Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 4798: It caused public anger.

Chapter 4798: It caused public anger.

Chapter 4798 - 4798: It caused public anger.

Translator: 549690339

However, the compet.i.tion was not over yet, so what was the use of strangling them to death? Fortunately, he had seen the alchemy skills of these two little liars with his own eyes, and they were indeed extraordinary. He could only make a Hail Mary effort and let the two of them go up and try.

Can I not refine it? Li shaoqiu said with a bitter face. Seeing elder Liangs dark expression, as if he had just been fished out of ink, he felt a little guilty.

Its just refining a pill, whats the big deal. Shaoqiu, lets go up and try. Jiang wuheng said.

It had to be said that a big liar was indeed a big liar. His psychological quality was much stronger than that of the big popinjay lie This was no wonder. The big popinjay Lis main job in the past was to act as a proxy. This was the first time he was the protagonist.

As he said this, Jiang wuhen even secretly shot Ling Chuxi a look. Ling Chuxi nodded in understanding. Jiang wuhen did not want elder Liang to know that they knew each other. He was afraid that the old man would go berserk on the spot if he knew the truth. After all, they were only at the initial stage of the Emperor level while the old man was at the half-venerate level. If they were to suddenly attack, Ling Chuxi would not be able to save them.

Jiang wuhen pulled li shaoqiu onto the arena. Qiu zhenwen looked around guiltily, his eyes darting around, trying to find a chance to escape.

However, elder Liang learned from his mistakes. How could he give him the chance to do so? with a wave of his hand, a few disciples from the Dharma sect blocked his path. Qiu zhenwen looked at Ling Chuxi with resentment, then looked at Jiang wuhen and Li shaoqiu with eager eyes. After listening to the two of them, he could vaguely guess that they had some relations.h.i.+p with Ling Chuxi, but he did not dare to say it out loud. Didnt he see that elder Liangs anger was currently burning? if he really got angry, he would be the first one to suffer since he was standing the closest.

Jiang wuheng and Li shaoqiu went up to the stage and started to circle around the spiritual pill that Ling Chuxi had refined.

Below the stage, elder Liang and the disciples of the Dharma sect looked at the two of them with antic.i.p.ation. As long as the two of them could also refine the divine essence pill, they would still be able to win the compet.i.tion. Although they had lost a lot of treasures because of these two scammers, at least they would not lose all the way.

We admit defeat. We admit defeat. Li shaoqiu straightened his back after looking at it for a while and said in a straightforward manner.

What? admit defeat? you guys havent even refined it and youre already admitting defeat! Below the stage, the disciples of the Dharma sect roared in disappointment and anger.

Is there even a need to compete? Take a look, this is a top grade Emperor marrow pill, and its made from these spiritual herbs. We dont have the ability to do so, so whoever has the ability, come and try. Jiang wuheng was used to pretending to be a charlatan. He raised his head and rolled his eyes. Even if he admitted defeat, he would still look imposing.

Jiang wuhen, li shaoqiu, dont forget what you promised me! Elder Liangs dark face turned white with anger as he pointed at Jiang wuhen and his companion.

We only said that we would help you partic.i.p.ate in the alchemy compet.i.tion, we didnt say that you have to win. Now that youre inferior, cant you just admit defeat? Li shaoqiu said innocently, but he looked more like a Rascal.

Big Uncle, they clearly came to my origin G.o.d sect to swindle us. You cant let them off! Liang Weizu was still angry from being beaten up like a pigs head, and he pointed at the two of them as he spoke to elder Liang.

Lord Elder, theres no need to be polite with them. Cripple their cultivation, break their limbs, and throw them out of origin G.o.d sect. The group of Dharma sect disciples also roared with righteous indignation.

Jiang wuhen, how dare you lie to me, Liang Yida. I wont let go of the hatred in my heart if I dont burn your bones and scatter your ashes today. Elder Liang said through gritted teeth..