Slowly Falling For Changkong - Chapter 18

Chapter 18

T/N: Enjoy wink wonk.


"You're off work now." Xu Lian said, turning her phone screen towards Xiang ChangKong.

Seeing Xu Lian's phone displaying 00:00 in large white numbers, Xiang ChangKong was speechless for a moment. It wouldn't be appropriate for him to enter a young woman's home during the day, let alone now at midnight.

Seeing Xiang ChangKong failing to reply, Xu Lian asked: "Or do you still have something to deliver?"

"No, no."

"Then come in and sit down. I ordered a lot of barbecue sticks, and I don't think I can eat it all myself."

"This...this isn't very good...."

"What's wrong?" Xu Lian's eyes were clear, and she looked straight at him, as if there was absolutely nothing weird with a man going into her home at such a late hour.

Xiang ChangKong didn't know what to say. It felt like he was the only one who had these dirty thoughts.

"You really helped me out last time, but I never had the chance to properly thank you. I'm inviting you in for some dinner to express my thanks." Xu Lian's reasoning was sound. She stood by the door and waited patiently for his answer. Xiang ChangKong pursed the corner of his mouth before finally agreeing: "Alright. Excuse me."

Xu Lian found him a pair of slippers and placed it by the door. Putting on the slippers, Xiang ChangKong followed Xu Lian inside.

Past a collection of plants was a s.p.a.cious living room. One side of the wall was filled with black and white tiles and had a white sofa with two pillows of the same color. Xu Lian went to the kitchen to grab a plate and placed it on the coffee table that was in front of the sofa. She turned to the still-standing Xiang ChangKong and said: "Come and sit down."

"Ah, yeah." Xiang ChangKong felt a bit shy. He was worried that his clothes might dirty her pristine sofa, so he sat at the very edge. Xu Lian squatted near the coffee table, tore open the foil containing the food, and pa.s.sed a stick. "Here's some beef."

"Thank you." Xiang ChangKong accepted a stick but didn't start eating.

Xu Lian transferred the rest of the food onto the plate, then standing up to throw away the foil, she asked: "What do you want to drink?"

Xiang ChangKong shook his head. "There's no need."

Xu Lian thought for a bit as she went into the kitchen, then opened her fridge to look around. There were a few cans of beer which would pair nicely with the barbecue. But Xiang ChangKong would be driving home. That would be considered drink driving, wouldn't it?

In the end, she didn't take out the beer and instead got the last two oranges that she had to make two of orange juice.

When Xu Lian brought the out, she saw Xiang ChangKong still sitting in the exact same posture when she had left, the barbecue stick still in his hand. The word 'cute' traveled through Xu Lian's mind, though her expression stayed as blank as ever.

She placed a gla.s.s of orange juice in front of Xiang ChangKong then said: "Why didn't you start eating? Do you not like beef? Do you want some chicken instead?"

"No, no, I can have beef." Xiang ChangKong finally took a bite of the skewer in his hand. The barbecue smelled great, and there were a lot of seasonings put in the meat. The meat was covered in sauce, but Xiang ChangKong didn't taste any of this.

Xu Lian took a skewer and sat down on the sofa beside Xiang ChangKong. As soon as she got close, Xiang ChangKong sat straighter.

His nervousness was obvious to Xu Lian. So to help him relax, she initiated a conversation. "I didn't know you deliver so late."

Xiang ChangKong replied: "I don't know about other companies, but our company delivers until 3:00 a.m."

"So late? wouldn't all the restaurants be closed?"

"Some restaurants close late. But don't eat late so often, it's not good for your health."

"Well, I actually seldom eat supper. It's just that I got caught up in packing some gift boxes, so I got really hungry."

Xiang ChangKong could tell. In the brief conversation they just had, she had already eaten two sticks of beef and a rib. She had said earlier that she had ordered too much and wouldn't be able to finish, but Xiang ChangKong thought that her order might not actually be enough for her.

After finis.h.i.+ng the skewer in his hand, he didn't reach for another stick and sipped some orange juice instead. It was very late at night, and everything was silent. When they stopped talking, the silence was a hundred times larger than it would be during daylight.

"....You live here alone?" Xiang ChangKong asked.

Xu Lian nodded. "I wanted to be closer to Starlight Park, so I moved here. My parents live somewhere else. My parents don't usually stay in one place very long, though. My father works at construction sites and usually moved as the projects move. My mother follows him."

When you include the conversations he had with her in her store, this was the most Xu Lian had ever talked to him. The conversation even related to her family.

Xiang ChangKong liked talking with her, even if he was mostly a listener.

"Why don't you eat another stick?" Xu Lian noticed Xiang ChangKong had been holding onto the orange juice for quite a while now. She handed him several sticks and said: "You're welcome."

"Ah, well, thank you." Xiang ChangKong hastily received her offerings. Xu Lian had handed him a bunch of chicken wings and several ribs, very high-calories.

Meanwhile, Xu Lian was happily eating some chicken wings with her hands. After eating, she took a paper towel to wipe her hands. "I have a little store employee, do you remember her? She's very curious about you."

Xiang ChangKong was puzzled. "Curious?"

"Un." Xiang ChangKong picked up her gla.s.s of orange juice and took a sip. "She's a budding screenwriter and is particularly interested in observing people."

"Oh, that's why." No wonder. Whenever Xiang ChangKong came to do a delivery, he felt that she would always look at him with inquisitive eyes.

"I think she would be eager to do an interview with you. Since I have this chance, I think I'll help her by asking a question. How do you feel about your work?"

"How do I feel?" At this, Xiang ChangKong couldn't help chuckling. This kind of 'feelings' question sounded like something a teacher would ask their student.

After thinking for a while, Xiang ChangKong answered: "I don't feel anything particularly special about it. Though I am curious, why don't people cook very much nowadays?"

"Pfft-" Xu Lian laughed at her gla.s.s. "Maybe they can't do it, like me."

After saying this, Xu Lian looked at Xiang ChangKong said: "Oh, when I went to your house last time you were cooking. Do you know how to cook?"

Xiang ChangKong was a little embarra.s.sed as he answered: "I'm not that good at it. I'm just OK."

"Next time you're free, why don't you come by and teach me how to cook? I'll pay you for tutoring me."

Xiang ChangKong froze when he heard this. Seeing his lack of reply, Xu Lian pouted, vaguely looking like an unhappy child. "You don't want to?"

"No, no, wait, I mean, you don't have to pay me."

Xu Lian's mouth curved up ever so slightly. "Deal."

"Ah, good." Xiang ChangKong felt like he was doing something incredible. He and Xu Lian were like old friends, sitting together and gossiping while they ate barbecue.

This was something he hadn't dared to imagine when he stepped into Xu Lian's home.

His eyes couldn't help but gravitate towards Xu Lian again. At her home, Xu Lian looked relaxed and natural. She wasn't wearing any lipstick, so instead of the usual deep red, her lips were a light pink, like peach blossoms in early spring.

Her black hair wasn't in its usual high ponytail, but was just casually gathered to the back of her head and fixed with a hairpin.

Xiang ChangKong had always thought that she looked cool and strong whenever he saw her in her shop, but he also liked this casual and relaxed Xu Lian. It gave him the illusion that they were close.


"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" Xu Lian subconsciously raised her hand to touch her face.

"No, no." Quickly moving his gaze, Xiang ChangKong looked down at the orange juice he was holding. Xu Lian stood up with her own empty gla.s.s and asked him: "Do you want some water? It's easy to get thirsty when eating barbecue."

"No, I'll just finish this juice." Xiang ChangKong replied. With the barbecue finished, it's almost time to go.

When Xu Lianleft to get some water, Xiang ChangKong drank the remaining orange juice in his gla.s.s. He then stood up, ready to say his goodbyes.

Meanwhile, Xu Lian opened her fridge to see only half a lemon left in it. She cut two slices and put them in some water. When she returned, she saw Xiang ChangKong standing up, as if he was preparing to leave.

"You're leaving?" Xu Lian asked him.

Xiang ChangKong nodded. "It's already pretty late. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Oh." Xu Lian felt a little down, and she took a sip of her lemon water. The sour taste made her feel a bit better as she walked him to her door. Xiang ChangKong's heart was also feeling a little stuffy. Before the opened the front door, he turned back to Xu Lian and started: "Oh, by the way...."

He wasn't sure what he saw in that coffee shop. Should he tell Xu Lian? Relations.h.i.+ps between men and women were sensitive, and something outsiders shouldn't concern themselves with. But if that person really was dating other girls, what about Xu Lian? If he clearly saw something happening but didn't tell Xu Lian...could he be considered an accomplice?

"What is it?" Xu Lian stopped and stood there, looking at him. The living room light s.h.i.+ned from her back, giving her profile a fuzzy layer of light.

"Um...Is that man I saw in your shop before your boyfriend?"

Xu Lian was stupefied by the question. Then she realized who he was referring to. "Wei YiChen? Who told you he was my boyfriend?"

Xiang ChangKong was also shocked by her reply. "Isn't he? I've seen him in your store several times, and your relations.h.i.+p with him looks good..."

"Of course not." Xu Lian interrupted Xiang ChangKong and began to seriously reflect on whether she and Wei YiChen were getting too close. "The people who came to trash my store also thought I was his girlfriend. That's why they tried to make trouble. But Wei YiChen and I are just friends who've known each other for a long time."

Xiang ChangKong opened his mouth, but no sound came out. So he got it wrong? They were just friends, and not boyfriend and girlfriend.

Ah...good thing he didn't just blurt out the blind date he saw Wei YiChen attending in that coffee shop.

"Why'd you mention such things all of a sudden?" Xu Lian asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. Since he isn't your boyfriend, it's nothing." Xiang ChangKong replied.

Xu Lian thought about it for a while, but couldn't understand why he would suddenly ask about Wei YiChen. But now that they were in this subject, it suddenly reminded her of another thing. "By the way, how're your injuries?"

"It's almost better."

"Really? Show me."

Xiang ChangKong subconsciously started to cover himself with his hands. "It's really alright, much better."

But Xu Lian wasn't fooled. Last time she saw his knee injury, it looked very serious. She hadn't been sure if it would heal with just some medicinal alcohol.

"Let me see." Xu Lian saw that he really didn't want to. Accepting that maybe they didn't really have time for him to take off his clothes, she asked for the next best thing. "Then at least let me see the injury on your face. Don't move."


Xu Lian went to her tiptoes. It seems that the wound on his face has recovered very well. Compared to what it looked like when she saw him last in his home, the wound looked much lighter. Xu Lian moved closer to scrutinize the bruise more clearly.

Xiang ChangKong's heart was just about to jump out of his chest. Xu Lian was so close that he could feel her eyelashes sweep across his face whenever she blinked. But he couldn't move any further, as his back ended up completely pasted against the wall.

Xu Lian was still studying the injury on his face. Her hand raised to touch his face, and she gently pressed on the bruised skin: "Does it hurt?"

Xiang ChangKong didn't answer. He was afraid that if he opened his mouth, his voice would completely expose his emotions.

Feeling his tense muscles, Xu Lian looked up into his eyes. His deep black eyes, just like last time, looked like a deep endless lake. When their eyes met, Xiang ChangKong quickly looked away. But even though he looked away, their breaths inevitably tangled together due to their close distance.

They were so close, neither knew whose heart was beating loudly.

Thump, Thump.

Xiang ChangKong knew he can't stay here a second longer. Before Xu Lian hates him, he has to leave immediately.

But before he could move away and open the door, Xu Lian wrapped an arm around his neck and kissed his lips.

Xiang ChangKong totally forgot to breathe.

Xu Lian's lips were much softer than he had ever imagined. It was so soft, his heart felt like it was sinking into cotton. Xu Lian's body instinctually moved closer to his', making Xiang ChangKong's body erupt in flames.

He wanted to come closer. Even if it would make her hate him, he wanted to be close.

Xu Lian did it at the spur of the moment. She wanted to do it, so she did. But she didn't expect it to feel so good. Xiang ChangKong's masculine scent fascinated her.

small NSFW warning (If you want to skip this, go find the next NSFW)

What came next was utterly beyond her expectations. Suddenly, Xiang ChangKong whirled her around, and her back ended up stuck on the door. He began to kiss her back, their bodies so close there was no gap.

The two people were like two trains, running faster and faster that they were on the verge of derailing.

But neither wanted to stop.

Xi Lian was wholly immersed in kissing Xiang ChangKong. She could feel his hot body temperature, his tense muscles, his burning breath, and his heart pounding restlessly, seemingly affected by the atmosphere.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that she was pressed down on the sofa by Xiang ChangKong. Her hair had been undone, her s.h.i.+rt unb.u.t.toned, and the collar off her solders. Xiang ChangKong had always been gentle to her whenever they happened to meet. But right now, he had an aggression that Xu Lian couldn't refuse.

And honestly, she didn't want to refuse.

She turned her head a little to the side, letting his kisses fall to her neck and collarbone, one by one. Her vision was becoming fuzzy, but she could still see her handbag at the end of the sofa. Embracing Xiang ChangKong, she reached out with her foot to hook the bag over.

Just as she was about to succeed, the handbag fell and its contents spilled all over the ground.

Xiang ChangKong s.h.i.+fted slightly. Looking down at the source of the noise. There, amongst some cosmetics, was a particularly eye-catching small red box.

He picked up the box, and while panting, asked: "Were you looking for this?"

"Nn..." Xu Lian was panting even faster than he was, her chest heaving. She looked at Xiang ChangKong, her eyes so dark it looked like dripping ink. Xiang ChangKong asked him: "Are you sober?"

(T/N: He's not asking if Xu Lian is drunk, he's asking if Xu Lian is clearheaded and is lucid to understand what she's doing.)


Xiang ChangKong breathed a few more times, then leaned over and kissed Xu Lian on the corner of her mouth. He turned and whispered in her ear: "I don't want you to regret it."

Don't regret it later, after everything's been said and done.

Xu Lian's hands went up to hook Xiang ChangKong's lips, and she pulled him down to kiss his lips. She felt that it wasn't enough. She wanted to know more about him, to feel his breathing, and have his sweat on her skin.

She didn't remember how long they did it. Xu Lian only remembered that they went from the sofa to the bedroom, then to the bathroom, and then finally back to the bedroom. For the first time ever, she fell asleep on someone else's chest, their heartbeat lulling her to slumber.

NSFW end


The birds singing outside and the suns.h.i.+ne falling through Xu Lian's window woke Xiang ChangKong. His brows unconsciously moved, and Xiang ChangKong slowly opened his eyes. A strange ceiling, a strange bed, a strange environment. Xiang ChangKong was confused for a long second, before last night's memories quickly rushed back.

He suddenly turned his head to the side. Xu Lian wasn't there.

His heart plummeted like a rollercoaster. What happened last night? Was it just a dream? No way, it felt too real. He could still feel the scratches Xu Lian had given him on his back.

But this made him panic again, and he didn't know how to deal with this feeling. How would last night be determined as? Xu Lian....what does she think about it?

He lay on the bed for a long time, his thoughts chaotic. The finally, Xiang ChangKong sat up and...found that he wasn't wearing a single thing. Looking around, he saw his trousers on the ground. Xiang ChangKong hastily put them on, a little embarra.s.sed. Then he opened the bedroom door and called out in a low voice. "Xu Lian?"

The house was quiet, and no one answered. It looked like he was the only one there.

With slightly drooping eyes, he stood there for a while. Then he took out his phone from his pant pocket and looked at the time.

He slept until ten in the morning.

Xiang ChangKong: "....."

He had always been a disciplined person. Even during rest days, he had never slept this late.

Fortunately, he just did a night s.h.i.+ft, so he wasn't late for work.

Xiang ChangKong went back inside and got properly dressed. He then went into the bedroom's adjoining bathroom, planning to wash his face and then leave. But when he went to the bathroom, something immediately caught his eye. Written in lipstick, a message was on the mirror.

"I went to the shop. Feel free to do whatever you wish."

At a speed visible to the naked eye, Xiang ChangKong's expression lightened, and his cheeks turned red. His heart rate started to accelerate uncontrollably.

He stared at the red text for a long time before he managed to gradually recover his discordant breathing.

The color of the lipstick she had used was Xu Lian's favorite red, the color he would see her use the most. There was a tube of lipstick on the counter next to the sink. Its color was similar to the one used on the mirror. Xu Lian should have written the note with this lipstick.

Xiang ChangKong picked up the tube and opens it to have a look. The lipstick had a very unique design. Xiang ChangKong noted that while it was cylindrical, it was like a diamond, giving it a gorgeous cut surface.

It was a very dazzling red.

There was a key-like shape on the lipstick case. It should be the logo of the brand, but Xiang ChangKong didn't recognize it. He took a photo of the lipstick with his phone, then cleaned up the message on the mirror.

After a simple wash, Xiang ChangKong found his uniform coat in the living room and put it on. As he pa.s.sed the dining room, he saw a pair of chopsticks on the table.

He noticed the plate they used for the barbecue, and the they used for the orange juice were by the sink, unwashed. The cup she used for her breakfast was also in the pile. Xiang ChangKong helped her wash the dishes, then picked up a sandwich that had been left on the table. He wrapped it and placed it back in her fridge.

After this, he took his things and left Xu Lian's home.

His scooter was still parked outside. As he left, the security guard saw him pa.s.sing the gate and was surprised. "When did you come in?"

The person on duty last night had obviously already changed s.h.i.+fts. This new security guard on the day s.h.i.+ft naturally didn't see Xiang ChangKong enter the neighboorhood. Xiang ChangKong's face felt a little hot. Probably making a fool of himself, he stuttered a few words and escaped, then started to drive towards the company.

He didn't know how Xu Lian was feeling right now. He had been so fierce last night, did he hurt her?

At first, when he saw the things in Xu Lian's bag, Xiang ChangKong thought she had some experience. But he soon found that it was also her first time. He remembered Xu Lian's pleads of mercy in his ear, her fingers scratching his back....No, no, he shouldn't continue this line of thought.

Xiang ChangKong accelerated his scooter, and let the cold wind beat his face.

Minutes before he was to be considered late, Xiang ChangKong successfully managed to card in. As he left the company to start on some orders, he happened to into Brother w.a.n.g, who was also about to leave. Brother w.a.n.g saw him and was surprised. "Xiao Xiang, why are you so late today?"

Xiang ChangKong was usually very diligent. Even when he got injured, he didn't ask for some leave.

Xiang ChangKong naturally didn't respond, only replying with a 'hm.' Brother w.a.n.g looked around carefully to see if there was anyone around. Then in a low voice, he asked: "How have things been with you and that Xu Lian lady?"

Xiang ChangKong sadly couldn't control his ears from becoming hot. Brother w.a.n.g saw his ears becoming redder and redder. With a smile, he said: "Alright, you don't have to say anything, I know."

Xiang ChangKong: "....."

"Just please invite me to drink some of your wedding wine, hahaha!"

Xiang ChangKong laughed along with him, but as he walked away, his gaze gradually sunk. Wedding wine? Will there even be such a day?

What was his relations.h.i.+p with Xu Lian now? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Or '419'?

(T/N: 419 is slang for having a one-night stand with someone.)

Xiang ChangKong knew that when Xu Lian calmed down, she would probably regret last night.

He knew, but he still couldn't control himself.

If Xu Lian started to hate him because of this, it would all be his fault.

Today, Xu Lian didn't order takeout at noon. Instead, she walked to a famous restaurant street in Starlight Park to buy some food. Starlight Park had a road dedicated to food shops, and the dessert shop she frequently collaborated with, 'Sugar Honey Heart,' was also on this street. But Xu Lian seldom bought food in Starlight Park because they were usually more expensive than outside food.

So when Zhang GuoEr saw her come back with food from Starlight Park, she was surprised. And when she saw that she also had a share, she was delighted. Dancing, she exclaimed: "Wow, Boss is really generous today!"

"Since we just finished a big order, I thought we could treat ourselves to a good meal." Xu Lian replied.

"Mm-hmm!" Xu Lian's order for 200 gift boxes has been successfully completed this morning. In the afternoon, someone will come to check and receive them. If there was no problem, they could be packed up in boxes to be sent.

Zhang GuoEr happily sipped a spoonful of soup. "Ah, although it is more expensive, the taste is truly excellent. Way better than anything!" Way more delicious than the chicken rice set they usually ordered.

"Un." Xu Lian replied noncommittally, before asking: "By the way, that 'local specialty' you gave me yesterday, does your friend have any more?"

(T/N: omg Xu Lian you don't just ask that)


It took Zhang GuoEr the strength of nine cows and two tigers to stop herself from spurting out the soup in her mouth.

It would be a lot of money she was spurting out if she did so.

She tenaciously swallowed the soup and silently looked at Xu Lian for a long while.

What's the meaning of this? Yesterday she said she didn't need such things. Why wasn't it the same today? And...there were four in a box. Did she use them all? No, no, no, the point is, who did she use it with? Brother Chen? Or that takeaway brother?

Zhang GuoEr's thoughts were written all over her face. Even the usually cold Xu Lian couldn't help but get embarra.s.sed for a little while.

"Forget it, pretend I didn't ask." Xu Lian picked up a spoon and began to eat her own food.

Zhang GuoEr's disordered thoughts finally started to become clear, and she felt that many of the small things she noticed this morning suddenly made sense! The Boss was wearing heels that were much lower than usual, and her foundation was much thicker this morning...but was this enough evidence? After all, the Boss was wearing her typical cool, deadpan face, ah.

Oh but, wasn't she wearing a high collar chiffon s.h.i.+rt today? Is it to cover a few scandalous marks?

Zhang GuoEr suddenly felt like she was somehow related to Sherlock Holmes.

"Cough, cough." Zhang GuoEr pretended to cough and said: "My friend only gave me one box, but she also sells some over the internet. If you want, I can give you her WeChat."

The lounge was quiet for a long minute. Then Xu Lian's voice rang out: "Ok."

Zhang GuoEr: "....."

After their meal, Xu Lian went upstairs to prepare for the product inspection this afternoon. Zhang GuoEr stayed downstairs alone. She raised her pen, then put it down. She raised her pen again but put it back down.

She felt like she had a thousand thoughts in her heart that she wanted to express. But when she opened her notebook, she didn't know how to start.

This action was repeated for who knows how many times before she finally wrote something to summarize today's events.

'Art originated from life, but it cannot be life.'

Xiang ChangKong didn't go home last night, so he wasn't able to make breakfast and lunch for his mother today. So as soon as his break started, he rushed home. He knew there were some biscuits in the fridge that she could eat, but his mother couldn't have biscuits for both breakfast and lunch. He bought three dishes and some soup from a nearby stir fry shop and then trotted up to their home.

The suns.h.i.+ne at 1:00 p.m. was just right. Weng ShuLi was leaning on the sofa by herself, basking in the sun with her eyes closed. There was a box of open biscuits on the table. She only ate two pieces. Maybe she doesn't like such sweet snacks.

"Mom, I'm back. Let's eat first." Xiang ChangKong opened the dishes and set them on the table one by one. Weng ShuLi opened her eyes and watched him, not moving.

Ever since Weng ShuLi became ill, she had never spoken to anyone. Her expression was always numb. It looked like she had no longer been able to express any emotion. But at this moment, Xiang ChangKong felt that when she looked at him, her eyes were questioning.

This was the first time he had ever he stayed out all night.

He put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked down at the table. "Mmm....there were a lot of late orders yesterday. I delivered them late, and ended up falling asleep in the company."

Weng ShuLi looked at him for a while, then got up, walked to the table, and picked up her chopsticks to eat.

After lunch, Weng ShuLi went back to the sofa and closed her eyes. Xiang ChangKong folded all the packaging boxes and threw them in the trash can. He also replaced the trash can with a new plastic bag. There wasn't much left, but Xiang ChangKong felt that their leftovers would be enough for dinner if he added one more dish. He fried a few things in the kitchen and figured his mother could just heat it up later and eat.

After finis.h.i.+ng all this, he looked up the time and saw that it was past 3:00 p.m. Xiang ChangKong looked towards Weng ShuLi and said: "Mom, I'll be going first. Sleep early."

Weng ShuLi opened her eyes and just looked at him. There was no speck of emotion in her eyes, but Xiang ChangKong felt that she saw right through him.

"I, I'll be back tonight." Xiang ChangKong said, suddenly shy.

After he left, Xiang ChangKong drove his battery scooter faster than usual. He tried to let the cold wind cool his burning heart.

He wanted to know how Xu Lian was doing. He can go straight to Starlight Park to visit her, or he could call her. He has her phone number in his cell.

But he had been dragging his feet. As long as he didn't contact Xu Lian, he could still delude himself a little- she didn't hate him, and she didn't regret last night.

Xu Lian was busy all afternoon. The gift boxes had pa.s.sed inspection, and once she packed everything, they could be delivered. She and Zhang GuoEr had managed to finish packing everything at half-past six. They closed the store and finally went back home.

When she left that morning, Xiang ChangKong's scooter had still been parked in front of her building. But now, it was gone. Xu Lian had tried to look for it specifically before driving her car into the underground parking garage.

Xu Lian went up to her home and opened the door. Placed nearby was a pair of slippers, the one she had given to Xiang ChangKong yesterday. She smiled, put on his slippers, and went inside.

She had woken later than usual today and didn't manage to do her morning run. She even had to eat breakfast in a rush. She remembered leaving the dining table and kitchen in a mess, but now, it was spotless. could Xiang ChangKong be so hard-working.

She went into her bedroom and saw the quilts stacked properly, her bathroom mirror spotless. Ah, not only did he clean up her note, he cleaned the entire mirror spotless.

Xu Lian looked up and saw her smile reflected in the mirror.

She stared at herself for a few seconds. She hadn't known before. That thinking of someone could make you smile without you realizing.

She thought of last night, of his pa.s.sion, and strong muscles. They had been so emotional then, but whenever she felt that she couldn't bear anymore, he would stop and gently rea.s.sure her.

His low, gasping voice next to her ear was like the most affectionate caress, even making the pain addictive.

Xu Lian discovered something about her that she hadn't known before. It turns out that she was...a crazy person.

She took out her phone, found the WeChat of Zhang GuoEr's friend, and sent a friend request.

Becoming friends just so she could purchase something wasn't the best of reasons, but this friend did have more of those little red boxes. Xu Lian sent a photo she had taken of the box earlier.

Xu Lian: h.e.l.lo, may I ask if this is still available?

Big Buyer: h.e.l.lo there, yes, that's domestic stock. I can deliver it tomorrow.

Big Buyer: How many boxes would you like?

Xu Lian: How many boxes do you have left? I'll buy them all.

Big Buyer: "....."

Big Buyer: Alright, please send me your address and phone number.

Xu Lian typed in her address and phone number.

Xu Lian: When will it arrive?

Big Buyer: Since you're in City A, when I send the goods off tomorrow, you'll receive them the day after tomorrow.

Xu Lian calculated that the day after tomorrow would be a Thursday. She happens to be off on that day.

She went to her WeChat contacts and chose to add a friend via mobile phone number. Swiping down, she went through her contacts, then stopped at the X column.

Xiang ChangKong.

Xu Lian's mouth curved in the corners, and with a tap, she added him.

Xiang ChangKong had been so busy that evening that he didn't even have the time to eat dinner. But this kind of hectic night also helped him forget about Xu Lian temporarily. At 8:00 p.m., he finally had a little break, so he bought some food and sat by the side of the road to eat. As he did so, he noticed that he had a new friend request on WeChat.

The user had an aromatherapy candle as their icon, and their username was MONSTER.

It was Xu Lian.

Xiang ChangKong felt air slowly escaping his lungs, and stared at the friend request as if in a trance.

The entire day he had tried to escape reality, but in the end, Xu Lian took the initiative and contacted him. But well, this was Xu Lian's style. She had always been the a.s.sertive type.

He did something wrong last night. No matter the reason for Xu Lian seeking him out now, whether it was to scold or hit him, Xiang ChangKong resolved to accept it all without a complaint.

He accepted the request and edited the name to 'Xu Lian.'

Xu Lian soon got a notification of this.

Xu Lian: Xiang ChangKong?

Xiang ChangKong: Nn.

Xu Lian: Last night, didn't you promise to come and teach me how to cook? My shop is closed on Thursdays. Are you free then?

Xiang ChangKong: Huh?



I knew Xiang ChangKong was more pa.s.sive (you can just read the utter lack of self-confidence), but I honestly didn't expect Xu Lian to go yolo and just kiss him. Anyways, I was super excited. This chapter was a long one (triple the usual word count), but man, I didn't want to split it.

Also, I understand why they ended up straight to bed instead of the usual dating first. It was too much of a buildup for Xiang ChangKong, he was WAY too attracted to her. On Xu Lian's side, the only reason she hadn't done this before was because she had never been interested in anyone before. She's someone who does what she wants, when she wants. She doesn't care for conventional thinking, and if she wants to bone the guy, she's boning him.

I feel that because they now have something like this between them, that something deeper will develop. Because years of friends.h.i.+p (Wei YiChen) sure didn't work with Xu Lian.

The t.i.tle is 'Slowly Falling for ChangKong', not 'Slowly waiting to bone ChangKong.' I laugh.