Signal in the Dark - Part 35

Part 35

"You're a friend of Mr. Cordell's, aren't you?" she inquired abruptly.

The question caught Webb off guard. He gave her a quick look but answered in an indifferent way: "Never heard of him."

"I'm certain I saw you in his office," Penny insisted.

Realizing that his loose talk was building up trouble for himself, Webb would say no more. At the sheriff's office, he repeated practically the same story, insisting that he had been hired by Professor Bettenridge on a wage basis, and that he was in no way implicated in the plot to defraud Mr. Johnson.

"Your story doesn't hang together," Mr. Parker said severely. "Naturally you knew that the professor's machine was worthless?"

"Not at first," Webb whined. "He only told me he wanted a mine exploded at a certain time. It was only by chance that I learned he intended to cheat Mr. Johnson."

"Considering the conversations I overheard between you and the professor, that is a little hard to believe," Penny contributed.

"It might go a little easier with you, if you come through with the truth," a deputy sheriff in charge of the office, added. "Anything you want to say before we lock you up?"

Webb hesitated a long while, and then in a subdued voice said: "Okay, I may as well tell you. Sure, I knew the professor and his wife were crooks. They offered me a split on the profits if Johnson bought the secret ray machine."

"Where did you obtain your mines?" Salt asked curiously.

"I don't know," Webb answered, and for once spoke the truth. "Professor Bettenridge had a friend hooked up in a munitions plant who supplied him with a few which were defective."

"Now tell us the truth about the _Snark_," Penny insisted. "You said those men were mixed up in the dynamiting of the Conway Steel Plant. Was that one of the professor's jobs?"

"No, he had nothing to do with it."

"His car was in the vicinity of the plant on the night of the explosion."

"It was just accident then," Webb maintained. "He had nothing to do with it."

"Then you do know the persons involved?"

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me," Webb said sullenly. "Why not go to the _Snark_ and get information first hand if you want it."

It was evident the man would reveal no more, so the deputy sheriff locked him up. Within a few minutes Professor Bettenridge and his wife were brought in, and although they indignantly demanded release, they too were placed in jail cells.

Mr. Johnson who had accompanied Major Bryan to the sheriff's office, seemed rather stunned by the events which had transpired. He shook Penny's hand and could not praise her enough for exposing the professor's trickery.

"What a fool I was," he acknowledged. "His smooth talk hypnotized me.

Why, I might have paid a large sum of money to him, if it hadn't been for you. Now I shall prosecute charges vigorously."

The wealthy man tried to press money upon both Penny and Salt, who smilingly refused to accept it. They a.s.sured him that knowing the professor's trick had failed was ample reward.

By the time Penny, her father and Salt finally reached the Parker home it was nearly midnight. Somewhat to their surprise, Mrs. Weems was still waiting up.

"I'm so glad you came!" she exclaimed, before they could explain what had happened. "Nearly an hour ago someone telephoned, asking for Penny. I think the message may be important."

"Who was it?" Penny asked.

"A man named Edward McClusky."

"The river diver!" Penny exclaimed. "What did he want, Mrs. Weems?"

"At first he wouldn't tell me, saying he had to talk to you personally.

However, I finally persuaded him to trust me with the message. He said: 'Tell Miss Parker that her friend Ben Bartell went aboard the _Snark_ last night and hasn't been seen since.'"


"Oh, why didn't Mr. McClusky call the police instead?" Penny cried anxiously. "Ben may be in serious trouble!" Turning to her father she added: "Dad, we must go there right away!"

"To the _Snark_?" Mr. Parker frowned and reached for the telephone. "The matter is one for the police, Penny. I'll call the night inspector."

Contacting the police station, the publisher explained why he believed it advisable to search the _Snark_. He was a.s.sured that a squad would be sent there at once to investigate.

"We've had other complaints about that vessel," the inspector said. "So far we've not been able to find anything out of the way."

Having notified the police, Mr. Parker felt that his duty was done, but not Penny.

"Dad, can't we go there too?" she pleaded. "Ben is in trouble and we may be able to help him."

"I don't see what we could do, Penny. Besides, you know how I feel about Ben."

"And you're dead wrong. You've done him a dreadful injustice. Tonight may prove it."

Mr. Parker wavered, then suddenly gave in. "All right, get your heavy coat," he instructed. "It will be cold along the waterfront."

Penny raced for the warm garment and joined her father and Salt as they were backing the press car out of the driveway.

"The _Snark_ is tied up at Pier 23," Penny directed. "Straight down this street and turn at Jackson."

The car reached the docks, parking alongside a dark warehouse. There was no sign of the police. A short distance away, the _Snark_ with only dim deck lights showing, and no one in view, tugged at her heavy ropes.

"We'll wait for the police," Mr. Parker decided.

Within five minutes, two cars glided noiselessly up to the pier and a dozen men in uniform leaped out. Captain Bricker, in charge of the squad, strode to the _Snark_ and called loudly: "Ahoy, there!"

No one answered.

"Ahoy, the _Snark_!" he shouted again.

Still receiving no answer, he ordered his men aboard. Single file, they crawled cautiously up a ladder to the dark deck.

"Anyone aboard?" the captain called once more.

Salt, Mr. Parker and Penny, eager for first hand information, followed the policemen up the ladder.