Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 2427

Chapter 2427

Chapter 2427

2427 I will definitely protect your innocence.

Its just touching your hands. Whats the big deal? only by suffering can you be above others. If you dont even understand this, do you still want to be a top master? Xie Feiying said in exasperation.

But Zhuo fanglins face was as long as a bitter gourd. Its just touching my hand, whats the big deal? you make it sound so easy. Thats a man, and whats more terrifying is that Im a man too. For the sake of strength, for the sake of becoming a top expert, it was not impossible to sell ones body. However, to sell ones body to a manNo, definitely not!

Ive decided. After we go to the spiritual herb illusory Valley, well go to the sword whisper Manor. Xie Feiying didnt even consider Zhuo fanglins inner feelings. She had made a unilateral decision and sold Zhuo fanglins body in advance.

No way, Senior Sister Zhuo fanglin was on the verge of tears as he collapsed onto the ground weakly.

Ill make the decision for you on this matter. It was just touching his hand, it was nothing to suffer a little loss. Ill protect you from the side, Ill definitely protect your innocence, dont worry! Jie Feiying grabbed Zhuo fanglin and left the ethereal sect residence.

Hey, white feather, youre going the wrong way. It should be the East. Ye Xiaoqi said to Bai Yu not long after they left the ethereal sect residence.

Am I wrong? Thats impossible, the map clearly indicated the West. White feather stopped, took out the map and looked at it again and again, then said with confusion.

Senior white feather, it does seem to be the East. Zi Yin also took out a map and said in a much more polite tone.

But why is the west side on my map? could it be that elder Chi took the wrong one? Looking at Zi Yins and ye Xiaoqis maps, then looking at his own, Bai Yu was even more confused.

Your map is reversed! Ye Xiaoqi took a look and said unhappily.

Ah? Its reversed, it really seems to be reversed. Why is my map reversed? White feather scratched his head and said in surprise, as if he had just discovered a new continent.

Its not the map thats turned upside down, youre the one whos holding it upside down. Are you illiterate? Ye Xiaoqi pointed at the small characters on the map and said with a headache.

Are there any words? why cant I recognize these words? Whats written on it? Bai Yu was even more surprised.

Nonsense, of course you cant recognize the words since youre holding it upside down, Ye Xiaoqi was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Oh, that makes sense, that makes sense. Thats right, its really a word. White feather turned the map around and said delightedly while patting his head.

How about I drive? Ye Xiaoqi was defeated by him and said weakly.

What? Im a dignified spirit beast. Do I need you to drive me? Do you think Im an ordinary horse? youre underestimating me. Sit tight, lets go. White feather put away the map and ran toward the east with a disdainful look.

Ye Xiaoqi and the others looked at the direction carefully. Fortunately, they were right this time.

Hey, white feather, youre running in the wrong direction again? Not long after, ye Xiaoqis cry of surprise rang out from the carriage.

Thats impossible. The map says East. Look at the sun. Isnt this the East? White feather stopped, looked at the map, then at the sun, and argued.

Please, its afternoon now and the sun is setting. Ive only started cultivating for a short while and youve run in the wrong direction again. Now Im in trouble, even I dont know where youve run to. Ye Xiaoqi clutched her head and said in pain.