"I'll fit," he said, his voice tight. "It'll hurt all right, but that's part of the punishment. You have to love the pain first." He flexed his hips and pushed harder and suddenly her sphincter gave and he sank into her, stretching her a.s.shole as it opened just enough let the crown inside.
A strangled scream ripped from her throat, and she sobbed on her indrawn breath. "It's too much!"
More spit dropped and he circled his hips, pumping in shallow thrusts, just enough to work the lubricant inside her hole. Then an arm curved beneath her belly and a hand snaked around to sink between her legs. He thumbed her c.l.i.t and worked two fingers into her greedy c.u.n.t, but thankfully he didn't tunnel any deeper into her a.s.s.
A ragged moan escaped and she held her hips still, afraid any movement would drive his c.o.c.k deeper. However, she strained to savor the fullness entering her p.u.s.s.y. "f.u.c.k my c.u.n.t, Alec. Please, please f.u.c.k my c.u.n.t."
"Easy, girl. I'm gonna start moving again."
"No, no. Just your fingers. Please."
"Can't stop now, baby." His groan sounded like it came dredged up from his toes. "Feel what I'm doing to your hot, tight p.u.s.s.y?" He finger-f.u.c.ked her faster, harder-all the while thumbing her c.l.i.t.
Stasia's whole body trembled on the verge of ecstasy. "Deeper, please. f.u.c.k me harder."
"Like that?"
She nodded, keeping her head tucked low in submission-anything to keep his hand working inside her p.u.s.s.y. Christ, I'm so close!
He dug deeper between her legs, "Relax your a.s.shole, baby. Let me inside. I promise it'll be worth the pain."
"Can't. It burns!" she said, her voice tightening as she drew closer to the edge.
"What burns?" he whispered. "Your c.u.n.t? Baby, you're melting around my fingers." He pulled out and thrust three fingers inside her now, s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g into her, sc.r.a.ping her inner walls with his knuckles until she couldn't help but writhe and arch beneath him.
Her whole body shivered and sweat broke on her forehead and upper lip. Her nipples chafed, engorged and aching, sc.r.a.ping against the edge of the pad.
His hips pistoned once and his c.o.c.k slipped deeper into her a.s.s. "Yes!" she shouted as another ripple convulsed along her channel to caress his fingers. Her a.s.s relaxed its tight grip on his c.o.c.k and he glided deep inside, stealing her breath.
With her p.u.s.s.y and a.s.s so full she couldn't breathe, Stasia collapsed onto the desk and rolled her head from side to side, surrendering to his harsh mercies.
Alec shuddered behind her and ground deep into her a.s.s, lifting her bottom as he pumped in and out-burning her a.s.s, ratcheting up her desire until she felt brittle as thin gla.s.s, ready to shatter at any moment.
"OhG.o.dohG.o.dohG.o.d!" she chanted.
"That's it, baby. Take it!" he said, slamming his hips against her bottom. His fingers shoved deeper until she swore his whole hand slipped inside and twisted.
She came howling his name, p.r.i.c.kling light exploding behind her clenched eyelids, her body stretching taut as a bowstring.
When at last he shuddered and c.u.m spewed inside her a.s.s, Stasia wept. Alec had conquered her, claimed her in way no man had ever done.
Somehow, he'd guessed her darkest needs and used every one against her to prove his mastery of her.
She was his wh.o.r.e, his slave, his b.i.t.c.h. She thought she might even love him.
"I can't breathe," Stasia whispered beneath him.
Alec roused from where he lay slumped over her back, naked, replete-they were still joined like two dogs tied, panting. He kissed her shoulder, knowing an apology would be inappropriate and possibly a setback in her "training".
Weary to his soul, and feeling more than a little shocked at himself and her, he lifted off her and slowly pulled his c.o.c.k free from her a.s.s. Each inch away from her tight heat deepened a feeling of loss.
When at last she'd surrendered and welcomed him into her body, he'd felt connected, part of her. Now he noted the stiffness of her shoulders and the shallow little breaths she took as the tension returned.
"Don't move from that position," he said, keeping his voice harsh. "I'll be right back."
He didn't bother to wait and see whether she obeyed. He thought his domination was so fresh she just might obey-at least for now. But there was more he wanted to do for her. Ways he could say he was sorry without diminishing her respect for his strength.
He'd never been into the BDSM scene, wasn't even sure if that's what they were doing here, but he'd recognized her need to be subdued instinctively. Stubborn, beautiful, brave...but deep inside she craved to give up control, to be taken by a man. One strong enough and sane enough not to use her surrender to do her harm.
Running the tap in his private bathroom, he grabbed a stack of paper towels and wet them, then returned to find Stasia in exactly the same position he'd left her. Her bottom was still bright red from her spanking and her p.u.s.s.y was swollen and dripping.
He parted her b.u.t.tocks and cleaned her, then used fresh towels to sc.r.a.pe the c.u.m from her inner thighs.
Stasia remained silent, acquiescent, and still leashed by the belt cinched around her wrists.
Then he knelt and lapped at her p.u.s.s.y. Licking softly and blowing to cool the heat emanating from her swollen, abused flesh.
Stasia sighed. "That's nice." She sounded a little hoa.r.s.e.
Alec kissed her c.l.i.t and gave into the urge that had gripped him the moment he'd stepped into his office and spied her bottom wagging at him. He suckled her p.u.s.s.y, drawing her lips into his mouth, drinking their spent excitement. When she squirmed, he licked along her seam in long soothing strokes, spearing deep to lap at her inner walls until her soft cries filled the air again.
After she o.r.g.a.s.med sweetly against his tongue, he removed the belt and drew her into his arms. He sat with her draped across his lap on the floor, his back against the desk.
"What are we going to do, Alec?" she asked sleepily.
Reminded of his brother below, hours from certain death, he clutched her close and kissed her moist temple. "Baby, I haven't a clue."
"I'd never have pegged Alec for the kinky sort," Joe drawled from the cot snuggled against the far wall of the cell.
Max snorted, glad the sounds of the s.e.xual battle coming through the floor above had finally stopped. "He'd have to be to keep Stasi happy." He eased apart his legs to relieve the ache. Stasi's mewling cries had brought back pleasant memories.
"I take it you two were close?"
Max's lips curved in the darkness. "f.u.c.ked like bunny rabbits."
"So why'd it end?"
Max shrugged and leaned against the bars. "I had a job to do."
"Killing vampires."
Max shot him a glance over his shoulder. "That wasn't the main directive. That was just an added bonus," he said, a grin stretching his lips wider.
"Think he'll really get us that interview?"
"Yeah," he said, distracted by an unidentifiable sound coming from the direction of the stairs beyond the row of storage cages.
"They're gonna kill us, aren't they," Joe said quietly.
"Probably." He c.o.c.ked his head, straining to hear.
"Did I ever tell you that you talk too much?"
Max snorted again. "Never."
"You're one miserable b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I know I told you that before."
"Yeah. A time or two."
The distinctive sc.r.a.pe of a footstep sounded from the other side of the bas.e.m.e.nt- followed by a low feminine curse.
Max stiffened. "I don't f.u.c.kin' believe it," he muttered.
Joe rose from his cot to stand beside Max as the patter of footsteps drew closer.
"Pia... " Max pitched his voice low in warning. "I don't know what you think you're doing here, but you can turn your sweet tail around and get out of here now!"
Pia strode into the light and peered through the bars at him. "We're here to spring you."
"We?" he growled.
Emmy stepped from behind her and fluttered her fingers in a little wave. "Yup, we. Me and Pia. Somehow, we knew you two would wind up in a mess of trouble. We're here to break you out of the hoosegow."
However much he'd wanted to see Pia's sweet face one more time, hot anger poured over him. "All you're going to do is get yourselves killed. This place is crawling with werewolves who'd love nothing better than stake your a.s.ses in the sunshine."
"But we have the key!" Emmy said, dangling a ring of keys from a finger.
Exasperated, Max rubbed a tired hand over his face. "I'm not going to ask how you got past the cops upstairs."
Pia's amused glance slid over him, like she was drinking him in one satisfying gulp.
"Probably better you don't know. You'd just get upset."
"You think I'm not?" he growled.
"We stole Joe's Taser gun," Emmy gushed, completely oblivious to the fury building in Max's tense body. "It's amazing how well it works on wolves-they didn't even twitch. 'Course the two goin' at it in the back office never noticed." She tried one key, then another, finally finding one that turned the tumbler of the lock.
Pia swung open the door. "Aren't you even going to say thanks?"
"Thanks isn't exactly the word I was thinking of." He grabbed her shoulders and kissed her hard, then shoved her back. "Stupid, careless, insane-"
"I take it Navarro didn't sanction your little road trip," Joe murmured.
"'Course not." Emmy wrinkled her nose. "He thinks we're conducting mop-up in Melbourne. Someone reported sightings of werewolves down the road."
"Dylan let you two go out on patrol on your own?"
A shadow crossed Emmy's face. "He was a little distracted. Quentin's disappeared...with Darcy's body."
Joe jostled past Max and grabbed Emmy's hand. "Come on, buddy. We have to get these two out of here."
Pia grabbed his arm and tugged. "Come on, Max."
Regret, sharp as a knife blade sliced through his chest. "I can't, baby. I have to stay."
She shook her head, dismay dampening the excitement that lit her eyes like Christmas lights a moment ago. "They put you in a cage, Max. You can't stay now."
Max wrapped her in his arms, knowing this was likely the last time he'd breathe her sweet perfume or burrow against her softness. Their first goodbye had been hard enough, this one was going to kill him. "Baby, I have to stay-and you need to get the h.e.l.l out of Dodge. The wolves are out tonight, hunting vampires. Don't make this any harder. Go!"
Pia's arms clutched him tight, her body trembling against his. "I don't want to go without you. I don't think I could live."
Max smoothed back her hair and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Baby, I have the best chance of surviving. I'm one of them. I still have my mission to fulfill. If they catch any of you, you're dust. Now get out of here."
"He's right, Pia," Joe said. "He's the only one who stands a chance of living past tonight."
Max opened his arms and stepped back, closing the cell's door between them.
Pia gripped the bars and leaned toward him. Max couldn't resist one last kiss and pressed his lips to hers. "Go, baby."
Joe lifted his closed fist and b.u.mped it against Max's fist still gripping the bar, sharing one charged gaze. "Later." Then he pulled Pia away and followed Emmy's retreating figure.
Max waited agonizing minutes while he strained to hear sounds indicating the wolves above had discovered them. Instead, he heard a car pull away in the distance and relaxed.
Alone in the darkness, he sank on top of the solitary cot and covered his face with his hands, breathing in the fading scent of the only woman he'd ever love.
Dirt landed at his feet and he jerked up his head to find Alec brushing off his hands. His bare chest gleamed bright, his trousers were open and sagging at his waist.
"Did they make it out of town?" Max asked, his throat so tight the words ground like sticking gears.
"Yeah, radio's quiet."
Max nodded to the dirt at his feet. "Think the others'll buy it?"
"He tripped onto my stake. Yeah, they know I hate the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds."
Max swallowed past the lump choking the back of his throat. "Why?"
Alec's jaw tightened, a muscle rippling along the curve. "I finally figured out what you have with Pia."
Max gave him a slight smile. "Yeah? And what's that?"
Alec shrugged, not really wanting to spill his guts. He cleared his throat. "You aren'
t... whole without her, are you?"