Chapter 415: Complaining
EndlessFantasy Translation
EndlessFantasy Translation
Ye Xin sobbed softly.
Mu Qing stepped forward and gently pulled Ye Xin into his arms and patted her back. Alright, stop crying. What are you going to say when you return with swollen eyes? You have to learn to control your emotions. Youre smart, and you learn quickly. As long as youre obedient and listen to me, youll definitely become an amazing person.
Ye Xins heart was flooded with relief when she heard these words. Then, she asked tearfully, What should I do about my mother?
Mu Qing had calmed down completely at this moment, and his cold aura had disappeared as well. He said gently, Leave it to me. Ill deal with it.
Ye Xin nodded. She looked slightly worried as she said, My mother really isnt a scheming person. I feel that someone must be manipulating her.
Despite Mu Qings earlier words, Ye Xin still felt that the most suspicious person was Liang Zhou. She did not understand why Mu Qing could not see this.
Mu Qing reached out and patted her head. Alright, dont worry. Ill get someone to deal with this. You should hurry back and think about what to say to the old lady when you return. Dont expose yourself.
Ye Xin nodded reluctantly. Jiang Jin was aware that she was meeting Gao Wen today. Indeed, she had to carefully think about what to say when she returned to the Mu family house.
When Mu Qing saw that Ye Xin had finally calmed down, he casually asked, Hows the old lady treating you? Is everything going well with Zhuang Ji?
Ye Xin nodded absentmindedly. Grandma treats me very well. She didnt hesitate to hand over Zhuang Jis management to me, and she even personally taught me how to build good relations.h.i.+ps with the members.
Mu Qing nodded. This sounded like his mother. In the past, his mother liked Liang Zheng so she had taught Liang Zhen many things. Since Liang Zhen was not very business savvy, his mother personally negotiated the contract with the publis.h.i.+ng house on Liang Zhens behalf. His mother had treated Liang Zhen as her daughter.
Mu Qing sighed inwardly. After a moment, he asked gently, Hows the baby? Wheres he? He should be able to turn over and sit on his own now, right?
Ye Xin was still immersed in her thoughts. When she heard these questions, she said, slightly aggrieved, The baby doesnt like me. Sister Yu and A Nuan are the ones who take care of him. When I carry him, hell cry. He doesnt care for me at all. I think he even likes Mu Chen whos always absent more than me. Its not surprising, I guess. After all, I didnt give birth to him. Even if I want to get close to him, theres still an invisible barrier.
Mu Qing frowned. You allowed the helpers to take care of the baby?
Ye Xin pouted before she said sulkily, What can I do? Moreover, Grandma isnt willing to let me take care of the baby. Mu Chen has also said to let Grandma take care of the baby. He said that its a blessing for the baby to accompany Grandma and be raised by Grandma.
Mu Qing felt something was amiss when he listened to these words. Then, you should make more of an effort to get close to the baby. The old lady isnt so domineering to the point where shell prohibit you from bonding with the baby. If you dont show that you care about the baby, wont she get suspicious?
Ye Xin sighed. Its really difficult to be a woman. I have to take care of the baby, look after my husband, and even manage a business. If I neglect Mu Chen just a little, Grandma will remind me to look after him more. Mu Chen is already so old, and we have several helpers in the house. Why do I need to look after him?
Ye Xin continued to say, Im already working so hard, but Grandma forces me to look at the reports every day. To tell you the truth, I feel dizzy every time I look at the words and the numbers.. Zhuang Ji hasnt made any profit at all up until now; its only breaking even. Whats there to look at?