Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 2437

Chapter 2437

Chapter 2437

2437 Overthinking

What surprised Ling Chuxi the most was that there were actually people selling Rouge and powder for men and womens clothing in the market. It seemed that no matter what plane it was, peoples love for beauty would not change in the slightest.

How much is this spirit pill? Ye Xiaoqi stood in front of a stall selling elixirs and asked as she picked up a bottle of elixirs.

When the cloud Ridge market was first formed, cultivators usually bartered with each other. However, as it developed to its current scale, bartering was no longer common. Most of the time, spirit stones were used as the currency.

Miss, you have a good eye. This is an upper-grade longevity pill. If an ordinary person takes it, it can strengthen their body and increase their lifespan by at least 50 years. If a cultivator takes it, it can also regulate their internal breath and unblock their meridians, making their cultivation twice as effective with half the effort. A young man with a pointed mouth and ape-like cheeks said from behind the stall.

His expression and tone were nothing like a cultivator s, but a merchant s. However, Ling Chuxi did not dare to underestimate him. This person was a late stage Sage level master. In the eyes of an ordinary person, he was definitely a master.

Im asking you how much it is? Ye Xiaoqi had been in the ethereal sect residence for so many years, so she was no stranger to ordinary elixirs.

How about this, since were both cultivators, Ill give you a five-colored spirit stone for each longevity pill. The young man said generously. In fact, which one of those who came to the cloud Ridge market was not a cultivator?

So expensive? Ye Xiaoqi said in surprise. Back in the ethereal sect residence, even those who advanced to the sage level would only get one or two monochrome spirit stones a month. She really didnt have many spirit stones.

You think thats expensive? go out and ask around. Only our cloud Ridge market has such a cheap price. If you go to a normal market in a town, youll be lucky if you can buy a longevity pill for Two Spirit stones. The young man said in disdain.

He wasnt lying. Alchemists were highly respected in the Qing-Yun realm, and they usually didnt bother to make low-level elixirs like the Yi Yuan dan. Therefore, it wasnt easy for ordinary people to buy elixirs that could prolong ones life, and the price was also high.

What are you buying longevity pills for? Zi Yin asked in confusion.

With ye Xiaoqis current strength as a Saint-tier master, such a low-grade spirit pill was of no use to her.

I want to take it to Feng Qiao town and give it to the people who raised me. If it werent for them, I would have starved to death. Ye Xiaoqi said.

How about this, its just a few longevity pills. How much do you want? Ill buy it for you. Zi Yin was touched by ye Xiaoqi and said generously.

s.h.i.+ chenhua was also touched, but not because of ye Xiaoqi, but because of Zi Yin.

He knew about the Zi familys situation. Although it was called an aristocratic family, it had been in decline for many years. If not for the five-colored spirit stones he had obtained from Ling Chuxi, she would not be much richer than ye Xiaoqi. However, at this moment, in order to fulfill ye Xiaoqis filial act, he did not hesitate at all.

Ever since his encounter with Ling Chuxi, Zi Yins image as the perfect dream lover in his heart had plummeted. She did not look like a lady at all when she used her hands and legs. Even evil master s.h.i.+ himself felt that he must have eaten too much lard in the past to have secretly fallen in love with her for more than ten years. He did not even have the slightest judgment.

However, at this moment, in an instant, the Zi Yin that had haunted his dreams thousands of times had returned. That graceful figure flashed with a sacred halo, full of magic, and made him unable to move his eyes away. He did not know that the following facts would prove that evil young master s.h.i.+ had overthought things