Suddenly shivering, Valleroy said, "Feleho had one of my sketches?"
"He did."
"You don't think I could make it by myself?"
"To Gen Territory? You probably could, though it would be risky. The main Runzi camp is rumored to be between here and Hanrahan."
"But most of them will be combing the lowlands for us. If you and I just show up at Zeor and don't say anything about all this... they won't be able to say anything either. Then we can start over..."
"Is that what you want to try for?"
Something in the Sime's flat tone stopped Valleroy in mid-thought. He considered carefully. "Well, I don't see what else we can do."
Abruptly, Klyd turned and caught Valleroy's hand and held it up to the firelight. The Zeor crest on Valleroy's finger scattered light patterns onto the walls of the cave. Abruptly, Klyd released the Gen hand and moved back into the warmth of the cave. He settled down near the fire, stirring it with intense, jerky movements.
Valleroy examined the delicately boned Farris countenance... so typical of that particularly skilled family of channels... lit from below by the orange flame. The dark eyes were hidden in deep shadow while the cheeks seemed bruises pinched tight about the sensitive Farris lips. It was the face of a disappointed man furious at himself for having expected something unreasonable.
Suddenly, it dawned on Valleroy what he'd forgotten. Need! Klyd didn't have more than... he counted swiftly... five days, maybe a week at the most before he'd be in need!
Gingerly, Valleroy moved to sit across the fire from the Sime. His thoughtlessness had hurt the man deeply. For some reason, that mattered to Valleroy. It mattered very much. He whispered, "Unto Zeor, forever. I guess I meant that."
Klyd looked up enigmatically. "You guess?"
"No. I know I did. I won't leave you if you think I can do any good by staying. But I'm not a trained Companion. I think I could manage to donate to Zeor through you... but I couldn't serve your need. In the last few days, I've come to respect the Companions very much. But I'm not one of them."
"No. You're not. Not yet. Given a little time and a little luck... maybe you won't have to be until you're ready."
"I doubt if I could ever be ready!"
"You will. You have the talent."
"It seems I have many talents, not the least of which is causing trouble."
Klyd digested that for several minutes.
The tongues of yellow-orange flame licked persistently at the log that formed the heart of the fire. If, thought Valleroy, he had to stay with Klyd, slowing him down, neither of them would ever see Zeor again. All because he'd insisted on bulling his way into the search for Aisha!
"You need not feel responsible," said Klyd. "I agreed to bring you in-Territory, knowing the risks better than you did.". .
"The channels aren't the only people who accept responsibility for their own actions, you know." That earned him another of those sharp looks followed by a disapproving frown.
"Klyd, I wish you'd stop reading my emotions!"
"I wish you'd stop creating uncomfortable ones!"
They glared at each other belligerently while the hailstones smashed into the mountainside. The fire crackled between them, shooting a cascade of sparks that made both jump back in surprise. As suddenly as it had arisen, the mutual anger broke into laughter, ebbing into chuckles.
"I'm sorry," said Valleroy, "I can't very well help... how I feel!"
"And I am more sensitive than usual to the nager of your emotions."
"You feel need already?"
"No. The anticipation of need... a ghost of the reality. But you are the only Gen within miles. And we have established... a closeness. I have no defenses against you."
Valleroy dropped his eyes, embarrassed. It seemed somehow incongruous for the quick, competent, powerful man across from him to have weaknesses. "I... guess we'd better get some sleep."
"With luck, we may be able to get an early start tomorrow morning." Klyd spread his bedroll over a heap of pine needles well away from the fire. Valleroy did the same.
There was no need to keep a watch. Nothing could move in that driving rain/snow/ice mixture. Curled up with his back to the fire, Valleroy concentrated on going to sleep.
That was a mistake, he thought, about an hour later. Sleep flees before concentration. The scent of the pine needles had reminded him of Aisha and the hopes he'd had for their life together. His mind conjured up visions of the little house they'd have, a small ranch, a steady income... just enough so that he could devote himself to the real art that comes from the soul.
It was an old dream, which he found himself questioning piece by piece. He wasn't sure he wanted Aisha unless she'd grown as much as he had. And he wasn't sure he wanted just that small ranch. He still wanted to paint... but not just for himself. The dream seemed shallow, without content, or meaning, or purpose. But he couldn't see what was missing.
Heaving a sigh, he rolled over. The quilted jacket wasn't enough against the cold that filtered in around the fire. He was shivering.
"I thought you were asleep."
"I told you, I've given up sleeping. It's a dangerous habit. But you require your rest." The channel moved to bend over Valleroy, touching Gen hands and face. "You're freezing!"
"I'm all right."
"Come over here next to me. We'll pool our warmth under both blankets."
"No, really..."
"Naztehr." Klyd's voice crackled with the impatience of one accustomed to being obeyed.
"Coming, Sectuib." Valleroy knew it was irrational, but he was extremely reluctant to make that move. Nevertheless, he couldn't deny that his teeth were chattering. When they'd piled both blankets on top of them, he was almost comfortable.
But then he found Klyd's tentacles seeking his skin, gently caressing his neck. He couldn't help stiffening against that touch.
"Relax. This will only take a moment, and then you'll feel warmer."
"What are you doing!"
"I will only help you tap the resources of your own body. Then you will sleep."
Valleroy tried to do as he was told, but the moist laterals left tingling trails on his skin. He almost screamed.
"Easy, Hugh. I'm not attempting transfer." Klyd went on talking in that infinitely persuasive tone that soaked into Valleroy's mind, loosening all the knotted fears.
"Now, I'm going to put you to sleep. When you wake up, it will be dawn."
Valleroy lay quietly as the Simes tentacles gripped his arms and the unyielding, impersonal lips touched his mouth in the kiss that was not a kiss.