Chapter 685: The House
The four of them fell silent. All of them felt chills running up their spines.
Zhuang Ning suddenly recalled something and said, When I was at her house, I had a very strange feeling. To be precise, her house was very strange. There was a very long wall. When I first saw it, I just dismissed it as the house owners preference. However, when I went to the bathroom, the sense of something was wrong with the layout of the house grew stronger. Moreover, I found a puddle of water that seeped out from a crack in the wall. When I tried knocking on the wall, I found it hollow. I deliberately poured water at that time and saw the water seeping through the crack.
Cheng Ches eyes widened as he said, I found her house strange as well. I was only in the living room. I remember thinking the layout was strange as well.
Zhuang Ning picked up a pen and began to sketch the layout of the house on a piece of paper. I have a very strong perception of s.p.a.ce. I feel that something about the layout of her house doesnt make sense. It doesnt match with the outside of the house. Im not sure, but I strongly feel something is wrong.
After Zhuang Ning stopped sketching, Cheng Che looked at it before he looked at Mu Chen. Then, he muttered, Although the layout is strange, I dont see whats wrong with it. Brother?
Mu Chen looked at the sketch. Without raising his head, he said, Han Mo, find the layout plan of the house immediately.
Brother, what did you discover? Cheng Che asked urgently.
Mu Chen shook his head gently. Lets wait until we see the layout plan. I suspect that theres something else in this room.
Zhuang Ning looked at Mu Chen. I have the same suspicion.
The four of them studied the sketch on the table again.
While Zhuang Ning and Mu Chen shared their thoughts, Song Ning and Cheng Che were clueless.
Finally, Song Ning asked, So Jiahui was kidnapped by Guan Tang? However, there are no traces at all? How did she do it?
Everyone fell silent. Indeed, this was the strangest part, but there was also no denying that there was something off about Guan Tangs house.
Suddenly, Xiao An exclaimed, I found it!
Everyone looked at Xiao An.
Xiao An looked at the computer and said, Yin Jias ex-boyfriends name was Kang En. He was her senior when they were in university. The two of them met at an alumni gathering. Later, they broke up because of some issues, and three months later, he died in a car accident.
Everyones eyes were trained on Xiao An, waiting for him to continue.
Such a small piece of information did not explain anything at all. Mu Chen asked, Theres nothing else?
Xiao An gulped before he said, After Kang En and Yin Jia broke up, he had a mysterious girlfriend. Theres nothing about her at all. Her ident.i.ty could not be found, and there are no pictures of her.
Zhuang Ning sighed. Amazing. Im sure that person is Guan Tang. This makes sense. She stole Yin Jias boyfriend, but she told me that Yin Jia stole her boyfriend. She even said that Yin Jia caused the mans death. Which part of that womans words is true? Why do I feel like shes especially good at manipulating people? Her schemes are terrifyingly deep.
What about the car accident? Mu Chen asked.
Theres no evidence suggesting foul play, Xiao An replied with a shake of his head.
Song Ning frowned and said, Why does it feel similar to Jiahuis disappearance? It seems to have no connections to her, but something just feels off.
I feel the same way, Zhuang Ning said.