"You're not in need. But you are high-intil. It will probably break before your next transfer. Wait another three weeks and then come tell me that."
"You won't be here."
"Sectuib Nashmar will be able to provide as complete a satisfaction as you will ever require. If that is not so, Enam, come to Zeor."
"You really believe..."
"It will be so. For you as for all the rest. Make that final decision to disjunct. Afterwards, if you still want to, you can always leave. But don't attempt a kill within these walls. You owe us that much."
Zinter was on his feet now, rubbing the growing lump on the back of his head. "Enam, I'd be glad to escort you... if you want to go to the infirmary. We have tranquilizers and other methods of helping you get through the worst of it"
Fists clenched, head bent, Enam followed the young channel out while Klyd helped Valleroy to his feet. "Hugh," whispered the channel while examining Valleroy's injuries, "a message just came from Zeor... from Hrel. Andle's agent in Imil is Enam. Hrel thinks he's been ordered to get you. If he'd killed you, or even just injured..."
"They'd know I wasn't a trained Companion... but Zeor knows that already."
"Zeor believes you are talented enough to become a Companion. Otherwise, I'd have had no excuse to give you this," he said, fingering the Zeor crest ring that Valleroy wore.
"But I'm not talented..."
"I had to vouch for you before Zeor in order to bring you here. I've placed my reputation in jeopardy for your mission. It's a matter of public record that you and I have achieved selur nager. What possible motive, other than collaboration, could I have to lie about that?"
"I see."
"Your incompetence under Enam's attack could have given Andle all the evidence he requires to expose me."
"You've placed too much faith in me. Enam might have succeeded."
"But he didn't when he had all the time he required. That proves I'm right about you."
At that moment, Nashmar burst into the room. "Klyd, what's going on... ?" His eye fell on the sketch Valleroy had just finished. He froze, gaping. "Naztehr, this is... is... there are no words. It is pure glory. It is truth."
Klyd moved down to see what so affected the Sectuib of Imil. Immediately, he was caught in the same spell. When he shook himself free of it, he said, "What did I tell you, Nashmar?"
Nashmar nodded, speechless.
Klyd looked directly into Valleroys eyes with a double significance. "A very rare, very special, very... precious talent."
"Thank you, Sectuib Farris. Thank you, Sectuib Nashmar." He'd learned recently that "Sectuib" had no plural.
"Nashmar," said Klyd briskly, "we would like a word with you in your office... privately."
"Certainly." He motioned to one of the men who had crowded into the room behind him. "Take this sketch down to Amran's shop... and be careful with it" Then he led the procession out of the salon and through the halls of Imil.
Valleroy was a little shocked to find the Sectuib's office windows black with night The studio had no outside windows. Time had ceased to exist while he worked. It was the very thing Stacy had warned him not to allow on this assignment, but this was the third lapse he'd suffered while his assignment stagnated.
Klyd settled into Nashmar's desk chair and turned to face the Head of the Householding. "What do you know of Enam?"
"He's an enthusiastic young man, perhaps a bit overly fond of the women, but the juncted are often like that you know. He has many redeeming qualities. Why?"
"He attacked my Companion."
Valleroy saw the lean channel of Imil tense as if attacked himself. Nashmar whispered, "When?"
"Just before you got there. I intervened in time to talk him into the infirmary. He's high-intil."
"A bit early. He's only been with us..."
"Figures. I had the same trouble with Hrel."
"He had an incredibly long, agonizing time of it. But he made it."
"I don't understand."
So Klyd told him the whole story, leaving out only Valleroy's part and the exact reason Feleho had been investigating the Choice Auction. He ended, "So you see, Andle is up to something in Iburan. I think it is justifiable to assume that whatever he's doing, it means disaster for the Tecton."
"You think he knows you are following Feleho's trail personally?"
"I'm certain of it. His agent was waiting for us at Halfway House, but Hugh's quick thinking prevented him from making trouble."
Blankly, Valleroy said, "It did?"
"Certainly. You knocked all the fight out of those people by quoting the law at them. Otherwise that drummer with the sample cases would have started a riot. He's one of Andle's chief rabble-rousers."
Valleroy gulped, suddenly dry-mouthed.
A little quirk of a smile tilted Nashmar's cheeks. "A Gen reading the law at a crowd of juncts! I wish I'd seen that!"
"I didn't see it either, but it was something to hear."
"And then," said Nashmar, suddenly thoughtful, "Lutrel turns up at the auction with a swarm of Andle's retainers."
"Followed by Enam. Granted, Hugh actually stumbled and fell on him after teasing him unmercifully for God only knows how long..."
"Teasing... !" sputtered Valleroy indignantly.
"I know," placated Klyd, "how you get when you work, and I don't blame you for it. But you must admit yon weren't considering what your field-gradient looked like from Enam's point of view..."
Valleroy had to concede that. He wouldn't have known how to consider it even if he'd thought of it.
"And neither were you calculating the selyur on Zinter."
"True. I wasn't calculating."
"So in many ways, it was your fault-"
"Klyd," Nashmar interrupted, "don't. The masterpiece he created would have been worth making a spy start the disjunct sequence over."