"Heshri, this is my Companion, Naztehr Hugh."
Jumping to his feet as if confronting royalty, Heshri half bowed as he said, "I am most honored..."
It startled Valleroy after the beating his ego had taken from the juncts downstairs. He said, "Not as honored as I..."
Klyd chuckled. "Sit down both of you. The one who deserves the most honor hasn't even joined us yet." The channel squatted down to bring his face within the Gen's field of vision. He passed his hand in front of those staring eyes. The Gen didn't even blink when Klyd touched his nose with a ventral tentacle.
"Well, after a few weeks at Zeor, he'll wake up."
"He looks drugged," said Valleroy. The Simelan word he used was closer to "medicated," so he added the English word he'd intended.
"That's part of it," agreed Klyd, "but even without the drugs he'll be a long time developing. Even so, there's hope. I've seen worse."
"Sectuib," said Heshri, "he's yours for your services."
"Heshri, you've got to learn that he's nobody's property." The channel grunted as he attacked the fastenings of the boy's metal collar. "He's a person. Think of him as sick, or mentally disturbed, but still a person."
"Yes, Sectuib."
The collar came off with a metallic snick. Klyd wound the chain around it and put it on the dresser. "We'll call him Norborn until he can choose his own name."
"Then you will accept me into Zeor?"
"No. It's not a matter of me accepting you. Rather it is you who must accept us. You will not be ready to make that decision for many months. Disjunction is neither short nor pleasant."
"I feel... normal... now."
"Now, yes. But after six or eight months, it may be different. In the meantime, you will be welcome at Zeor. I'll write your entry form in the morning. You'll take Norborn and carry a message home for me while Hugh and I ride to Iburan."
"Gladly, Sectuib."
"Go downstairs and get something to eat I'm going to require Hugh's services here. Do you have room fees?"
"I think so, Sectuib."
"Here." Klyd fished some coins from his pocket and pressed them into the thin hand. "Head high. You represent Zeor down there, and they all know it. Watch out for the salesman. Andle uses his kind."
"Yes, Sectuib." Pulling himself to his full height, the boy gathered his pride and left, acutely conscious of his new status.
When the door had closed, Valleroy prompted, "My help?"
"Yes. In spite of the drug, Norborn may panic when I initiate transfer. I want you to stand by to do whatever seems necessary."
"Klyd, you know I'm not trained in this sort of thing!"
"You did all right handling that crowd downstairs."
"You heard?"
"Couldn't help it You had me frightened there for a minute."
"I told you, I'm not..."
"At any rate," said Klyd firmly, "I would require the assistance of my Companion for this, so I could hardly send you with Heshri, could I?"
"If you're going to require help, maybe you better not do it."
"I must. I gave Heshri almost two thousand dynopters from the accounts of Zeor... that must be recovered from the Gen he was assigned. Besides, I can't send him out there with a high-field Gen in tow, can I?"
"I wouldn't know. It's your move. What do I do?"
"Just stand by." Klyd took the Gen by the hand. He moved docilely to the bed. Laid out against the spread, the slight form looked so fragile Valleroy felt sorry for him.
Klyd began to croon softly, no words that Valleroy could isolate, but a reassuring sound. Slowly the channel seated himself, took the boy's hands, searched out the nerves of the forearms, and made the vital contact with his laterals.
The Gen's eyes widened. Klyd hesitated, still talking to lull the incipient terror. Then, as if at some signal, the channel bent to make lip contact. The boy stiffened, real terror penetrating his drugged haze.
Valleroy was certain he ought to do something. Enviously, he remembered the calm competence of Denrau aiding Klyd. But Valleroy had no idea what Denrau's well-schooled motions actually did. He took half a step toward the channel, but almost as soon as it started it was over.
Klyd rose and moved wearily to the chair. "Hugh, take care of him." He closed his eyes.
Not knowing what else to do, Valleroy dressed the boy in one of his own changes of clothing, using several pins scrounged in an empty dresser drawer. Throughout this operation, the boy remained passive. When he'd Finished,
Valleroy stood the Gen in front of the mirror. "Well, now you look like Norborn instead of a number."
"He certainly does," said Klyd, rising to examine the Gen.
"I thought you were asleep!"
"We ought to be. Let's take him to the toilet and wash. Heshri will be back pretty soon, and we can all get some sleep."
"Flip you for the chair."
"The children get the bed, don't they?"
Klyd mouthed the English word. "Flip? Doesn't that mean turn over?"
"Yeah. Flip a coin. Gamble."
"Oh. No. Gen society does indeed have its cultural priorities, but they differ radically from those of Sime society. You'll still have to share the bed with me, and you'll have to make it seem like routine."
Valleroy shuddered. "Yes, Sectuib. But that old bag downstairs isn't going to rent the kids a room. Even Gen eyes can see that."
"True. She'd probably throw us all out if her husband would let her."
As they made their way down the hall to the washroom, Norborn between them, Valleroy asked, "Why wouldn't her husband let her?"