"You are a resistance. Your entire nerve system is usually one colossal resistance. That's why a swift transfer damages your cells."
Valleroy thought that over. "By putting... me... across... you can shift selyn from inaccessible storage to useful storage?"
"All right. Now what?"
Rolling his head toward Valleroy, the channel opened his eyes. "The first requirement is an absolute emotional steadiness. The slightest flicker of apprehension could trigger reflexes I couldn't possibly control."
Valleroy's hand went again to the starred-cross. "Absolute emotional steadiness is humanly impossible. There has to be a margin-"
"Hugh!" The channel's hand darted out and snatched the medallion out of Valleroy's fingers. "Where did you get this?"
Valleroy gasped, pulling back instinctively.
The surge of adrenaline that flashed through the Gen's body hit the oversensitized empathic nerve in the Sime and sent a convulsive shudder through his body.
Valleroy froze in position, watching with growing horror as sweat beaded on Klyd's forehead and rolled off his chin. Handling tentacles extended to reinforce his grip, Klyd hung onto the talisman. Muscular spasms washed over the channel, forcing harsh little groans out of him. It lasted for several minutes, long enough for Valleroy to become more concerned for Klyd than for the secret of the starred-cross.
At length, the Sime fell back, panting. Valleroy wiped Klyd's face with a corner of the blanket. "I did something wrong again."
"When I said steadiness, I meant steadiness."
"I wasn't afraid, only startled. My mother told me never to show this to a Sime. I guess she didn't mean channels, though."
"Your mother? Your mother was born in-Territory?"
Valleroy took a deep breath. "She escaped."
"Do you believe in the power of the starred-cross?"
"Well, I___"
"It's important, Hugh. It could make all the difference. Give me truth. The truth of the soul."
"I don't know. I think I do. Now more than ever. If faith in a talisman removes fear, then faith protects."
"So it is. Do you know where she got the medallion?"
"She never said, but I suppose in a way station just like this one."
For the first time, Klyd took an interest in his surroundings. "This... is... oh, no! Hugh, if you know any prayers, say them passionately!"
"It's warm here. There's food. It's dry. I checked the chimney and it vents through a dispersal system that's not likely to be spotted-"
"But the Runzi keep watch on these places. Most of them are probably off beating the bushes for us, but they might check here again any moment"
"Is there anyone near?"
"Not very. NOW CALM DOWN!" You're hurting me. I'm not able to retain control against you."
"Yes, Sectuib."
"That's better. I'll qualify you yet."
Not too happy with that prospect, Valleroy said, "Yes, Sectuib. But if it requires my absolute emotional control you may die trying."
"Lesson number one," said Klyd doggedly, "is that in any transfer situation, the Gen always has the upper hand. There are moments when the Sime is totally helpless. By the application of a rudimentary knowledge, the Gen can cause pain or fatal injury."
"Doesn't sound like the sort of thing most Simes would want any Gen to know. I know some Gens who would gladly use it to wipe out all Simes."
"Which is why the Tecton and the Companions are so hated. The Companion is actually the complete master of any Sime. It is the Companion's knowledge that gives him the necessary degree of emotional control. One doesn't fear what one can destroy. I fear your fear-and the only way for me to control your fear is to surrender the situation to you... completely."
"If we ever get back to Zeor, remind me to have your translate that."
"The translation is very simple. Give me your hand."
Valleroy extended his left hand. Klyd placed the Gen fingers around his wrist. Then he moved the sensitive, artist's fingers upward, applying pressure gently to the lateral sheaths. "You'll feel the ronaplin gland here. Just above it and right beneath the lateral sheath, there is a point where the major transport nerve is exposed... huuu!" Klyd's indrawn breath marked the spot as Valleroy's fingers tightened gently.
"At that point, Hugh, and on the corresponding points along the other laterals, a slight pressure can kill. The normal transfer grip exposes these nodes to the Gen. It can't be avoided. But usually the Gen's instinct causes him to pull back and away, trying to escape the inescapable. Pressure on any one of those nodes can immobilize or kill any Sime when his laterals are extended. Pressure on the sheathed lateral can fatally cripple. It doesn't take great strength. The laterals are very delicate."
"I must have hurt you badly trying to restrain you."
"It's still painful, but I can manage the shunt. It won't take very long."
"All right. Let's try it before I lose my nerve."
Shifting his grip so that Valleroy's right hand joined the channel's right arm, Klyd took the Gen's left hand in his left. Closing his eyes for a moment of concentration, he whispered, "You hold my life in your bands. Literally. One slip and Zeor loses a Sectuib before the heir is even born. I don't mind admitting that idea frightens me. I don't quite trust you."
"I don't quite blame you."
"I wouldn't normally ask this of a Companion who hasn't qualified. But there isn't anyone else to ask. Can you do it?"
"Yes, Sectuib."
"Good. Now, slowly move in closer. All four laterals are now in contact. You must initiate the fifth contact.
Any point will do, but my control is greatest through a lip-lip contact."
Prudently, but not prudishly, Valleroy pressed his lips against the Sime's. Those sensitive, Farris lips were smooth, dry, and hotter than any Gen's because the Sime body temperature is much higher. But there was absolutely no similarity with the kiss of a woman. As he waited for some signal from the channel that it was over, Valleroy wondered about that. Every time he'd touched or been touched by a Sime, there had been not the slightest tinge of any sort of sexual overtone. Here was a totally separate body function. A complete new life process to add to the traditional biologist's list. And, like the other vital life processes, it took priority over reproduction. In the case of selyn transfer, the libido was completely short-circuited-very much as adrenaline suspends digestion.
Yes, thought Valleroy, Klyd was probably being honest when he claimed that approaching need spoiled his appetite for food and for women. But if Nature followed her usual pattern, the post-transfer Sime would be quite eager for both food and sex. He felt he finally understood something profound about the Simes, and it warmed him comfortably.
The channel moved, retracting his tentacles, systematically dismantling the contact. Valleroy didn't dare move. Klyd sat, head bowed as if in concentration. When he finally did speak, his voice was gravelly with enforced relaxation. "Hugh, need is only hours off now. I can go on for a couple of days, perhaps. We might be able to steal some horses and make it to Zeor. But we might not. You have... selur nager... that differentiates the Companions from other Gens. I wish I could call on your service if it becomes necessary."
"I said I won't leave you, if you think I can do any good by staying. I owe it to Zeor."