Stasia gasped. "You don't know?" Her voice rose. "You led me on!"
His gaze pierced hers. "You thought you could get what you wanted by giving me s.e.x."
Her brow creased as she scowled. "So what? I have to do it anyway."
"It's not enough, Stasia," he said, his throat tight, fighting the overpowering need she inspired. But why her? He nuzzled under her jaw and growled, "I want you howling in my arms."
"I already did," she gritted out.
"I don't think so." He nipped her earlobe. "I would have awakened with the sound ringing in my ears, I've waited so long."
She shoved him. "Let me up."
Her scent was strong, ripe-arousal perfumed the cream seeping from her body. She could deny him until Christmas, but he knew her body wanted this.
He settled more heavily onto her. "Not yet. I'm still hungry." He nudged her again, but when her legs pressed in at his sides, trying to close access, he pulled away. They both knew he was stronger and he could overcome her physically, but he wanted her partic.i.p.ation this time. He rose up on his arms and quickly moved down her body, nipping her collarbone and the top of her breast as he went.
Frantic now, she slapped his shoulders and pulled hard on his hair, but he clamped his lips around a spiking nipple and bit.
Stasia cried out and clawed at his back. When he didn't let go, she yanked harder on his hair... but her legs rubbed restlessly against his.
Alec growled again, this time in smug satisfaction. He'd finally found the key to her pa.s.sion. The little wolf-b.i.t.c.h wants to play games. Releasing her nipple, he pried her hands from his hair and stretched them above her head. "So you like it rough, baby?"
"b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I don't like it any way with you," she spat, her body shivering beneath his. Her expression was fierce and unrelenting, but her pungent arousal scented the air.
"Liar," he whispered. "Was Max rough? Is that what you miss?"
Her mouth tightened. "I don't miss Max! Get off me."
He rasped his chin across her nipple. "Not until I have my due." Then he opened his mouth wide and sucked as much of her plump breast into his mouth as he could hold. With one hand holding her wrists away, he dragged the other down her body, following the honed and rippling muscles of her abdomen and hips. Arching his middle over her, he made room to sink his fingers between her legs and into her silky, slick c.u.n.t.
Her body betrayed her instantly. Stasia's hot p.u.s.s.y released a stream of molten excitement that coated the fingers shoving deep inside her.
Alec groaned, pleased beyond words at her response. His own body reacted to her quickening pulse with a hardening that threatened to release the wolf. He let go first of her breast, then her hands and scooted farther down her body. When his nose nudged her p.u.s.s.y, Stasia whimpered, but her thighs spread wide.
Pulling out his fingers, he parted her dripping flesh and tongued the edges of the thin quivering lips, while dipping between to lave the cream her body offered. His tongue lapped inside, sliding over the silken folds, stretching to caress her inner walls as her hips jerked and rolled beneath his mouth.
He spread her s.e.x wider and pressed a thumb to pull up the delicate skin that shrouded her hard c.l.i.t. Exposed and engorged, it ripened further as Alec rubbed his thumb in ever tightening circles. A sliver of moonlight revealed the swollen pink lips below were darkening as her pa.s.sion increased.
"Too much. Alec, it's too much!" she keened.
He tongued her c.l.i.t and murmured, "Sensitive here, are you?"
"Please, Alec," she sobbed. "Please stop."
Regret thrust a shard of ice into his chest. "Can't, baby." Even if I could. "I'm hard as a rock-ready to explode if I don't have you now."
"I hate you," she said, her voice hoa.r.s.e.
"Do you?" Maybe she does. "I don't give a d.a.m.n. Long as you want me," he lied, plucking her c.l.i.t between his thumb and finger.
Her belly and legs vibrated, and she hiccoughed. "I don't want you."
"Liar." Alec crawled up her slender body, sliding his skin over hers, eliciting shivers as his chest hair grazed her inner thighs, her belly and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Little liar," he whispered again, settling his hips between her widespread legs.
When his c.o.c.k poised at her sucking entrance, he rose on his arms and stared down into her moist eyes.
"Just get it f.u.c.king over with," she said, her voice and face tight.
With her p.u.s.s.y caressing the head of his c.o.c.k, a flush of anger heated his skin. The little b.i.t.c.h would never give him an inch-but he could take-and she'd love it. To prove his point, he speared into her, hard and sharp.
Stasia gasped and convulsed around him, her c.u.n.t rippling, squeezing-her channel tightening along his shaft to pull him deeper.
He lunged his hips, tunneling deep, and then arched to withdraw and slam back inside. The tug and pull became relentless, instinctive motions-again, again, and again.
Her silken sheath caressed his shaft. Her hips tilted to take him deeper still. Her hands clutched his b.u.t.tocks, her nails spearing his skin. All the while her head thrashed restlessly as she snarled her defiance.
Inflamed by her growling response, he pounded into her tight c.u.n.t with little rhythm or grace-just answering a need to mark her, stretch her-brand her as his with each deep, hard stroke. And yet, he wanted to be deeper still.
He pulled away and flipped her onto her stomach.
Stasia came to her knees and bolted forward to escape, but Alex understood now. He grasped her hips and steadied her for just a moment, and then slammed inside her again.
She screamed and clawed at the ground in front of her, cursing his name.
But Alec hammered at her, so sharp his belly and thighs slapped her skin, the sound joining the wet slurping of their s.e.xes gliding together, and their moans as they raced to the finish.
"Baby, I want your howls."
"Never! b.a.s.t.a.r.d, stop!" she sobbed.
Alec had a moment of doubt, so anguished was her cry-but then she howled, her p.u.s.s.y clasping his c.o.c.k hard as she slammed back to meet his strokes. Her inner muscles dragged at his d.i.c.k, sucking him into her body. Let her try to deny she wants me now!
His knees ground into the dirt, his thighs hardening to stone as he hammered faster.
Stasia's cries grew choppy, breathless, and her shoulders slumped to the ground.
Alec reached around her belly, fingers plucking a breast and tapping her c.l.i.t.
Her bottom lifted into his hips, giving him deeper access, and she squirmed to press as close to his groin she could get.
Christ! She was tight and hot as h.e.l.l. Cream smeared her thighs and his.
Then his b.a.l.l.s erupted, pushing c.u.m through his c.o.c.k to jet deep into her body. His howl joined hers, wrapping tight around her cry as his body hunched over hers-ending when his teeth gripped her shoulder.
He held her like that for long moments afterward, rocking his hips against her bottom, his arms encircling her belly so tight she gasped for breath.
When her arms shook with the effort to hold them both up, he relaxed his grip and disengaged his teeth. "Are you all right?" he asked, rubbing his cheek against her shoulder.
She nodded, her chest expanding with her deep breaths. "Now will you get off me?" she said, her voice shaking.
She'd done it again. Made him feel like a ravaging beast when he knew this was exactly what she wanted. His fingers bit into a breast, punishing her for rejecting him again. "Why, Stasia?"
"I'm going to be eating dirt if you don't get your weight off my back."
Still stuffed deep inside her, he lifted and sat back on his haunches, bringing her with him. "You know that's not what I meant."
She remained stiff and unyielding in his arms. "I should ask you the same thing. Why?" She drew in a deep, jagged breath. "I'm not what you've been searching for. I'm not really what you want."
Alec gripped her chin and turned her so their gazes met. "What the f.u.c.k are you talking about? What do you think I'm doing here?"
She lifted an eyebrow, disdain curving her lips. "Getting a workout? Maybe, getting a little revenge on Max?"
"That's not true," he said, frustration roughening his voice.
"No?" Her gaze swept down to where his hands bracketed her chest and slowly back up again. When her glance met his, raw, painful anger shone in her eyes. "Then tell me you haven't been looking for a way into the vamp headquarters to get at that breeder."
It was an effort to keep his gaze level. "I haven't been back," he hedged.
"That doesn't mean you haven't been keeping tabs. You're just waiting for her to drop her vampire cubs before you take her."
"If I take her, that won't mean I want her. I have to do it."
"And what about me? When you have her in your bed, where will that leave me?"
Did she care, or was pride the source of the ragged note in her voice? "I won't abandon you," he said softly.
Pain, raw and honest shone in her dark eyes. "Then tell me you don't need her."
"I don't want her," he said, holding her gaze. "But the clan needs her womb."
"Why does she have to bear your children?"
"Because I'm the alpha. And because I'm strongest, I'm the best hope for our clan's existence."
"And if I were a breeder, would you need her?"
The poignant note in her voice caused a tightening in his chest. "Well, you're not. You'll never bear children. Should I ignore our ways? I'm not my brother. I won't turn my back on my clan." He cupped her chin, not letting her turn from his gaze. "I won't turn my back on you."
"But you left before...with Max." Her expression was defiant, but that s.e.xy upper lip trembled.
He stroked her lip with his thumb. "I didn't have anyone keeping me here."
She drew back her head, ending the caress. "Did you love me then?"
His glance slipped away. "I cared. I didn't like that he left you without ever looking back. It was harsh, but at the time we both had a mission."
Her gaze narrowed. "You liked to watch us make love. Me and Max. And not just once."
His arms tightened around her. "Didn't look like love to me."
"Does this look like love?" she said, pointing to the indentions in her shoulder.
His hands bit into her belly, but he didn't answer.
"Tell me," she said, her voice roughening, "do you love me now?"
Alec drew in a deep breath. He'd never lie to her-even if it hurt. "Stasia, I'll marry you."
Her eyelids dipped, concealing the thoughts that shimmered in her almond eyes. Her lush upper lip lifted in a snarl. "No thanks. Our bed would be too crowded," she said, her tone flat. "Besides, I think I deserve more than obligation."
"I'm not looking for a breeder for a wife. But I must honor our ways, protect our destiny."
"Fine. I understand," she said, her voice tight. She pried away his hands and he let them fall away. "Same time tomorrow, Sheriff?"
Frustration, and more than a little guilt, had him heaving a deep sigh. "Dammit, Stasia."
"Can't have it both ways, Alec. You either love me or you don't. You marry me or you seek your breeder. In the meantime, you owe me answers." She rose off his lap and lifted her nose to the air. "I wonder how far from the station we are."
He took a deep breath, not finding it easy to return to prosaic conversation with his waning c.o.c.k growing cold. "We have a long walk back."
"d.a.m.n, and I'm sticky," she said, thrusting a hand between her legs, a look of disgust wrinkling her forehead.
"That I can do something about." His hands reached up and gripped her a.s.s, pulling her toward him.
Her footsteps were leaden, but she came, her chin lifting to show her resentment.
This time, Alec's hands coaxed rather than demanded, until she stood, legs braced apart, her p.u.s.s.y poised before his mouth. He bent to take the longest rivulets of liquid that leaked down her legs, working his way upward.
Her rigid stance relaxed and she swayed, angling her legs apart, begging him silently to come to her center.
Relief, and an emotion he'd sooner tamp deep inside, swept over him. He sucked her hot, swollen lips into his mouth, bathing them with his tongue, then cooling her hot flesh by blowing softly over them-offering an apology he couldn't voice.
When her fingers threaded through his hair, he accepted the invitation without comment and licked between the folds, parting them gently. He ma.s.saged her p.u.s.s.y while he drank, thumbing her c.l.i.t until she moaned and pulsed her thighs and hips, sliding her c.u.n.t against his mouth and tongue, faster and faster.
Alec resisted her growing insistence and drew out her arousal, sucking on her until she squirmed and begged.
The begging earned her completion, and he fluttered his tongue on her c.l.i.t and suckled it, not stopping until she groaned and collapsed against him.
Alec hugged her body, resting his hot cheek against her belly until she remembered who he was, and drew back.
Finally, he stood and grasped her hand to lead her from the forest. "Now you've earned your answers."