Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 4861: Demon sealing Emperor

Chapter 4861: Demon sealing Emperor

Chapter 4861 - 4861: Demon sealing Emperor

Translator: 549690339

From then on, the name of the G.o.d-Emperor demon-sealing formation was pa.s.sed down, and the G.o.d-Emperor!s name was also remembered for thousands of years. He was called the demon- sealing Emperor by us descendants of the G.o.d-Emperor. However, everyone only knew about the power of the celestial Emperors demon- sealing formation. They did not know that the demon sealing Imperial Emperors talent was not outstanding at first. One time, he went out on a journey and had a shocking encounter. When he returned, his strength soared and his name spread across the heaven region. He even easily won the position of the celestial Emperor.

He didnt tell anyone about this, and I only found out that the demon sealing Emperor had recorded this in a very obscure way when I was reading through the legacy left behind by our ancestors.

However, he accidentally entered a cultivation Mystic realm during his training. It was extremely dangerous, but he was lucky enough to survive the test and finally obtained a powerful cultivation. He had also memorized the general location of the secret realm, but he had warned that if someone was lucky enough to read his message, they should not go to the secret realm unless the divine sovereign clan was on the brink of death. Otherwise, not only would they die, but they might also bring disaster to the divine sovereign clan, the heaven domain, and even all the living beings in the secret realm.

The reason why Huangfu s.h.i.+yuans strength increased so much is also related to this cultivation secret realm.

Speaking up to this point, Huangfu Haoqings expression became unusually serious. He arranged his thoughts and did not wait for Ling Chuxi to speak before he continued,The cultivation secret realm is in the void. I was seriously injured the first time I went there. Fortunately, I was not weak at that time and escaped with difficulty. However, my injuries were too serious to return to the heaven domain, so I could only go to the Shen clans s.p.a.ce. After that, I was saved by Huangfu s.h.i.+yuans son and accepted him as my disciple out of consideration for him. As my injuries gradually recovered, I went to the cultivation Mystic realm for the second time, but 1 still returned empty-handed. When 1 returned to the G.o.ds races s.p.a.ce, I heard about Huangfu qingjue.n(0)vel(b)(j)(n)served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l-B1n.

I originally admired his apt.i.tude and only wanted him to temper himself more, so I didnt deliberately help him. I didnt expect that such a thing would happen. It was my good-for-nothing disciples fault. Even though qingjue was a bit brutal, if he didnt have a bit of courage, he could never be a descendant of an immortal Emperor. Therefore, I didnt blame him. Additionally, he sealed himself and exiled himself in the s.p.a.ce turbulence. No matter how big the enmity was, it was cleared. 1 didnt want to make him embarra.s.sed anymore.

Huangfu s.h.i.+yuan begged me to take revenge for his son, but I rejected him. I said that as an elder of an upper-cla.s.s family, I couldnt interfere with the matters of a branch family. If he wanted revenge, I could help him increase his strength, but he could only take revenge himself.

On the surface, Huangfu s.h.i.+yuan didnt say anything, but he still tried to please me and even begged me to bring him to the cultivation Mystic realm. How could I have known that this cruel and unscrupulous person had long harbored a grudge against me? in the cultivation Mystic realm, he actually took advantage of the fact that 1 was injured while trying to protect him and secretly attacked me from behind. After that, he took away the Supreme treasure left behind by the demon sealing Emperor. Huangfu Haoqing said while gritting his teeth.

Senior Huangfu, what exactly is this Supreme treasure youre talking about? Ling Chuxi could not help but ask.

Im actually not too sure what it is. Huangfu Haoqing thought for a moment and recalled,that secret realm was actually an ancient palace, but it floated in the endless void. The turbulent currents around it were like blades and dense nebulas, but they were unable to hurt it at all. The palace was filled with white bones, as if a great battle had taken place..