So I Am A Demon Descendent! - Chapter 190

Chapter 190

The Big Red Rock was a barren mountain close to the coast . It was not so much a mountain, but a huge rock, standing proudly beside the sea . As the exposed rock was dark red, it was known as Big Red Rock .

There were few people here, for no one would come here at night .

Jia Zheng was looking around cautiously . His face is pale and his forehead was sweating . “Has the enemy left? I can't hold on any longer . ”

“There are six people 100 meters in front of us, four people at three o'clock, five people at nine o'clock… They didn't leave . They surrounded the land . That guy didn't listen . He's hiding . He's going to kill us anytime . ”

The person that spoke was Chu Lin . The law enforcement department's black combat uniform outlined her beautiful figure .

Chu Lin was only a middle-level employee, but she had a high reputation in the Fuzhou branch because of her appearance and background . She was a demon descendant born into a famous family in Fuzhou, the direct descendant of the Chu family . The Chu family was a.s.sociated with royalty, and there were people in the imperial court, so they had always been in the same breath with the Fuzhou branch .

Jia Zheng's ability was stealth . He was able to astringe his breath and integrate with the surrounding environment . Chu Lin's ability was super hearing . She was also a support member of the team .

Qi Bin, a senior employee, was the anchor of this three-man team . He was famous for its physical skills within the Fuzhou branch . But, at the moment, this powerful elder fighter had been defeated by others in his best field . His left arm and his right sternum was broken . He was seriously injured .

They came to the seaside this time to investigate a smuggling case . According to the information they had, this smuggling gang was not a big one, with only two demon descendants . Their combat power was not high . The others were ordinary people .

After sneaking over, it was found that the number of demon descendants was inconsistent with the intelligence . However, the most powerful figure on the other side possessed the skill level of middle-level employees, which was not enough for the team to fear them .

Hence, the three people made a plan to attract the enemy's attention . Qi Bin was in charge of confronting the enemy head-on, while Jia Zheng was to sneak into the enemy's s.h.i.+p cabin to check their smuggled goods .

After a short fight, Qi Bin, the senior employee, was defeated quickly . There was a super master lurking within the enemy lines . He defeated Qi Bin with an absolute advantage . If Chu Lin had not taken out a small handgun and shot the mythical man at the critical moment, earning an escape opportunity for Qi Bin, Fuzhou Branch would have lost a senior employee today .

Jia Zheng took the opportunity to create chaos in the cabin and stole their smuggled goods . Chu Lin and Qi Bin escaped triumphantly .

However, a temporary escape could only provide them with a chance to breathe . Now, they were trapped in this forest .

They hid behind the bushes and leaned on a big tree . Jia Zheng was supporting the stealth field, creating a temporary safe environment for the three people . However, he could not hold on for much longer . When he supported such a field, his energy was consumed all the time . The key was that javelin .

A pure black javelin, two meters long, with a sharpened iron bar . The workmans.h.i.+p was simple . There were no fancy spots . However, the first time he saw it, it wasn't like this . It was placed in a wooden box full of runes . There were strange, tadpole-like incantations on the dark gun . Those incantations flowed with blood light, like living tadpoles .

Most of Jia Zheng's strength was used to seal the javelin and suppress its overflowing aura . Hence, it looked like a very simple javelin at the moment .

Chu Lin reached out and stroked the javelin . She couldn't tell what material it was made of . It did not feel cold, but very warm instead . It felt like jade, but not as smooth .

“What the h.e.l.l is this?” Chu Lin whispered .

It was one of the smuggled goods . Jia Zheng had stolen it .

“Whatever it is, Jia Zheng, take it with you . If you are alone, you should be able to escape . The other side is a S-level master . It must have some special ability, for an expert to escort this item . You have to bring it back to the company . ” Qi Bin, who had never spoken prior to this, said as he leaned against the tree .

He was pale, and his left arm shrugged weakly . “I have a bottle of Real Men for Five Seconds in my hand . I can help you attract their firepower and stall them . However, in this way, Chu Lin may not be able to leave too . ”

Chu Lin forced out a wry smile, but she didn't speak, which was equivalent to approving of the captain's arrangement .

“How can we do that? Let's vote . If it's two to one, even if it is your order, Captain, I won't stop . ” Jia Zheng winked at Chu Lin .

“You leave with your things,” Chu Lin said .

“Hey, it's like the whole team is scared of me . If the two of you die here, what am I supposed to do? Be a lone ranger? I will be killed by your admirers . Since we are all dead, I will not go,” Jia Zheng said .

In fact, Jia Zheng had also been secretly in love with Chu Lin, but this girl's taste was too high . The flower couldn't see the sc.u.m, and the office G.o.ddess couldn't see the typical employee . Jia Zheng was an average civil servant who could compete with the people around his rank, but not above . As they had interacted with each other for long periods, he had stopped entertaining this thought .

“Don't you say you want to go to the Taoist conference to see Jie Se and Dan Chenzi? Aren't you obsessed with the Demonic Priest's descendant as well?” Jia Zheng said .

“Stop it,” Chu Lin said, covering her chest in pain . “I don't want to die for my job upon thinking of these long-legged oppas . ”

Jie Se was the direct disciple of Buddha Head . He had many disciples, but Jie Se was the only Gokudo Path inheritor, which meant that he will take over the position of Buddha Head in the future . Besides, he was also a monk . Many women wanted to hook up with him, so that they could tempt him to break the Buddhist rules .

Men liked clean women, but they can't help but want to dirty her . The same was true of women .

Dan Chenzi was not a Gokudo Path Inheritor . He was an outstanding disciple of Shangqing Sect . His fame was not because of his martial arts prowess, but because of his appearance and temperament . The name given to him by the outside world was: character as plain as a chrysanthemum, easy to escape from the world .

In the past, when Li Peiyun was a n.o.body, Jie Se and Dan Chenzi were the two most popular online celebrities in the demon descendants' community .

As for another person, the rising star of the Li family…

He had a bad reputation . When he fought for the remains of the Demonic Priest, he became famous instantly, but not for good reasons . It was said that he had some magic which targeted women especially . There were not many people in the demon descendants' community who believed in this rumor at present . However, his tarnished reputation was a truth . He was not as good-looking as Jie Se and Dan Chenzi as well .

In addition, he was not very active recently, so his popularity could not compare with the aforementioned people .

“Let's wait . The company has sent someone to support us . There may be experts nearby,” Jia Zheng said .

As long as a senior employee arrived, they would be able to stall till the company's reinforcements arrived .

“Do you think it's possible?” Chu Lin smiled bitterly .

This was not a busy city . A senior employee nearby? The odds were slim, and if it was not a senior employee, he would just be seeking death .

At this time, a subtle breathing sound was caught by Chu Lin . It was intermittent and seemingly absent .

It seemed that a ghost was breathing in her ear . Chu Lin's hair was cold and her face turned pale . How can a ghost compare to the sound in her ear? This was the G.o.d of Death .

Chu Lin forced herself to calm down . She began to restrain her powers . When the area was small, her hearing became incredibly sharp .

The sound of intermittent breathing became clearer…


Without thinking about it, Chu Lin said in a loud voice, “He's on top of us . We've been found!”

Almost at the same time, the three men tumbled out, and a murderous aura descended from the sky . The human figure on the tree jumped into the air . The three-man team were completely exposed .

Bang! Bang! A few gunshots were heard .

As Chu Lin rolled on the ground, she fired two shots behind her .

The man under the tree had been on guard for a long time . He did not move . The bullet stopped three meters away from him . They lost all kinetic energy and fell to the ground weakly .

“Magnetic field? Repulsion power? Absolute field?” Chu Lin's heart sank . Prior to this, she had managed to penetrate the man's chest with a bullet, but it was immediately repelled by an invisible force . Now, bullets didn't even come close .

“It's a repulsion power,” said Qi Bin .

Repulsive power was rare . It was the bane of all close combat . This ability was more powerful than absolute field . Absolute field was just to build a solid defense field, which could be broken by brute force . However, repulsive power could even repel the attack and return the attack in the same way .

The man held the black javelin and breathed a sigh of relief . Short blonde hair, iron gray eyes, thick Germanic character . That was to describe the standard German .

Chu Lin's heart moved . She shot again and aimed at the black javelin .

The German man's face changed as he stopped the bullet with his body .

“Attack the javelin! It should be a fragile object!” cried Chu Lin .

“Don't worry about it, Jia Zheng, you take Chu Lin out of the siege . I'll stall him . ” Qi Bin took a bottle of medicine from his wallet and poured it into his mouth .

In an instant, his breathing intensified several times, his skin turned blood red, as a stream of steam emanated from the top of his head .

The Real Man for Five Seconds drug was essentially a kind of poison to suppress the potential of genes . Even if the drug addicts didn't die, there would be severe aftereffects .

The people who were searching in the distance heard the sound of the gun, and they had made their way here . Each of them was armed with a gun, and they were the outlaws who had blood on their hands . In a real fight, Chu Lin and Jia Zheng would not be able to cope with the siege of more than ten demon descendants .

“Go, go!” Jia Zheng was roaring as he dragged Chu Lin through the siege .

The gunshots rang out, and a group of people rushed in front of them . It was not possible to dodge bullets at a distance of a few tens of meters . Dodging bullets was a necessary skill for middle-level employees .

After Chu Lin returned a few shots, the two sides fought each other at close distances .

Chu Lin and Jia Zheng were not refined fighters . Fortunately, the overall prowess of the opponents were not high . As middle-level employees, they did not struggle to deal with them, but the pace of their retreat was hindered .

This was fatal . Enemies from other directions were coming . With every second they were delayed, they would be in more danger .

After another struggle, Jia Zheng gradually lost his strength . His previous stealth exploits had consumed his physical strength .

Jia Zheng looked back . The enemies from all sides were tens of meters away .

“I can't leave,” he said . “Hey, there's something I want to tell you . ”

“No, you're ugly!” Chu Lin said .

Jia Zheng's breathing was smothered as he felt a bit awkward . “We are all going to die . Can't you go against your conscience and say something nice?”

“So, a ruthless woman like me is not worthy of your love . If you activate your stealth now, you still can escape . I will cover you and help you gain time . ” Chu Lin said, “I belong to Jie Se Oppa and Dan Chenzi Oppa, oh, and Li Peiyun Oppa . ”

“So many oppas, which one do you like?”

“Children do multiple choice questions . I want all of them . ” Chu Lin added, “But you're not in the options . ”

She had a gun in her left hand, a knife in her right hand, short hair, nice ears, and a bullet scratch on her face . Her leather combat suit outlined her tall figure, accentuating her obvious curves . Handsome and beautiful, yet her mouth said ruthless words .

Jia Zheng knew that she was letting him escape .

“What a callous woman,” Jia Zheng said, breaking out towards the left . He let bullets and army knives pierce his body at will as he crushed the skulls of two enemies . He opened up a gap with his body .

“However, only heroes save damsels in distress . The damsels don't save the heroes . I hate women like you, who chase celebrities . You say oppa in every single sentence . You idolise those guys who don't even look at you, yet you don't care about those guys who stay by your side and do things for you . You take them for granted . ” Jia Zheng slumped onto the ground softly .

“Jia Zheng!” Chu Lin's eyes were red . “Are you stupid? Do you think that if you sacrifice yourself, I will change my mind and think better of you?”

He couldn't leave . The captain couldn't either . In the end, was she the only one who could escape .

At this instant, the enemies around them suddenly froze . A few seconds later, heads rolled down from their necks, as blood flowed like fountains . They suffered a fatal blow almost instantaneously .

Chu Lin heard a gentle meow . She turned around and saw a striped cat sitting on its feet, licking the blood on its paws .


“Hence, there's no good end to being a lackey . ”

Chu Lin looked back and saw a young man squatting beside Jia Zheng, injecting a tube of blood into his carotid artery .

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