She c.o.c.ked her head, still frowning. "I, ah feel you."
"Good." Even though she obviously didn't know Morse code, and why the h.e.l.l not, by the way... she must've realized he was trying to tell her something.
Realization dawned in her emerald eyes. She half shook her head, her eyebrows drawing down.
He nodded. Yeah. Not clueless here.
She exhaled slowly, her eyes filling with hope and grat.i.tude.
Relief blasted into him with the force of a wrecking ball. Having her afraid, hurting, had dug deep inside him with a surprising sharpness. Leaving her behind when he died would f.u.c.king suck, but his brothers would protect her. He knew it. "How was the main compound?" he asked.
She shrugged, the pinched look leaving her face. Her small hands caressed down his arms in a show of comfort. Natural and so d.a.m.n feminine. "Um, I didn't get very far inside. Just saw the main building and my father's office. He's not worried about the PROTECT soldiers."
"He should be. The guys I took out were well trained. In fact, I doubt any of the commander's other soldiers could've beaten them." Yeah. Making the dig while the b.a.s.t.a.r.d was surely listening felt good. "Not that it matters. The commander and his organization are down to one tiny little compound in Utah. Soon he'll have nothing." All right. Probably enough goading. He reached out and enclosed her hands, providing warmth. She was still chilled. "Did you get the algorithm for figuring out how the code is chosen and changes every thirty seconds?"
"No." She shook her head. "But I figured out how to get it."
"Really?" He forced a smile. She had to sound more relaxed, or the commander would know she couldn't lie. So he leaned in and took her lips again, hovering over them to talk, intrigue sweeping down his spine from her softness. "Awesome. When?"
"Tomorrow." She took a shaky breath, obviously repeating what she'd been told. "I'm back on computers tomorrow, and I think I can save the algorithm on a USB drive. Will you and, ah, Nate meet me tomorrow night? Right here?"
Did the commander really believe Jory would fall for this? Arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d. "Yes." Jory rubbed her arms and tried to look like a lovesick puppy as he levered back. "My other brothers are in town, too. Ready to get those chips deactivated." That would have the commander salivating.
Her head jerked back. "Oh. Okay. That's good."
"You're so special to me, Piper. Do you think we can really be together after all of this? If we somehow can reach my chip?" He poured on the charm and the lovesickness.
Her lips tightened, and she cut him a look. Knock it off. "I really do."
Good thing the camera only focused on him and not on her. He rubbed her arms. "I've never met anyone as much into computers as I am." Which was the absolute truth, actually.
Fire leaped into her eyes, although her mouth curved in a sad smile. "You are geekier than my normal type, to be honest."
His girl had a backbone, did she? Good. At least she wasn't sounding like a high schooler who'd memorized a speech for cla.s.s. And the sadness, he understood but couldn't help. Time was too short. "Geekier?" Jory asked.
She shrugged. "Yes. I usually go for more physical guys. Tough guys, you know. But you're a sweetie, Jory."
Sweetie? n.o.body on earth found him sweet. "No. You're the sweet one." He moved into her and caressed down to her b.u.t.t to clench. Her "eep" of surprise flooded him with amus.e.m.e.nt. She should've thought twice before starting this game.
She struggled to retreat, and he kept her easily in place. "I should get going soon so they don't know I'm talking to you."
Nice try. All of a sudden, with death breathing down his neck, he was having fun. Real fun, and he didn't have much time left to play around, considering the commander would wait until tomorrow to capture all the brothers. The bittersweet moment cut him deep, so he ran with it. "The commander isn't smart enough to have surveillance here, so I'm sure we have time. How about we go for round two of last night?"
Her mouth dropped open. Pink flushed up her face. "But-"
He silenced her with another kiss. Hauling her up, he made them both forget they had listeners. She touched him deep inside, and he wanted to keep her there forever. Finally, when his jeans were about to burst, he released her. "That'll have to do, I guess. The second you get home with the USB, come over here. We can then go meet my brothers with the information."
She shook her head, her eyes cloudy with pa.s.sion. Pretty pink lips pouted at him. "Have you told them that your chip was damaged?"
"Not yet." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, his gut churning. "We'll tell them after we save them, and maybe we'll figure out a way to reach my chip. If we don't, I need to tell you how much you've already meant to me. Thank you, Piper." He gave the truth, not caring of the camera. She'd made a difference in his life in a very short amount of time, and no matter what happened, he wanted her to know that. To maybe remember him with a smile.
"Jory, I care about you." She rubbed her foot against his.
"I know." His chest filled.
The arrogance brought a genuine smile to her face. Finally. "Then I'll see you tomorrow night with the info. I can't wait to see your brothers."
He nodded and led her to the sliding gla.s.s door and watched her walk through the night to her house. The sight of her leaving him, of being too far away to protect, uncoiled heat inside his gut. He had to fight himself, his every instinct, to let her go. Shutting down all emotion, he ran outside, full bore for the back fence. He'd be followed, but he could lose a tail.
Then he had plans to make.
Morning came too d.a.m.n early. Jory's chip would explode the next day. Did he even know at what time?
Piper rubbed her eyes and opened the front door dressed in jeans and a green sweater. She'd pulled her hair up and tried to hide the dark circles under her eyes with makeup, but at this point, she was finished trying to make an effort for her father. She'd spent the entire night on the Internet looking for any sort of help with the algorithm program, and she'd even reached out to the few hackers she still knew.
Nothing. Failure weighed down her shoulders, compounded with raw fear. She couldn't lose Jory now.
After leaving Jory, she'd headed upstairs for her computer, leaving her mother and Earl to a peaceful night. Once in her room, she'd tossed the shirt with camera into her purse. There were men watching the house, so the commander would know she didn't leave. They didn't need to listen to her visit the bathroom or toss and work all night. She'd disconnected the tiny battery out of spite. Now they couldn't see or hear her.
Jory knew.
Somehow, he'd figured out about the camera. Thank G.o.d. Then he'd totally messed with her and suggested they make out again. While she'd still been reeling from that offer, he'd kissed her senseless, not caring who listened.
Now, Piper had to save her mother from federal prison. Somehow. She didn't have a lot of faith in the running and hiding plan, but if that's what they had to do, they would. After she saved Jory and those poor kids at the facility.
The creak of the porch swing caught her up short, and she whirled to see Brian slowly pushing back and forth. "What in the world?" she asked.
He held out a latte cup. "Peace offering."
"No thanks." What in the h.e.l.l was he doing on her porch? Jory's warnings ran through her mind. Was this guy actually dangerous? No, she was seeing subterfuge everywhere.
Brian smiled and pushed a hand through his already tousled blond hair. "Can we talk? I'm sorry I was unkind."
She frowned. "h.e.l.l, no. We're not dating, and we're not friends. Sorry." She didn't have time for niceties or playing games. Life was unfortunately too d.a.m.n short. "I seriously think you need anger management. Plus, I'm pretty infatuated with somebody else." Why not give him the truth?
Brian stood, towering over her. "I don't believe this." Irritation sparked his eyes, and his body stiffened.
She shrugged. At this point, a p.i.s.sed-off realtor didn't scare her much. "No offense, but I have bigger problems than your disbelief. Bye." Turning to go, she halted when he grabbed her arm.
"You have no idea what you're doing." Tension cut hard into the sides of his mouth.
"I usually don't." She tried to wrench her arm free, but he held tight. Brian was much stronger than she would've thought, and she stilled. "However, I know a d.i.c.khead when I see one, and right now that's you. So we're over, you're done, and let's just move on."
He yanked her close. "That is not how this is going to happen. You do not break up with me."
"Okay." Her temper began to heat the skin down her back. "Then you break up with me. Either way, let's get this over with."
"Oh, h.e.l.l no." Arrogance and something darker crossed his face.
The door opened, and her mother stalked outside, a frying pan in one hand. "Let her go, or I'll break your head."
Piper coughed out a laugh, even while her body went on alert. "Okay dokay here. Brian, let go."
He glared at Rachel. "Go back inside."
Earl shoved beyond Rachel, his hair mussed, the b.u.t.tons on his shirt askew. His still impressive chest vibrated as he stepped onto the porch. "Let her go, or I'll break your hand, boy."
Piper's mouth hung open. "Mom?"
Rachel blushed a fluorescent pink. "Good-bye, Brian."
Brian slowly released her.
Keeping her gaze on her mother and avoiding the tousled Earl, Piper continued, "Brian, leave now. Please."
Muttering about crazy women and life, Brian stomped down the stairs and to his car.
Rachel slowly lowered the pan. "You okay?"
"Fine." Piper studied her mother with new eyes. The woman could be deadly when protecting her child. Deadly, period. "I love you, Mom." Soon they'd have a long talk about everything-especially the disgruntled half-nude neighbor hovering protectively close. When they had a chance to be alone.
Rachel smiled, a lingering sadness darkening her eyes. "Sometimes I lose my temper. But I love you, too."
Piper leaned in and kissed her mom's cheek, definitely intrigued by the layers she hadn't realized lived in her mother. "Everything is going to be all right. I promise." She then turned toward Earl. "Um."
He grinned. "You do know I served in the Marines for a stint or two, right?"
"No. No, I didn't." She looked at Earl and lifted both eyebrows.
"I'll protect you and your mom. Don't worry." He slid an arm around Rachel's shoulders.
Piper nodded slowly, her mind spinning. She glanced at her mom again and patted her arm. What courage it must've taken to try to run and hide from the commander. She smiled at her new hero. "I'll talk to you two later." Without waiting for a response, she turned and hurried into the driveway and her SUV. If she knew where the men were who watched her, she'd flip them off. But since she didn't, she ignited the engine and all but rammed out of the driveway, barely missing Brian's car on the road.
"Ooops," she muttered, her shoulders going back. For too long she'd been out of the loop, and that had changed last night with a simple game of footsie with Jory. They were on to the commander, and they'd figure out this entire mess. Then she'd save Jory's life, because she just couldn't let him die.
He had to live.
The mere thought of his dying, just when she'd found him, forced tears to her eyes. She turned a corner and paused at a four-way-stop. Her back door suddenly jerked open, and Jory jumped inside.
She yelped. "What in the world?"
"I thought I'd hide back here and go with you today." Settling back in the seat, Jory just studied her. "Drive. Now."
She pulled into very mild traffic and shook her head. "There are checkpoints." Yanking out her badge, she flashed it in the rearview mirror. "I have a badge."
"So use it. I'll hide"-he turned and glanced into the back-"under the blanket and grocery bags."
She hadn't had time to clean her car, d.a.m.n it. "Gee. What could possibly go wrong with that plan?"
He laughed, but the sound seemed forced.
She frowned. "What's wrong?"
"Wrong?" Jory leaned forward, and his tone was, well, scary.
She swallowed, her body going on full alert. "What's the problem?"
She huffed out air, wondering if she should pull over. "Stop repeating everything I say."
"Don't f.u.c.king think of pulling over. You have a tail, and I had to jump in at the right intersection so they didn't see me." He hunched down in the seat.
Oh. She pressed the gas pedal down. "Want to tell me why you're swearing at me?"
She braced herself, because his tone of voice seemed anything but glad. "Well?"
"You want to explain why a guy on your front porch was able to manhandle you earlier today?" Jory spoke through clenched teeth.
She stiffened against the harsh tone. "I was trying to get away without causing a scene. What should I have done?"
"When a guy grabbed you like that?"
Yep. Scary voice. Big time. "Yes."
"f.u.c.king kicked him in the b.a.l.l.s. You don't talk, you don't try to avoid a scene, and you sure as h.e.l.l don't stand on your own front porch and take that c.r.a.p." Jory's voice was all the more menacing for the softness to it.
She shivered. "I handled it."
Silence. Dead, p.i.s.sed off, definitely masculine silence came from the backseat. She dared a look, and fire all but spit from his eyes. Good thing the guy couldn't jump over the seat because the tail would see him. She swallowed. "You're just p.i.s.sed you couldn't take care of him."
She spoke without thinking, and from Jory's instant stiffness, she'd nailed that one on the possessive head. But he'd never admit the truth, would he?
"You're f.u.c.king exactly f.u.c.king right I'm p.i.s.sed because I couldn't rip off his f.u.c.king head and throw it in the bushes while tearing off his f.u.c.king arms for hurting you." Jory's hand tangled in her hair as if he couldn't help but touch it. "I was a second from breaking cover when your mother showed up with a frying pan. Then the guy with the cat."
Okay. Jory's protectiveness should not be giving her twinges. She liked it. A lot. "Everything worked out all right. We just had one night, Jory. Let's not go caveman from it."
His eyebrow lifted. "You made the choice of the night, and now you'll accept what comes from it."
The night had touched her in ways she couldn't even explain, and her mind was full of him. Her heart was vulnerable to him, and that wouldn't do. Especially since he had a kill chip in his spine, and an overdeveloped sense of possession. "Excuse me?" She tried to sound in control.
"You felt that night as much as I did, and you made the choice to be there. You're a smart girl, Piper. Don't play dumb."
She jerked the wheel around a pothole, not surprised when he didn't move an inch. "I'm not playing dumb, but I can take care of myself." She was even turning into a bit of a spy, now wasn't she?
"That isn't how this is going to work, darlin'."