Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 2425

Chapter 2425

Chapter 2425

2425 There was more than one expert protecting her.

Why? why did you kill me? Feng rutao asked in confusion as he looked at the sword wound on his chest.

He could be considered an expert who dominated a region. After so many years, he must have had many enemies. It was inevitable that some people would seek revenge. However, he had never seen this woman in front of him, let alone have any deep hatred. Feng rutao had never dreamed that he would die in the hands of an unknown woman.

Because youve provoked someone you shouldnt have. You shouldnt have attacked her. The woman said indifferently.

Plop! Feng rutao fell to the ground and died. When his last wisp of vitality disappeared, he finally understood. It turned out that the old man was not the only strong cultivator behind Ling Chuxi. Unfortunately, he realized it too late, and it was too late to regret.

I truly didnt think that even that old geezer from the Huangfu family would make a move. With this, my lady can rest a.s.sured. However, that old fellow was still so soft-hearted and left behind a cause for future trouble. The woman didnt even look at Feng rutao. She muttered to herself and left.

The night pa.s.sed peacefully. At daybreak, Ling Chuxi, Zi Yin, s.h.i.+ chenhua, and ye Xiaoqi packed their bags and bade Chi hanbing farewell as they prepared to leave the ethereal sect residence.

Zhuo fanglin, Jie Feiying, and the others didnt go with them. It was no wonder that Zhuo fanglin had suffered so much under her hands. His legs would go soft whenever he saw her, and he would want to hide as far away as possible. He definitely wouldnt go with them to the spiritual herb illusory Valley. As for Xiang Yun, he had suffered a crus.h.i.+ng defeat at the hands of Zhuo fanglin the last time, and was currently in closed-door cultivation. He would probably only come out when the illusion Valley was about to open.

The horse carriage was parked right beside the Hanqing pool, and the White Feather, which was as black as charcoal, was currently raising its hooves and shaking its head at the pool water. It was looking at the pair of extraordinary dragon horns on its head with a smug look.

Senior white feather, are you coming with us? Every time Ling Chuxi saw Bai Yus smug look, she wanted to laugh. This fellow really had a good sense of self-satisfaction.

Yes, the heaven domain is too big. Im afraid youll get lost, so Im taking you to the illusory Valley of spirit herbs. White feather grinned, showing a very human-like smile.

White feather, I dont think youve been out of the house more than a few times. Ye Xiaoqi uncourteously exposed Bai Yus Secret.

Who said so? who said Ive never been out? Ive been to many places with granny Ling when I was young. Ive visited all the famous mountains and rivers in the heaven domain. White feather said angrily.

Then, who was the one who led us to the green cloud Town the last time? Ye Xiaoqi asked with a smile.

That, that White feather was speechless. His big black horses face was red like burning charcoal.

Only then did Ling Chuxi know that the reason Chi hanbing and the others had arrived so late at the aristocratic family sects selection the last time was because Bai Yu had led them astray.

Alright, alright, stop quarreling. There are a few maps here, each of you can have one. Dont get lost again. Chi hanbing learned from his mistakes and didnt trust Bai Yu anymore. He prepared several maps and gave them to everyone.

Actually, one serving is enough. I wont get lost this time. Bai Yu said with confidence.

However, it was obvious that no one took his words seriously.

Chunxi, this is for you. Chi hanbing pa.s.sed another package to Ling Chuxi.

What is this? Ling Chuxi asked curiously. The things he gave her alone were definitely not ordinary.