Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 2902

Chapter 2902

Chapter 2902

2902 The mastermind

It must be someone from the Xingfeng Chamber of Commerce. I didnt expect them to be so bold even though the myriad pill feast has already started. Arent they afraid of ruining their reputation in front of so many influential families and sect abodes? One of the guards said angrily. This was one of the old tricks of the Chamber of Commerce. In the past, they had used threats and promises to force many of their spirit alchemists away. They had thought that with the myriad pill feast, experts would gather in Xiuzhou city, and they would have to care about their face. They hadnt expected that they would dare to use such a despicable method.

Its not the people from the Xingfeng Chamber of Commerce. Their people dont have the strength to hurt me. Pill master mo shook his head. As a spiritual alchemist, it was difficult for his martial arts and spiritual spells to reach the top level. However, with the help of spiritual pills, his strength was generally not too low. He was confident about this.

Theyre not from ordinary families either. Ive seen their techniques. Theyre extremely profound. Ling Chuxi added.

When they heard this, everyone understood that the person who had made the move was most likely someone Jing Ziyu had brought. For a while, everyone fell silent.

The Jing clan wasnt like the Xingfeng Chamber of Commerce. They didnt have any concrete evidence, so they wouldnt be able to do anything to Jing Ziyu if they rashly went up to him. If they were to fall out with him and offend the entire Jing clan, it would only bring harm to the pillheart Pavilion.

Forget it, pill master mo, you should recuperate first. You dont have to worry about other matters. Ling Chuxi knew what they were worried about.

In terms of strength, the pillheart Pavilion was not qualified to compete with the Jing clan. They could not produce any evidence to reason with them, so what was there to reason about? If they angered the Jing family because of this and they were accused of provoking the ancient families, they wouldnt even be able to find anyone to plead for them.

The others were full of indignation, but they knew that there was nothing they could do about family Jing, so they could only bear with it.

Alchemist Ling, its getting late. Ive already prepared a guest room. Why dont you rest in the pillheart Pavilion tonight? After this incident, shopkeeper Qian knew that the Jing clan and the Xingfeng Chamber of Commerce had made up their minds to collude with each other. He was afraid that something would happen to the other alchemists, so he immediately ordered people to clean up the guest rooms in the courtyard behind the pillheart Pavilion.

Its fine, I still need to go see my friend, Ling Chuxi said.

I dont know how your friends injuries are. These days Ive been busy with the pavilions Affairs and didnt have the time to visit, I really feel bad. Shopkeeper Qian knew that she was talking about Ling Yichen and asked apologetically.

Thank you for your help, shopkeeper Qian. Im already feeling much better. Ling Chuxi said.

Does Alchemist Grandmaster Ling have a friend who is injured? Do you need our help? Yu qiubai said.

After these few days of interaction, Yu qiubai no longer looked down on Ling Chuxi like before, nor did he have any hostility towards her. Instead, he admired her a lot, so he said this sincerely.

Its great that pill master Yu is willing to help, Ling Chuxi also held Yu qiubais alchemy skills in high esteem now. She knew that this person had a lot of experience. It just so happened that she had not been able to find a way to cure Yi FAs injuries, so it would be good to invite Yu qiubai over to take a look.

After saying their goodbyes, the few of them went to Ling Yichens residence.

After examining Ling Yichen in detail, Ling Chuxi discovered that his injuries had not changed much. Although he was much better than before, his meridians and sea of Qi were still disappearing.

After so many days had pa.s.sed, she still had not figured out the spirit Recovery pills pill formula. There was also no other way to find out the source of Ling Yichens injury, let alone find a way to cure it. Ling Chuxi felt a little anxious in her heart, but it was not good to show it in front of Ling Yichen.