Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 4914: Chuxi flew over on her sword.

Chapter 4914: Chuxi flew over on her sword.

Chapter 4914: Chuxi flew over on her sword.

Translator: 549690339

Ling mo Feng laughed bitterly. He was someone who valued relations.h.i.+ps so much, if he said anything more, it would seem like he was in the wrong.

In any case, the relations.h.i.+p between these aristocratic families was complicated. Now that things had developed to this point, even if Zhou xueting and the others left, the aristocratic families that opposed them might not leave, so they could only let them be.

Old patriarch Ling, if you dont want to see these aristocratic families being implicated because of our grudges, why dont we end the battle quickly? perhaps we can reduce the losses. Shangguan Yunxiao said indifferently. He did not care about the lives of those people at all.

Alright, if you want to fight, then lets fight! Ling mo Feng knew that this battle was inevitable. To avoid unnecessary casualties, the only way was to end it quickly.

Ling mofengs hand was on the hilt of his sword, his white hair dancing in the wind, and a desolate and vast aura was released.

Ling mo Feng, youre indeed only a G.o.d-level. Seeing Ling Mo t s cultivation at the peak of the divine level, Shangguan zhenting was relieved, and he also showed his strength.

Behind him, uncle Qin, uncle Tong, the Ling clans experts, and the Shangguan Yuwen familys other experts also released their G.o.d-level pressure.

As the wind and clouds surged, the sky changed color. The experts of the other aristocratic families and suzerain were also ready. As long as one of them took the lead, the battle would start.

On the endless peak, there was no news of the power of the heavenly Dao of the innumerable calamity stairs. Dongfang Chenqing and Ling Fenghua stood against the wind and watched the dense crowd below.

Lady, Lady, what should we do? after this battle, the best outcome for the Ling family is that both sides will suffer. How can we survive in the heaven domain? The maidservant behind him was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

Dont worry. I dont think Chuxi will just stand by and watch things come to this. She should have already made a decision in her heart. Ling Fenghua waved his hand and said with confidence.

Fenghua, did you use another heaven-defying technique? Dongfang Chenqing frowned and asked Ling Fenghua worriedly.

No, I just have confidence in Chuxi. The last time I saw her, I realized that my daughter has already grown up, and is more mature than 1 thought. So, Im no longer as worried as before. I believe that she wont let the Ling family suffer a calamity. Ling Fenghua said with a smile. He looked into the distance and saw a huge flying spirit weapon piercing through the clouds and mist.

When they were a hundred miles away, Ling Chuxi had already used her divine sense to probe the situation in the arena. Seeing Chi hanbing, Zhou xueting, and the others, she roughly guessed what was going on. The battle between the three great aristocratic families had caused such a huge commotion, and she could not escape from it.

However, Ling Chuxi was not angry at them. With the status of the ethereal sect residence and the Zhou family, they actually went against the two big families, the Shangguan Yuwen family, all for her sake. She was extremely touched, so what was there to be angry about?

Stop! Seeing that Ling mofeng and the others were about to make a move, Ling Chuxi jumped out of the cloud piercing shuttle and directly rode her sword over, letting out a clear shout from afar.

Chuxi! Seeing Ling Chuxis young figure, Ling mofeng actually heaved a long sigh of relief.

Although todays matter had long been part of Ling Chuxis plan and she had also talked to him about it, the development of the matter was beyond his expectations. He was unable to dissuade Zhou xueting and the others. Only Ling Chuxi could do it.

Big sister. Zhou xueting and the others also shouted in joy. Seeing Ling Chuxis arrival, everyones hearts relaxed..