Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 2649

Chapter 2649

Chapter 2649

2649 Think of a way to earn some money.

Ling Chuxi did not know if she should be happy or disappointed. The members of the six paths were not as rich as she had imagined, which meant that the overall strength of the six paths was not as strong as she had imagined. This might not be a bad thing. However, since she was unable to find the Fortune she had been looking for in the old mans s.p.a.ce ring, she had no choice but to continue worrying about the little yellow chicks appet.i.te.

It seemed like he had to think of a way to get some money. Ling Chuxi had also gained some inspiration. Since the old man could ama.s.s tens of thousands of five-colored spirit stones with his weapon refining skills, why couldnt she? Her cold heart Spirit Fire had already been born, and it was already at the fifth level. She also had the spiritual herb garden in the Meru s.p.a.ce as a solid s.h.i.+eld, as well as the equipment refining sects technique and the heaven and earth technique. She had a huge advantage in both alchemy and equipment refining.

Thinking of this, Ling Chuxis mood relaxed again.

No matter how small a mosquito is, its still meat. You can use these five-colored spiritual stones first. When I left, senior Huangfu Yutian gave me a lot of spiritual stones. I dont need these. The spatial ring was already broken, so it was easy for Huangfu qingjue to check the things inside. He could tell that Ling Chuxi was disappointed.

Yes. If it was someone else, Ling Chuxi would still be polite. But towards Huangfu qingjue, she was not embarra.s.sed in the slightest and kept the five-colored spirit stone and the bottles of spiritual pills.

In any case, she had already thought it through. She would rely on her artifact refining and alchemy skills to make a fortune, so she wouldnt have to worry about money or cultivation resources in the future.

Martial uncle Ling, elder sister Chuxi. Just as the two of them were about to leave, they saw Zi Yin, Ye Xiaoqi, and the rest rus.h.i.+ng over.

After a simple rest, Zi Yin and the others appeared to be in high spirits. However, there was no smile on their faces. Instead, all of them appeared to be worried.

Why did you all come? Ling Chuxi saw that their expressions were not good and thought that something had happened again. She asked worriedly.

Martial uncle Ling, we heard from Yue Kai Li that your chicken is dead, dont be too sad. Ye Xiaoqi consoled Ling Chuxi in a very understanding manner.

Thats right, Senior Sister. The heavens are unpredictable, while the chicken has its ups and downs. You should take it easy. s.h.i.+ chenhua chimed in.

Ling Chuxi broke out in cold sweat again. Only now did she know that ye Xiaoqi and the others had come to comfort her after hearing the news of little yellow chicks death. However, what did he mean by a chickens fortune comes and goes? thinking about what Yue Kaili had said earlier about a dead chicken not being able to come back to life, young miss Lings forehead was filled with black lines. Im a spirit beast, a mystical spirit beast that can even take in the heavenly flame of Primal Chaos, not a chicken!

Master, is that little chick very important? Ill catch another one for you another day. Du Xiaofan had never seen little yellow chick before, so when he saw ye Xiaoqi and the rest comforting Ling Chuxi so nervously, he added on.

Chirping chirping Just as everyone was consoling Ling Chuxi, a few very dissatisfied cries came from above her head.

Little yellow plucked Ling Chuxis hair and appeared in front of everyone in a high and mighty manner.

Ah, sister Chuxi, your chicken is not dead! Zi Yins eyes widened in shock.

Thats great, martial uncle Ling. So your chicken didnt die. We were worried for nothing. Ye Xiaoqis pained expression immediately disappeared as she shouted.

A few black lines appeared on Ling Chuxis forehead.What are you saying? could it be that you cant wait for my chicken to die so that you wont worry for nothing? Oh, and this isnt a chicken, its a spiritual pet, a high-level spiritual pet! However, it was obvious that these guys had defined Goldie as a chicken.