"Usually. But this is a special case. You can handle the details, I'm sure."
"Yes, Sectuib. And it might work... no"-he warmed to the idea-"it will work! I can see that!"
"Good. Now, while you are busy respecting my genius, perhaps you'll consider my advice about Denrau."
"If Charnye can serve you, he can serve me."
"Charnye is getting old."
"My point, precisely. You require Denrau's flexibility."
"So do you!"
The two glared at each other for several seconds, anger fairly sparkling in the air between them. Then, simultaneously, they burst out laughing. There was no mirth in that exchange, but it said only that they weren't on opposite sides, merely in disagreement about method.
Grandfather caught his breath. "What Zeor needs is a new top-ranking Companion. No, make that two new Companions and a good channel."
"Exactly," agreed Klyd. "Which is why I must qualify Naztehr Hugh. Zeor is growing. We are far too dependent on key individuals."
"Hugh? Isn't that the name of the Arensti Designer?"
"Yes, Grandfather. It is the same man, the one for whom we must purchase a wife so that he will stay with us."
"A good plan. I'm glad I thought of it. Decently talented Companions are hard to find. Tell me, how do you know this one will work out?"
"His perceptivity tested in-range, and we are attuned. We have already achieved an unusual selur nager..."
"When was this?"
"When I was treating Rual in the school garden the other day. I have the greatest confidence in Hugh."
"Confidence isn't enough. Is he well trained?"
"He is totally untrained. He is from out-Territory..."
"But he is the Aresnti Designer, Grandfather."
"So I had thought."
"People are changing."
"No, I think they are still the same as ever... surprisingly different from each other."
"A traitorous disjunct and a Companion from out-Territory... all in one month!"
"He is not a Companion yet, Grandfather."
The old man frowned, deeply worried. "Promise me, Klyd, promise me in the name of Zeor... don't attempt to qualify this Hugh unless Denrau is standing by-close
by-monitoring everything and ready to step in if necessary. We can't afford to lose you."
Klyd was silent.
"I may not live long enough to see that, you do it, so promise me, Unto Zeor."
"I can't promise Unto Zeor, Grandfather. But I will promise you."
"Stubborn child."
"Apparently. It runs in the family."
"Humph! Well, am I allowed to meet this candidate, Hugh?"
"He is somewhat more than a candidate. He has vowed Unto Zeor, yet he has not pledged or donated yet."
"I'd still like to meet him."
Klyd beckoned hastily to Valleroy to step up beside him. "I thought you would, so I brought him along."
As if perceiving another presence in the room for the first time. Grandfather measured Valleroy with a sudden penetrating gaze. "So you're all three of these remarkable young Gens from out-Territory I've been hearing so much about. Give me your hand."
Valleroy drew back, a thundering fear pumping his heart faster and faster. The old man's hand flashed out to grab Valleroy's arm, pulling him forward at an awkward angle.
Out of the corner of his eye, Valleroy saw Klyd motion to Denrau, who reached across the bed to intercede. But Grandfather impatiently shook off the Companion's grip. "I won't hurt him! What do you think I am, a junct?"
Heart pounding irregularly. Valleroy saw two protectors trade glances and back off.
"Tell me, youngster, what makes you want to be a Companion?"
Fighting down his fear, Valleroy could think of nothing but the truth. "I'm not at all sure I do want to."
"Aha! Such wisdom is rare in the young. But my grandson has some damn fool notion of running off to Iburan. You go with him, take care of him, and I won't worry so much."
"Yes, Sectuib."
"But, for the honor of Zeor, don't let anyone see you're not our best Companion. We'd be disgraced for letting Klyd run around unprotected."
"Yes, Sectuib."
"You have a dependable feel to you, son. I've always preferred a Companion with a solid nager. When you've qualified, be sure they leave a place in your schedule for me."
"Yes, Sectuib."
"Now get out of here, and let an old man get some well-earned sleep. Had a hard night."