Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 956 - How to Choose a Name

Chapter 956 - How to Choose a Name

Chapter 956: How to Choose a Name

However, the little guy didn’t appreciate it at all. It twisted its body and jumped into her pocket.

Soon, there was a faint clicking sound coming from where it had just disappeared. It was obvious that it had resumed licking the insignia.

Ling Chuxi and Huangfu Qingjue looked at each other in amus.e.m.e.nt. This little guy’s actions made him look like a hooligan molesting a beauty, hugging and kissing the insignia endlessly.

But Ling Chuxi wasn’t too bothered. As long as the little beast did not eat the insignia, she couldn’t care less.

“Okay, let’s go.” Huangfu Qingjue held Ling Chuxi’s hand tightly.

His strength had been greatly reduced after breaking the seal in a hurry just now. He could only bring Ling Chuxi to the dimensional crack first. After such a long period of time, his strength had gradually recovered. So now, he should be able to bring her back to the Sacred Realm of the Sects.

“By the way, we haven’t given it a name yet. Do you have any ideas?” asked Ling Chuxi suddenly.

“You can call it Little Gla.s.s.” Huangfu Qingjue’s eyes showed a hint of helplessness when he said the name as he thought of the “creative” names she had conjured in the past: Little White, Little Red. Anyway, Huangfu Qingjue didn’t dare to compliment Ling Chuxi’s naming skills. As long as it wasn’t named Little Gold. The potential for it to be named so gave him secondhand embarra.s.sment, so he tactfully suggested Little Gla.s.s.

“Isn’t that a little tacky?” said Ling Chuxi unhappily with a pout. And just when Huangfu Qingjue thought that Ling Chuxi was finally going to outdo herself and come up with a good name, Ling Chuxi said, “It’s so fat. Let’s call it Fatty or Little Fatty.”

Huangfu Qingjue looked down at Ling Chuxi’s slightly squirming pocket. The Gold Gla.s.s Beast was still holding the insignia and kissing it. Huangfu Qingjue felt a little sorry for the Gold Gla.s.s Beast. Then, a sense of sadness welled up. Sure enough, he shouldn’t have counted on Ling Chuxi’s creativity when it came to giving names.

“Why don’t you think about it? Little Fatty doesn’t sound like a great name.” Huangfu Qingjue reminded her tactfully. When the Gold Gla.s.s Beast grew up and matured one day, it would come to dislike its name.

“Why should I change it? Isn’t it good? It’s already good that I didn’t call it Fat or Fatty. It’s just so fat.” Ling Chuxi muttered unwillingly.

“Well, this little guy will grow up eventually. When it matures, if it doesn’t like this name and rebels by not helping you find good things, wouldn’t that be bad?” Huangfu Qingjue started to sweat nervously as he continued to persuade her. Fat or Fatty? It would be even weirder if the Gold Gla.s.s Beast didn’t throw a tantrum in rebellion against its name once it grew up.

“Let’s call it Meatball! Meatb.a.l.l.s are so delicious. If it dares to dislike me, I’ll s.n.a.t.c.h that insignia away and never allow it to kiss it ever again.” Ling Chuxi finally decided. Meatb.a.l.l.s were so delicious and could be eaten in many ways. How could it dislike this name?

Huangfu Qing fell silent. He had finally come to a revelation: Ling Chuxi’s ability to name was nonexistent. It was better not to expect her to give anything or anyone a good name.

Little Red poked his head out of Ling Chuxi’s other pocket and rolled its eyes at Ling Chuxi. Huangfu Qingjue’s earlier suggestion of Little Gla.s.s was actually not too bad. Why was his name, Little Red, so unsophisticated? Being called ‘Little Gla.s.s’ was obviously better than ‘Little Red’. However, when he heard Ling Chuxi’s name suggestions, Little Red no longer felt dissatisfied. Meatball, hah, now that’s an unsophisticated name. It was definitely suitable for that nouveau riche Gold Gla.s.s Beast. Indeed, in the eyes of the young master of the Monster Race, the Gold Gla.s.s Beast was a nouveau riche who loved money.