Six Centuries of English Poetry - Part 50

Part 50

=arive=, disembarkment.

=aventure=, chance.

=ay=, always.

=bar=, bore.

=bawdrick=, baldric.

=ben=, to be.

=bit=, biddeth.

=byfel=, it happened.

=bysmotered=, s.m.u.tted.

=carf=, carved.

=cheere=, manner.

=chevysaunce=, loans, bargains.

=chivachye=, military expedition.

=clapsed=, clasped.

=cleped=, called.

=clerk=, a scholar.

=corage=, heart.

=courtepy=, cloak.

=cowde=, knew.

=crulle=, curled.

=cure=, care.

=delyver=, active.

=devyse=, speak of.

=digne=, worthy.

=don=, do.

=eek=, also.

=embrowded=, embroidered.

=encres=, increase.

=everychon=, every one, all.

=fa.r.s.ed=, stuffed.

=ferne=, distant, foreign.

=ferre=, farther.

=ferthing=, small portion.

=fetysly=, neatly, well.

=fithel=, fiddle.

=Flaundrische=, Flemish.

=flotynge=, fluting, playing.

=flour-de-lys=, fleur-de-lis.

=for-pyned=, much wasted.

=forster=, forester.

=frere=, friar.

=gawded=, having gawds.

=gepoun=, short ca.s.sock.

=goost=, ghost.

=grys=, fur.

=gynglen=, jingling.

=habergeoun=, hawberk.

=halwes=, shrines (holies).

=heethe=, heath, meadow.

=hem=, them.

=here=, their.

=heute=, borrow.

=holpen=, helped.

=holte=, wood.

=i-falle=, fallen.

=ilke=, same.

=i-ronne=, ran.

=juste=, joust.

=kouthe=, known.

=leede=, cauldron.

=leste=, pleasure.

=levere=, rather.

=lipsede=, lisped.

=l.u.s.te=, pleased.

=maistrye=, mastery.

=maner=, kind.

=mede=, meadow.

=mete=, meals, eating.

=motteleye=, mixed colors.

=nightertale=, night-time.

=noon=, not one, not at all.

=not-heed=, shorn-head.

=pace=, pa.s.s.

=peyned=, took pains.

=pitous=, full of pity.

=poc.o.k=, peac.o.c.k.

=poraille=, poor folks.

=pricasour=, hard rider.

=priketh=, incites, spurs.

=prys=, reputation, worth.

=purfiled=, embroidered.

=purtreye=, paint.

=raughte=, reached.

=reccheles=, reckless.

=reysed=, ridden.

=rote=, a musical instrument.

=sawtreye=, psaltery.

=schene=, bright.

=scoleye=, attend school.

=seeke=, sick.

=semely=, becomingly.

=sikerly=, surely.

=somdel=, somewhat.

=sondry=, different kinds.

=sothly=, truly.

=souple=, pliant.

=sovereyn=, excellent.

=sowning=, boasting.

=steepe=, bright.

=streit=, strict.