"How about," said Klyd, "Householding Rior?"
"What does that mean?" asked Aisha.
"Forepoint, lighthouse, beacon, or sometimes the prow of a ship, or the point scout of an army."
"Yes," said Valleroy, "I like that. We wouldn't be able to keep any Simes, but kids who could get to us could be helped across the border. Maybe in time, we'd be able to keep them from killing in first transfer. We could help Gens escaping from in-Territory to adjust to our way of life. I don't know... there are so many possibilities."
"Exciting possibilities!" said Aisha. "When do we start?"
"Do you think you can ride now?" asked Valleroy.
"We can't stay here all night. The Runzi are probably all over these hills."
"Not for miles around. We're free for the moment," said Klyd. "But I still wish you'd come home."
"I made my obligations to Stacy before I even knew about Zeor. If I break my word to him, what good is my word to Zeor?"
Klyd laughed, shaking his head ruefully. "And you complain about Sime philosophy!" He helped Aisha to her feet, and they gathered the horses.
Mounted once again, the channel said, "Hugh, I'm going to miss you. I hope... you'll visit Zeor often."
Valleroy grinned. "Especially when you're in need? You couldn't keep me away. I've got to see if we can do that again!"
"It was... unique." Klyd stretched his tentacles out to touch the tips of his fingers, inspecting their steadiness. "It's a date then. Make it thirty days to sharpen the gradient and we'll try it again."
Valleroy asked, "What about Denrau?"
"He'll be training Zinter."
"And afterwards? How long can we..."
Klyd looked uncomfortable. "We'll see. Meanwhile, Rior can purchase assistance through your service."
Valleroy inclined his head formally. "Rior thanks Sectuib Ambrov Zeor."
"It is Zeor that gains the honor of sponsoring a new Householding."
"I doubt if the Tecton will ever recognize us."
Klyd laughed, the free hearty laughter of a man who knows no limits. "Then you'll found your own Tecton!"
Valleroy laughed, too, unaware of the torturous path to the realization of that prophecy.
Aisha cut into a masculine laughter. "Klyd, you'll always be welcome in Householding Rior... as if it were your own."
"Because it is his own," corrected Valleroy. "If it weren't for Sectuib Farris, none of us would have survived to see this day. And our grandchildren would have died unborn."
"Zelerod's Doom is not yet averted, merely postponed," said Klyd. "I have much more work to do at Zeor. But I don't know how I'm going to explain your absence."
"Oh, just say I met a girl who didn't want to live in-Territory. In a few months, they'll all understand the why of it."
Klyd nodded. "Good-bye, then. Until we meet again."
Valleroy wheeled his horse around so he could ride knee to knee beside Aisha. "Good-bye, and good luck at Arensti."
"I won't require luck there. I've got the winning entry."
Horses' hoofs stirring the fragrant pine needles with a swooshing tattoo, they parted, the Gens toward Hanrahan Pass and the lone Sime toward a lonely funeral walk. The future was hidden from all of them behind veils as misty as the shafts of sunlight piercing the vaulted shadows of that open-air cathedral, now hallowed for all time by what had occurred there.