Silver Bullet - Part 12

Part 12

"Don't be afraid to handle me," he whispered.

Her hands burrowed between his legs, scooping up his b.a.l.l.s. She leaned close, her hot breath brushing his ball sac. Then her tongue reached out and stroked over them.

Alec tunneled his fingers into her soft hair and curved around her head, not guiding, just caressing. He wanted her to decide where to go from here, wanted to learn how much she knew about pleasing a man.

Stasia groaned and opened her mouth to suck on one ball.

With her tongue laving it inside the hot cavern of her mouth, Alex squeezed shut his eyes. Her tongue continued to lick all around while her mouth suctioned softly.

"That's it, baby," he couldn't stop the praise from spilling from his lips.

When she swallowed his whole s.c.r.o.t.u.m deep inside her mouth, his fingers fisted in her hair to hold her there so he could savor the start of the buildup to his release.

Suddenly, her teeth pinched the skin at the back of his b.a.l.l.s, stopping his momentum cold. His eyes flew open and he stared down at her where she knelt. "Stasi?" he asked, his voice betraying his worry.

Her gaze was narrowed, and he didn't have any doubt in his mind she was capable of munching on his oysters if she so chose. What the h.e.l.l was she doing? What did she want? He'd expected total acquiescence, but he really should have known better. He'd all but spilled his guts a moment earlier. Stasi knew he still wanted her.

Good thing he knew what she wanted, too.

"Don't even think about it or I'll beat your a.s.s until you can't sit for a week."

Stasia's eyes widened and he didn't miss the scent of her arousal wafting thick and delicious in the air around them.

"When you're done sucking me off," he said, keeping his voice cold and mean, "I think I'm going to warm your a.s.s with my hand. So much more intimate than a belt, don' t you think? Just worry about that for the next few minutes. Enough with my b.a.l.l.s, suck my c.o.c.k, she-b.i.t.c.h!"

To his relief, she let go of his b.a.l.l.s and kissed and licked the skin she'd abused with her teeth, before smoothing her lips up the side of his shaft.

He widened his stance and set his hands on his hips, a.s.suming a more powerful posture when he was swearing up a storm inside. f.u.c.k, yeah!

As she reached the plump mushroom-shaped head, she paused and met his gaze. "May I suck you off, now?" she asked, a little smile curving the corners of her lips upward.

"Add a 'master' to that request and I might just let you have that privilege."

Her eyelids dropped, and her head tilted to the side. The look she gave him next had his toes curling into the carpet. "May I suck you off now, master?" she asked, her eyelashes batting innocently.

Alec growled deep in his throat and felt his muscles tense and hair sprout from his were follicles as the beast inside him roused. "h.e.l.l no," he rumbled with his beast's voice, "I'm going to f.u.c.k your mouth. Let me show you the difference, baby."

Stasia quivered at his feet as his flanks were clothed in golden hair. He'd halted his transformation, probably to keep his ability to order her around, but she didn't care. The beast was the one she wanted to play with tonight.

Her relief that he still wanted her as mate made her want to tempt the animal inside him. She wasn't naive enough to think all their problems were resolved, but once they lay spent in each other's arms she could give him the softer words she yearned to share.

She tugged the thickening hairs surrounding his enormous c.o.c.k and wet them with her tongue, ruffling against the direction of growth to tease him.

Then she gripped his c.o.c.k hard, to let him know the dutiful b.i.t.c.h still had claws, and guided his c.o.c.k to her mouth. She knew he loved her lips-he'd sucked her upper lip so many times moaning about watching it close around his c.o.c.k. She took her time doing it now to tease and inflame him past control.

She guided his plump head into her mouth and let her upper lip drag around the crown, peeking beneath her eyelashes at him to gauge his approval.

His lengthened snout quivered and flared, sniffing her scent. His fangs were bared in a wicked grimace. She hoped those gleaming white incisors would chew on something soft of hers later.

But now it was her turn to tempt the beast into exploding all over her in a frenzy of f.u.c.king.

She widened her jaws and sank on his c.o.c.k, taking him as far into her throat as possible, then bobbed on him, suctioning hard as she drew off his long shaft.

His chest rose and fell, his breath gusting, panting. Her hands slid around the base of his satiny c.o.c.k and squeezed as she sucked. She sighed, content for now to tongue his shaft and suction hard on his c.o.c.k as she built his release.

However, his hands fisted in her hair to control her movement. He growled, flexing his hips to drive his c.o.c.k inside her throat, and she remembered what he'd said about f.u.c.king her mouth.

She braced herself, her hands sliding over fur to clutch the notches of his hips, her jaws widening, achingly, to accept his deep thrusts. Gagging each time he rammed deep, she accepted his domination, remembering to breathe through her nose. Her own body ripened, juices sliding from her c.u.n.t to slick her thighs, her nipples drawing to stiff, aching points.

"Are you wet for me, b.i.t.c.h?" his deep, growling voice bit out.

Murmuring her a.s.sent, she squirmed her hips.

"Think I need to see for myself." He yanked on her hair, pulling her off his c.o.c.k.

"Present your a.s.s to me."

His fingers let go of her hair and she turned around on her hands and knees, lifting her quivering bottom into the air.

The golden wolf knelt behind her, and his claws dug into her cheeks. Then his hot breath washed over her moist folds.

She couldn't help the sucking sound her p.u.s.s.y made as it convulsed-her s.e.x begged for him to fill her. Stasia bit her lips to prevent voicing the same desire.

Then his long tongue lapped her from c.l.i.t to a.s.shole, and then burrowed into her folds, seeking the cream of her delight.

His growls vibrated on her p.u.s.s.y, his facial fur chafed delicate flesh and she gasped and squirmed again, trying to encourage him to lick deeper.

When his body covered hers, the coa.r.s.e fur abrading her bottom and back, she widened her knees, waiting for his huge c.o.c.k to find her center.

But he drew away and nipped her a.s.s.

Before she had a chance to complain, an open-palmed swat landed on her rump and Stasia howled. Another, harder than the first, struck the other cheek. "Oh Christ, f.u.c.k me now!"

He rolled her to her back and climbed onto her, straddling her thighs and she thought she'd never seen anything s.e.xier than her golden wolf. The shining gold discs of his eyes stared down at her, and Stasia moaned. She brought her hands to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and lifted them. "Please, they ache."

His head canted, and she wondered how much of the man remained within the beast. She arched her back to lift her chest higher and plucked her nipples to tempt him.

His snout descended, and he nuzzled the soft center of her breast, then his teeth latched on to her nipple and tugged.

Stasia's feet curled as he chewed and lapped her sensitive areolas. When the one breast had taken everything she could stand, she nudged his head toward the other and suffered his sweet torture until her c.u.n.t pulsed with need. "f.u.c.k me, Alec. f.u.c.k me," she whined.

His heavy body slid farther down her legs as his head licked a tantalizing path down her sternum, across her flexing abdomen, dipping into her belly b.u.t.ton, then lower. When he reached the fur covering her mound, a rumble rocked his chest and he lashed out his tongue to spear between her wet folds, grazing her swollen c.l.i.t.

She arched off the floor and tried to part her legs, but he didn't seem to understand she needed to open herself, spread her legs for his exploration and her pleasure.

She shoved at his head and wriggled, but he just growled and licked at the top of her p.u.s.s.y.

Her c.l.i.toris grew impossibly engorged, and she sobbed her frustration. She didn't want to come this way. She needed him inside her. Needed him to overwhelm her senses and her body with his powerful frame and thick c.o.c.k and mark her forever with his scent.

She didn't realize she'd voiced her need aloud until he crawled to the side and urged her to her knees again. He kissed her p.u.s.s.y, licked it until her delicate inner lips quivered. Then he drew back. "This is the only c.o.c.k that will ever f.u.c.k you again. Say it!"

Stasia's heart burst with joy. "Your c.o.c.k's the only one I'll ever f.u.c.k again. Master."

He nuzzled her c.u.n.t with the soft fur of his snout. "Open for me, baby. Let me make you mine."

Stasia couldn't halt the sobs that racked her chest as she leaned forward on her arms. Moans, one on top of the other, broke free while his furry thighs rasped the tender insides of her thighs and his chest warmed her back.

As his c.o.c.k nudged into her inflamed p.u.s.s.y, she hiccoughed and tilted her hips just so, aiding the straight thrust of his c.o.c.k as he sank into her silken depths.

The first raw flexes of his hip, drove him deep into her clasping c.u.n.t, b.u.t.ting her womb. Each stroke dragged his thick shaft along her inner walls, building a friction that threatened to erupt in a raging fire, but every time she drew close to bursting into flame, he slowed his motions.

"Alec, please f.u.c.k me hard," she keened, trying to slam back on his c.o.c.k.

"Tell me you love me," the wolf growled.

Stasia sucked in a shocked breath and shook her head. "I... can't."

He stopped moving. "Because you don't?"

Stasia closed her eyes. "Because you've never said you love me," she whispered.

His teeth nipped her shoulder. "That's not the way this works, baby. You have to take the chance. You have to break free. Go for broke."

Her body trembled, close to ecstasy while her heart broke. "But that leaves me naked. Totally in your control. You want everything from me."

His muzzle rubbed her neck. His hips circled once, s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g her deliciously. "Trust your instincts, Stasi."

Still she fought him though the tension building along her channel rippled on the verge of something wonderful. "It's not hard for you," she gasped. "You're not giving anything up. All you want is my obedience, my devotion."

"Sweetheart, if you haven't noticed, I already have that," he said, the wry note sounding s.e.xier than it ought to in his beast's voice.

"You'll hold all the power," she said, her voice thin and high.

"I won't abuse it, I swear," he rumbled in her ear.

"I love you," she blurted out.

His tongue licked her jaw and shoulder and his hips drew back, pulling his thick c.o.c.k out until only the swollen head remained inside. "Hold on, I can't stop now."

Disappointed he hadn't given her the words back, nevertheless she couldn't resist the heat that built with the powerful thrusts he delivered, each one harder and sharper than the one before. No one had ever f.u.c.ked her like this-controlled, precise power- all of it directed at her pleasure.

His domination was his gift to her. He'd sensed her need and given her what her body and soul craved most. That was real love.

That he'd also discovered a wicked delight in torturing her, was just an added benefit-and incentive to keep him torturing her until they were old and gray.

His strokes scooted her across the carpet, but she welcomed the hot, stinging burns growing on her knees. She'd beg him to lick them better later. As his hips hammered faster, her cries built into howls that intertwined with his as they both crested the wave.

Her last thought as she drifted into a faint was she couldn't wait to wear his collar.

Quentin woke as the sun slipped beneath the ocean snuggled next to his beloved's naked body. His hand cupped a small breast, his thigh rode her slim hip. He kissed her shoulder and fingered the rosy-brown nipple until it spiked.

Her flesh remembered him. If he slid his hand between her legs, she'd cream and he could take her like he'd been dying to do so many nights. But the release she'd bring him would be hollow.

He pulled away his hand and sat up on the side of the bed, bowing his head as he gathered the strength to do what he must. Then he turned back to check the manacles that kept her limbs chained to posts on the floor at both ends of the bed.

His sleeping beauty was healed-in body. The gruesome wounds the wolf had left in her belly and skin had closed, not leaving a single scar to mark the change. Even her belly, that had swelled so with child, was flat-no trace of her pregnancy to mar her pale skin.

He picked up the razor blade on the nightstand and made a thin, but deep cut down his wrist, piercing the throbbing vein beneath the skin. He held his hand above her mouth, pleased she drank without him having to resort to manipulating her throat. She really was getting better.

By the time his wound closed, her mouth stopped moving, her hunger a.s.suaged. Now he needed to find a meal to replenish what he'd lost. He dressed slowly, always listening to the sounds of her breathing, hoping for some little sign she'd waken-and dreading it, too.

Her injuries had been so extensive she might never wake up. He almost hoped she wouldn't, because he feared what he'd find in her eyes. A revolver rested in the drawer of the nightstand, a bullet chambered in the awful event she woke...changed.

He wasn't sure he could do it. He hoped he wouldn't have to. She'd remained in a coma since the night of the attack, had barely survived as he'd held her torn skin together with his hands and licked her wounds over and over to help her heal and fed her his blood to save her life.

But she could very well carry the werewolf's poison in her blood. There was a chance, when the next full moon rose in the night sky she could awaken a beast. A nightmare. A maddened rogue with a vampire's strength.

Perhaps Navarro had been right. He should have let her life slip away that night, but he couldn't bear the thought. If there was one chance on earth that she could be saved, he 'd give it to her.

Without her he was a sh.e.l.l of man. If he was forced to use the silver bullet to end her life, he'd greet the sunlight and join her in death.

The gla.s.s door slid silently open and he stepped out onto the sand. Two days until the full moon. Two days left to try to save her.

There was only one person on the planet who might possess the magic to awaken her and prevent the werebeast from rising.

The witch who'd sired him.

He'd bundled Darcy into a b.l.o.o.d.y sheet and carried her to the private plane he'd paid a fortune to acquire. With her slack body strapped into the pa.s.senger seat he'd flown her to his birthplace in the Caymans on the blind hope she would help him.

Following the curve of the familiar sh.o.r.e, he felt the breeze lift his hair and plaster his shirt against his skin. The palms creaked as they bent to the rhythmic gusts.

A little farther, his heart beat faster. But where a crude wooden shack with the palm-frond roof had once stood was a whitewashed villa with an iron gate. Maybe this journey was for nothing. The past he'd sought to leave behind was really gone.

Maybe there wasn't any hope left for Darcy... or him.

Pushing through the creaking gate he stepped onto a tiled patio and caught a whiff of an elusive fragrance, like honeysuckle and mint. Hers. Already he braced himself for the sight of her dusky skin and the sound of the island patois in her whiskey-rich voice.

She'd seduced the human man, made him a slave to her pa.s.sion, until the day she'd taken his life and pulled away the gauzy curtain that had hidden the true darkness in her heart.

A footstep sounded behind him and he stiffened, closing his eyes to steel himself against her glamour.

"'Bout time you come home, husband."