Show Love System - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Lou Yuan acknowledged s.h.i.+ Lingxi's skills and perseverance, so he made an exception and brought s.h.i.+ Lingxi with him. 

"Shh" Xiong Kun motioned, and the other members were alert.

s.h.i.+ Lingxi subconsciously took a step closer to Lou yuan. His hands were pressed against the dagger in his waist, ready to take it out anytime. The smell of rotting flesh which belonged to zombies reached his extra sensitive nose. 

Two minutes later a pale, gray-faced zombie appeared in their sight. Its clothes were torn and internal organs were almost falling out. Even then it possessed enough lethality to kill people. 

"You go, use the military knife to deal with it." Lou Yuan said to s.h.i.+ Lingxi. This is just an E level zombie. Theoretically, s.h.i.+ Lingxi, who has barely become a power is enough to deal with it. 

And this was one of the reasons why Lou Yuan was willing to take s.h.i.+ Lingxi with them. He consciously wanted s.h.i.+ Lingxi to exercise his physical strength and abilities. In this cruel apocalyptic era, it is more reliable for s.h.i.+ Lingxi to grow up and protect himself rather than relying on others.

"Well," s.h.i.+ Lingxi replied promptly, adding another percent to the progress of their conversation task. He pulled out his knife with satisfaction, took ten steps forward and came to a halt. His gaze locked on the zombie running towards him with an open mouth. 

Name: E3 level zombie

Is a crystal nucleus present? Yes

Rating: E (host survival rate is 90%)

The E level system allows s.h.i.+ Lingxi to be immune to the virus carried by E-level zombies. Even if he accidentally gets scratched, he won't turn into a zombie. 

But then his biggest secret would be revealed and he might end up living in a research laboratory for the rest of his life. s.h.i.+ Lingxi was already mistrustful of the system's rating standards. However, he believed in his own judgment that there will be no danger. 

20 meters, 19 meters…10 meters. He accurately kept measuring the distance between the zombie and him. 9 meters, 8 meters…1 meter! Now!!!

s.h.i.+ Lingxi crouched down and quickly slid behind the zombie. While holding the dagger with both hands, he jumped up and plunged the dagger fiercely into the back of the zombie's head – the only fatal point. 

This was the most effortless and fast hunting method s.h.i.+ Lingxi had come up with. During the doomsday, physical strength is the key to survival. As for the terrible zombies, s.h.i.+ Lingxi had filtered them out. 

He pulled out his dagger from the zombie. Instead of retreating, he squatted down and dug out the fingernail-sized crystal nucleus from the zombie's head. He wiped away the blood, walked back to Lou Yuan's side and held it up with both his hands. "This is for you."

s.h.i.+ Lingxi didn't want to miss any chance to talk to Lou Yuan. It doesn't matter if Lou Yuan accepts or rejects, what matters to s.h.i.+ Lingxi most, is that he can make further progress on his daily task. Also considering Lou yuan's level he probably wouldn't want a low-level nucleus. Even if this is the case, s.h.i.+ Lingxi will not act irresponsibly. After returning to the camp, he would take the initiative to hand it in. 

Lou Yuan's gaze fell from s.h.i.+ Lingxi's face to the crystal nucleus held in his palm. There was a faint smile in his eyes. His fingertips gently slid over s.h.i.+ Lingxi's hand and took the crystal core. From the beginning to the end, he didn't speak a word. s.h.i.+ Lingxi's eyes widened in surprise, then he became disappointed.

It was reasonable for LouYuan to take away the crystal nucleus but he didn't even speak a word. s.h.i.+ Lingxi felt that it was more difficult to deal with Lou Yuan than to kill zombies or treat people. Lou Yuan always did not follow the normal routine. 

Lang Mu came up to inspect the zombie corpse according to Lou Yuan's instructions. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for s.h.i.+ Lingxi. His boss looked serious and terrible, but in fact, Lou Yuan was a very stuffy old virgin.

Now, even s.h.i.+ Lingxi, who is sensible and well-behaved was not spared by his subordinates. 

“There is no problem with your timing, but your physical strength is too poor. If the zombie is not level one, it'd be difficult for you to solve it in one stroke.” Lang Mu evaluated s.h.i.+ Lingxi's performance. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi nodded his head, albeit a little depressed, he listened to the advice carefully. Lang Mu didn't expect s.h.i.+ Lingxi to overcome his faults immediately. After s.h.i.+ Lingxi's next fight, he would continue to give him pointers, thus honing s.h.i.+ Lingxi's battle skills. s.h.i.+ Lingxi can only improve through actual combat. 

"Let's eat something." Lou Yuan finally offered to speak, but it was said to the crowd. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi, who was part of the crowd, immediately turned back replied solemnly "ok".

He went back to retrieve his backpack from Lou Yuan and took out the biscuits and began to chew them. When he unconsciously stopped eating after three packs, Lou Yuan who was sitting nearby handed him a sausage. 

"Eat." Lou Yuan's words were still very simple. He knew about s.h.i.+ Lingxi's nutrition deficiency. Compressed biscuits will not be able to make up for the lack during the last three years. At night, when he goes back, he would let the kitchen prepare some alienated meat for s.h.i.+ Lingxi. 

"Um…Ah?" s.h.i.+ Lingxi didn't respond immediately. It took a couple of seconds for him to realize what Lou Yuan meant. His hands trembled slightly when he took the food from Lou yuan. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi knew how rare food was during the apocalypse. He also knew about his malnutrition. Sending out food during the apocalypse is no different from giving them a chance to survive. He took Lou Yuan's sausage, so he owed him a huge favor. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi tore the plastic wrap. Without hesitation, he still gave it to Lou yuan first, even if he felt that Lou Yuan didn't want him to do so. 

"You should eat first…"

This is one of the rules s.h.i.+ Lingxi has followed for the last three years of his life. The best food should be given to the most powerful person, only then should he consider himself. He still chose to do this but was more willing than ever before. 

Lang Mu raised his eyes once, then looked down and continued to eat. Others didn't have his insight. They looked directly to s.h.i.+ Lingxi's side and saw the tip of s.h.i.+ Lingxi's tail which was accidentally exposed. In the apocalypse, all sorts of strange abilities had emerged, so it wasn't too weird to have a tail. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi's eyes and actions were firm, but he was uneasy in his heart. He never thought though one day he would take the initiative to feed people and also would be afraid of doing so. 

"You are the best, so, you should eat the best…" he babbled, trying to explain with eyes filled with sincerity. It seemed like s.h.i.+ Lingxi wasn't trying to flatter Lou Yuan, but doing something as it should be. 

Lou Yuan continued to stare at s.h.i.+ Lingxi for few seconds, then nodded and lowering his head to take a bite off the sausage. After this, s.h.i.+ Lingxi was able to eat the rest with ease. The taste was more delicious compared to yesterday. He squinted his eyes in satisfaction while his tail kept swinging behind him in happiness. 

After replenis.h.i.+ng their strength, they went deeper into the barren forest. When the morning was about to pa.s.s, they encountered many mutant animals. s.h.i.+ Lingxi couldn't deal with them, so he stood by Lou Yuan's side with a gun in his hands. Lou Yuan didn't act either. Lang Mu and the rest began firing their guns. By the way, the bullets fired by Lang Mu were different from the rest. It had a silver color and was related to his special ability. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi looked around, his eyes were filled with not only b.l.o.o.d.y scenes but also clear data. 

Name: C-level mutant animal (Green bamboo leaf pit viper, highly toxic)

Chance of becoming beast king: None

Rating: CC (host survival rate 3%)

The survival rate referred to the situation when s.h.i.+ Lingxi dealt with it alone. It would be impossible for him to survive such a strong beast.

By ten minutes the entire herd was wiped out by their squad, leaving only the snakehead. s.h.i.+ Lingxi remained motionless. He should have gone to help them dig the crystal cores. But this was a snake which would continue to be dangerous for some time after it's death. It was not something he could handle. 

"Why not set fire to it? The nucleus won't be affected by the fire." s.h.i.+ Lingxi murmured. The fire ability users control is good, so they don't have to worry about burning down the forest. Moreover, Chen Yun from their team was a water ability. The ten-man squad is filled with metal, wood, water and fire powers. It could be said that this team is so powerful that even if half the powers in Beicheng united, they wouldn't necessarily able to deal with Lou Yuan's squad.  

Zhang Wen, the fire ability user, was stunned for a moment. Everyone else cast a scornful gaze at him. s.h.i.+ Lingxi completely hid behind Lou Yuan so that even his tail hair couldn't be seen. 

"Ah, to save power…" Zhang Wen coughed. He burned the rest of the corpses and the crystal nuclei were exposed on the ground. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi peeked from Lou Yuan's back and nodded in satisfaction. Zhang Wen had not thought about it because he had been busy collecting crystal nuclei. After this, Zhang Wen became more productive and used fire to burn the corpses while s.h.i.+ Lingxi picked up the crystal cores. s.h.i.+ Lingxi liked to pick them up and send them to Lou Yuan, initiating conversations. Lou Yuan didn't always reply to him, but he did so once in a while. 

After the sky began to dim, they returned to the camp. On the way, they encountered a mutant beast close to S-level which was directly shot dead by Lou Yuan before it could even launch an attack. 

It was the only beast king among all the animals s.h.i.+ Lingxi had met along the way. Initially, he was confused about the evaluation standard of the beast king. Later, after proper observation, he found out that the key lay in its wisdom. 

The beast king was solved by Lou Yuan himself. The many A level and B level mutant beasts were solved by the seamless cooperation of others in the team. Lou Yuan took s.h.i.+ Lingxi back some distance to wait and watch the fight. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi glanced at Lou yuan who was calm and indifferent. He raised his gun and shot down some low-level mutant beasts close to them. s.h.i.+ Lingxi's marksmans.h.i.+p was incomparable with the rest of the members, but he has made obvious progress with every shot. 

An hour later, most powerful herds were destroyed, the other low-level beasts were left to various teams. One more day and they would be able to completely wipe out the zombies and mutant beasts attracted by that unknown energy. 

After reaching the camp at 6 pm, s.h.i.+ Lingxi saw that he only needed one percent to complete the daily task. s.h.i.+ Lingxi felt awful as he watched Lou Yuan walking away from him like this…