy casualties, the j.a.panese retreated in a hurry .

w.a.n.g Chen and Taisu pursued the defeated enemies ruthlessly . They wandered tens of miles out, killing most of the j.a.panese escapees, ending the small war .

After they ended the pursuit, they made their way back to rendezvous with the organization . w.a.n.g Chen slowed down deliberately, and maintained a distance from the rest .

Sister Taisu sensed what was going on, and slowed down too . The two walked side by side, without speaking .

When everyone walked away, w.a.n.g Chen and Sister Taisu hid behind the tree, and pushed her against the tree in a domineering manner .

Taisu's back was pushed against the tree trunk as she raised her eyes . She knew what was going to happen, as a red flush crept up her face . She looked beautiful .

“Elder sister…” w.a.n.g Chen lowered his head and kissed her red lips .

Taisu moaned and pushed gently against w.a.n.g Chen's chest . As she pushed, it turned into her wrapping her arms around his neck, responding to his pa.s.sionate kiss astringently .

They had been separated for a long time . They were worried about each other . Now that they had finally met again, it was inevitable that they would get hot and heavy… They thought that there was no one nearby, as they kissed very pa.s.sionately . However, they did not know they were being watched by a certain Salted Fish from another century in 3D .

The only viewer was going livid .

h.e.l.lo, did you f.u.c.king brush your teeth before kissing my Sister Taisu?

Seeing the G.o.ddess again, Li Xianyu was very excited . When he saw w.a.n.g Chen taking advantage of Taisu, he felt like he had been made a cuckold . It was a similar feeling to what he felt in his adolescent years . When he saw on TV that a female star he liked had married, he felt that he had been made a cuckold as well .

It took a long time for the two to separate . Taisu tidied up her skirt, patted her hot cheek, and followed the team along with him .

“I heard a colonel of the Chinese Army say that the j.a.panese army is at the end of its tether . As long as we hold on, the victory will be ours,” Taisu said .

“I hope he's not bluffing,” w.a.n.g Chen replied .

They were monks and didn't understand the international situations .

Taisu talked about her experiences for a period of time, and said anxiously, “At first, we had more than 30 demon descendants, many of whom were captured by the j.a.panese Army during this period . The people of the Aoki family purposefully captured the demon descendants . I don't know what they are planning . ”

“Captured demon descendants?”

“Yes, w.a.n.g Qing was almost captured . The j.a.panese army had a chance to kill him, but insisted on keeping him alive… This made him afraid . He wants to go back to the mountains . ” Taisu sighed .

“Each to his own . If he wants to go back, he can go back . I will stay until I expel the j.a.panese . Every time I kill another j.a.panese troop, I profit . I will avenge my brothers,” w.a.n.g Chen said .

“I'll be with you . ” Taisu smiled .

When they returned to the battlefield, all the national army and militia had been a.s.sembled .

The leader of the national army was the leader of the guerrilla group . There were more than 100 people under his command . Coupled with the militia and w.a.n.g Chen's team, their numbers totaled four hundred .

Before the large-scale war, the guerrilla wars between China and j.a.pan never stopped . Battles like Changsha, where the two sides invested hundreds of thousands of troops, were rare .

“We must get out of here first . The j.a.panese support will arrive at any time . ” The captain said, “The ammunition is used up . I need to go back and replenish . ”

“Go back to my stronghold first . You can't stay here any longer . I have enough food supply there . ” w.a.n.g Chen finished, before staring at w.a.n.g Qing . “Of course, you can follow the national army too . After all, it's safer to follow them . The j.a.panese invaders haven't hit Chongqing . ”

w.a.n.g Qing was attacked verbally, causing his face to turn red .

The two sides agreed to meet at the stronghold of w.a.n.g Chen . The national army and the militia split up .

Just like this, w.a.n.g Chen brought them back to his stronghold . At this instant, the number of people, including demon descendants and the militia, totaled 200 . This was now not a small team .

On the second day after returning to the stronghold, Little Sister and Taisu were was.h.i.+ng clothes by the lake, while w.a.n.g Chen paddled in there .

Li Xianyu had paid special attention to the relations.h.i.+p between Little Sister and Taisu . They were very harmonious . w.a.n.g Chen had hidden their love triangle well . Maybe they didn't care .

Well, the harem of w.a.n.g Chen was very harmonious .

“Priest w.a.n.g Chen, Priest w.a.n.g Chen…” The voice of Second Child came from afar . The man-child, who was incredibly skinny, ran up to him in a hurry .

“What's the matter?” w.a.n.g Chen climbed up to sh.o.r.e .

“Someone has come to join us . ” Second Child said, “The leader said that his name is Cao Jun!”


A loud sound echoed in his mind, and the recollection suddenly collapsed .

Li Xianyu opened his eyes . The light of the bulb was a little dazzling . He sat up and looked around . His memory had been interrupted . He returned to the room in Lianghua temple, surrounded by a charming beauty in a kimono .

“What's the matter with you? Are you alright?” Aoki Yui asked with concern .

A few minutes ago, Li Xianyu suddenly slumped unconscious . She was shocked, but after her examination, his breathing and heart rate remained stable . She was relieved .

If Li Xianyu were to die here, she would not be able to absolve herself of the sins . The Unparalleled War Spirit, who was outside, would give a live show of how to kill a j.a.panese with her bare hands .

“What the f.u.c.k? Why am I back? Why the f.u.c.k did I come back?” Li Xianyu's face was anxious . He hit the ring on his left hand and said, “You broke the memories for me again . I'll destroy your sister . ”

Why was the recollection broken whenever Cao Jun appeared? Cao Jun… Cao family!

The Cao family was one of the most prominent demon descendant groups in the period of the Republic of China . Li Xianyu has a premonition that Taisu and Little Sister's exclusion from the list was related to Cao Jun .

It was likely that the next thing that happened would be how the Demonic Priest turned to who he was . Little Sister and Taisu were erased from the list, their endings unknown . w.a.n.g Chen became a prisoner of war and entered the Great Deities Palace…

If he had watched further, then he would have a glimpse of the truth . It was just the beginning of the play, and it was interrupted at will .

Aoki Yui had reminisced the past just now, and he had entered the Demonic Priest's memories . Perhaps, the aggrieved spirit in the ring had been agitated .

The Demonic Priest's spirit might have been stored in the ring . The image crash was due to the loss of data, but it was also possible that the next memory was that of unbearable pain experienced by Demonic Priest, so he chose to collapse the whole section .

Li Xianyu was in favour of the latter proposition .

“Be careful of your ring…” Mother Hua Yang suddenly reminded .

Before Li Xianyu could resume his state of vigilance, a ray of light burst from the ring . A violent willpower set in, drowning out Hua Yang's voice .

In his left arm, blood vessels protruded from the epidermis . The light was bright . Slime said with a smile, “Congratulations, you have unlocked Rage!”

s.h.i.+t! Li Xianyu's heart cooled!

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